User reviews of the Kemper Remote

  • Hi. i guess the Remotes have bin in use for some times now, so pleace give some user reviews from it. I am kind of sitting on the fence, and not sure if the Remote realy does things much better than the FCB1010. (I dont use looper)
    Pleace try to be objective.. Kemper is not God, and i am not sure i like products that only can be used with one brand..

    -how do you use it
    -what is good what is not so good
    -what does it do better than the FCB1010 (exept looper)
    -how does it work live ( the most important thing to me)

  • I like it and I think it fits nicely between low-cost solutions (FCB1010) and top-end solutions (Liquid Foot+).
    If you plan to control not only the Profiler but also other external gear, then you might be disappointed. It's a great unit combined with the Profiler. But there's no deep editing for complex MIDI setups.
    Build quality is great and it has a comfortably small footprint. There are a few things I would like to see changed (or made configurable). Pretty sure some of it will get solved over time. We're currently looking at the first official firmware for this unit. So there will be improvements for sure. Information shown on the display is ok, in PERFORM mode you have the choice of 2 different display layouts. Do not expect spectacular rocket science. It's a foot controller for the Profiler, not a network home automation system. :D

    Price might seem a bit high but if we're honest ... we simply cant expect good quality and support for half of the price. ;)
    If you like plug'n'play and if you're not into complex MIDI setups with racks full of MIDI controlled gear, then you will be happy.
    In my opinion a MUCH better value for money than the power amp option of the Profiler (which is the same price range).

  • I've just had a few hours using mine. Compared to the FCB (which I have also) the first thing that hits me is that rig switching is noticeably faster to my ears. Second thing is using an outboard vol pedal (a Yamaha FC7) feels much smoother and more consistent.

    You're damned if you do and damned if you don't

  • I think everyone's too busy playing :D
    I got mine today, but had a date out in the studio, so didn't have time to update FW and check it out (although I spent half an hour trying to figure out how to organise my board...). Won't have chance now until the weekend, which is pretty annoying...


  • The features it offers are great and having external expression pedals I really notice how bad the FCB ones are. The wah in the kemper sounds a lot smoother even the bass player in my band noticed it sounded better (and bass players don't know much lol ;) ) I'm sure the KPA team have more in store for us and what the remote can do and I'm looking forward to it :)

  • I was figuring this place would be jumping with reviews and videos seeing as how excited everybody was before they got them.
    Instead it has been pretty quiet and uninspiring so far.

    Looking at the active forum user numbers we all have available on the front forum page, it shows that less than 1% of kemper users are active on the forum. Most users of any gear don't read or post on forums.
    I think Raol23 is a betatester and doing what betatesters do for most products, not reviewing anything until a product is released.
    Here is a forum thread with user photos of the remote…e-will-be-used/?

  • I am not saying you have not had an 'earlier" bird remote. I am just saying that now knowing that and looking back a couple months of your posts, the things you posted dont jive or maybe should not have been said from someone who was in the know. If you know what I mean.

    I will just leave this here and let others see what they will. :)

  • I am not saying you have not had an 'earlier" bird remote. I am just saying that now knowing that and looking back a couple months of your posts, the things you posted dont jive or maybe should not have been said from someone who was in the know. If you know what I mean.

    I will just leave this here and let others see what they will. :)

    This isn't the x-files Inthrutheout :)

    I suspect Raoul would have signed an NDA during early testing. I got mine on Monday, but haven't had much time to play with it yet, having a young baby means my time of an evening is very limited. I'll be doning a verybrief video at the weekend for someone on another forum to show the switching times, if that helps any :).

    The little I have played with it so far, I'm very happy. Solid unit, great display and dead simple to use.

  • I think my post is being misunderstood. I am not saying anything against him having a Profiler before anybody.
    I also am not saying he should have left a review any earlier than he did.

    What I am saying that since he had one all this time, some of his posts through these couple months just don't fit. You would have to look back yourselves and remember as he posts he has a Remote.

    Also, if a manufacturer gives you something...........well.
    It is no secret he is super pro Kemper . I don't have a problem with this personally
    but I do know I will take anything said with a grain of salt.

    Your results may very.
    Maybe he should have just kept it to himself that he was an earlier birder.

  • I could give an insight about the looper but personally I've never used a looper before and really care for one. I can see it being really handy for trying profiles, tweaking sounds at gigs etc, but for me that's all I would use it for. Some folks in here have said that they have loopers and are quite experienced in this field. So instead of me saying yep the looper is good, the guys who know what makes a good looper are IMO better to review it :)

  • I don't think there's a lot to "review" about the looper. It works, it's a simple looper, nothing very special about it. It's nice to have "Pre" and "Post" options in the SYSTEM menu and of course it's nice that you don't need to spend a slot for an effects loop. Everything else that needs to be said about it can be found in the Kemper Profiler Reference Manual 3.0 :)

  • I think my post is being misunderstood. I am not saying anything against him having a Profiler before anybody.
    I also am not saying he should have left a review any earlier than he did.

    What I am saying that since he had one all this time, some of his posts through these couple months just don't fit. You would have to look back yourselves and remember as he posts he has a Remote.

    Also, if a manufacturer gives you something...........well.
    It is no secret he is super pro Kemper . I don't have a problem with this personally
    but I do know I will take anything said with a grain of salt.

    Your results may very.
    Maybe he should have just kept it to himself that he was an earlier birder.

    Unfortunately/fortunately that's just how it is if you are a beta tester, be it hardware or software. I'm sure the NDA would have made it perfectly clear that if he even hinted at being a beta tester for the remote, he would have lost his privileges and could have even been liable for legal action. Sounds extreme but it can be amazing what companies put in their NDA's, I know I used to work for Apple and at times it seemed more extreme that when I worked for the government under the Official Secrets Act. ;)