Add a "No effect" button for removing effects from Stomps or Effects sections

  • When scrolling through the effects lists, would it be possible to have a "no effect" button assigned to one of the 4 top buttons just above the display so that we could quickly remove an effect completely from the Stops or Effects sections? This would make for quick removal of anything you don't want in there.

  • worries, it's a fair question.

    You can definitely do that, but when you re-enable the stomps, all of those effects still be assigned to those buttons and the lights above them stay lit. I dunno, maybe I am just extra picky, but I like my profiles being "clean" of any effects that I am not using. I guess it comes from the idea that the less pedals in the chain = cleaner sound and less chances of something going wrong.

    Again, this would be a handy feature for being able to quickly remove an effect from a button, but it's not an essential upgrade or anything.


  • I am not at the KPA at the moment. But I think you have to scroll "type" to the first position, then you have no effect assigned to the stomp. When you use "browse" you only get the stomp presets and there is no empty preset.
    I hope you understand what I mean as my english is not the best..

  • ...and of course you know that adding switched-off fx doesn't change the sound a single bit, don't you?  ^^

    Yes, I am aware, but again that's not the main purpose of this request - this is more of a quick change to no effects for a given button. This is simply to make editing a little bit faster, that's all. If it can't be done, then so be it - Like I said, it's not a crucial update or anything.

  • I get this request.

    Call it OCD, but if I've been trying things out with a rig and decide I don't need any effect in a certain slot, I want that slot to be empty -- not just off with some random effect still selected.

    I dunno, maybe I am just extra picky, but I like my profiles being "clean" of any effects that I am not using. I guess it comes from the idea that the less pedals in the chain = cleaner sound and less chances of something going wrong.

    Totally agree. I know the "less pedals in the chain = cleaner sound" idea was meant as a kind of atavistic psychological explanation for wanting rigs to be "clean", but "less chances of something going wrong" is still totally valid with the Kemper -- you don't want to accidentally turn on an effect that you decided didn't work.

    Slots where an effect is selected but off are slots that I mean to activate while using the rig, like a boost. So if I leave an effect there that I don't actually want, I'll just confuse myself the next time I load up the rig.

    Ok, scrolling all the way back to the empty spot at the top of the effects list is not a huge effort, I know. :D But when you're coming all the way from the harmonizer neighborhood it does take a couple of turns of the knob. So if one of the soft buttons could be used to do this quickly, I'd be all for it.

  • I get this request.

    Call it OCD, but if I've been trying things out with a rig and decide I don't need any effect in a certain slot, I want that slot to be empty -- not just off with some random effect still selected.

    Totally agree. I know the "less pedals in the chain = cleaner sound" idea was meant as a kind of atavistic psychological explanation for wanting rigs to be "clean", but "less chances of something going wrong" is still totally valid with the Kemper -- you don't want to accidentally turn on an effect that you decided didn't work.

    Slots where an effect is selected but off are slots that I mean to activate while using the rig, like a boost. So if I leave an effect there that I don't actually want, I'll just confuse myself the next time I load up the rig.

    Ok, scrolling all the way back to the empty spot at the top of the effects list is not a huge effort, I know. :D But when you're coming all the way from the harmonizer neighborhood it does take a couple of turns of the knob. So if one of the soft buttons could be used to do this quickly, I'd be all for it.

    YES! This is what I am talking about!

    It would be a very quick way to instantly select "no effect" instead of scrolling through the menus. Does scrolling take forever? Of course not, but why not hit a button to instantly remove a given effect if it were possible? Besides, I've often found that scrolling through the distortion sections causes a significant volume boost. While it's up to the user to turn down their speakers, amp etc, it's very easy to forget this when "in the heat of battle" so to speak (Trust me - I've seen speaker damage take place first hand when someone stepped on a pedal, etc.that should have been removed from a signal chain). So I would consider this to sort of help with the "equipment safety factor" as well.