How well do Pedals work with the kemper? are they needed?

  • Hi All

    I have a nice set of pedals from days of yore (i still have my 65 amps london pro and a modified Blackstar). I have never used any with the Kemper. However i was thinking of putting my WAH and tuner in front which makes sense i think.

    however i have a bunch of strymon and others and is it worth using them as well or does it mess up the sound ?


  • cool, yeah i was nt sure since it was the kemper and profiles etc if it somehow wouldnt work as well, of course i could have tried :) but i thought i would ask user experience here

    alot of my fav profiles, from like the amp factory already have effects on so i dont want to overdue it to much

    but i will check it out


  • pedals are needed IMO because the effects are not as good as most pedals and most of the overdrive pedals have too much gain even with the gain turned all the way off. You can circumvent this somewhat but putting a pure gain pedal in front of the kemper overdrive pedal and setting it for negative gain but it doesn't always react the same.

    IMO, fuzz, overdrive, delay and reverb are weak spots on the kemper. I use a zendrive, fuzzface and occasionally external delay and reverb though I've found some acceptable settings for reverb and delay on the kemper.

  • I know and work with hundreds of guitarists and guess what, they all use different delay/overdrive/reverb/modulation pedals (although for live playing no reverb pedal is needed).

    What does this tell us, the Kemper is just one set of pedals, if every guitarist has a different opinion and taste when it comes to overdrive, modulation, delay pedals, etc, then it's 100% impossible for the Kemper to satisfy everyone's tastes.

    Find me two guitarists with identical pedalboards on the internet, I don't think it's possible.

  • I know and work with hundreds of guitarists and guess what, they all use different delay/overdrive/reverb/modulation pedals (although for live playing no reverb pedal is needed).

    What does this tell us, the Kemper is just one set of pedals, if every guitarist has a different opinion and taste when it comes to overdrive, modulation, delay pedals, etc, then it's 100% impossible for the Kemper to satisfy everyone's tastes.

    Find me two guitarists with identical pedalboards on the internet, I don't think it's possible.

    I bet you can find at least 2 people rocking the TU-2/3, Ibanez TS-9 and Dunlop standard Crybaby Wah. But I'm well aware that wasn't what you meant.

    I like most of the effects, really. I don't ever use the drive pedals and the modulations and delays are great if you fool around with them a little.

  • I'm curious about this too. Wonder if by using pedals would introduce any hard to control noise or hiss?
    If I were to put a pedal in front via instrument input, would I still be able to use the noise gate?
    I used to have an Axe FX XL and it was terrible at taking pedals, front and fx loop!

  • I just received my Pro Tone Deadhorse Deluxe OD. I run it on the front of a Randall satan Ola Englund Signature Head into a 4x12 cab. Super awesome. I am waiting for my Camplifier 290 to get here and would like to put the Deadhorse on old Kemperly. Had anyone ran this pedal into the Kemper before? Thank you for your time.

  • I'm lusting after the JHS Double Barrel.
    Anyone have one?
    I think I have to get one!

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    Edited once, last by ECma7 (April 5, 2015 at 12:09 AM).