Are you using browser mode? Help!

  • (Seven months later...)

    My previous set up (and current backup rig) was based around a TC Electronic G-System - I can use it with my Marshall, or with the MIDI-assigned rigs I previously set up in the KPA for Browse Mode. Those rigs primarily use the G-System effects, to be compatible with the Marshall.

    My live rig for the past seven months has been the Kemper Remote with the KPA in Performance Mode, and I'm using the Kemper FX in the Performance versions of those rigs. The Performances are organized the same way as the G-System/Browse Mode Mode versions ( example: with either set up, Bank 1, Slot 1 is the same kind of sound).

    Paul - if I understand your post correctly, I have to go inte each slot of every Performance to make the same change to every Rig?

    You can copy/paste Performance Slots - that makes setting up variations on the same sound much faster.

    BTW, my favorite way to populate a performance slot is:
    Go to a Performance Slot on the KPA.
    Doubleclick on any rig in Rig Manager
    The rig is temporarily loaded into the Slot so you can audition/edit/etc.
    If you want to keep it, Save the Performance.

  • Interesting! I would like to learn how you use Browse mode and the Remote with any efficiency. Stepping through hundreds of rigs with the Remote seems very time consuming and not at all beneficial to my work flow.


    Mats N

    The Remote can be used with any of the view and sort combinations.

    The "Favorites" view could be a short list, for example.

    Or, for the rigs you use all the time, you could modify the names to put them in a particular order.

    If you "Sort By Name", and add "01", "02", etc. to the beginning of the rig names in Rig Manager, that is a relatively quick way to use the Rigs of choice with the Remote.

    You could even use something like 11 - 15 for Bank one, 21-25 for Bank two, etc. That could make it easy to change the rigs within a bank of five rigs.

  • WITHOUT a Remote::

    With a vintage or simple MIDI controller, Performance Mode can be used to auto assign 128 rigs to 128 MIDI PC change numbers.
    The first Bank is MIDI PC 1 - 5
    The second bank is MIDI PC 6 - 10

    With a MIDI controller that supports Bank Change commands, you can go far beyond 128 PC change numbers, you can access all 125 Performance Banks, with five slots in each one, for 625 rigs.