Problem Rigmanger 1.31 Windows 8

  • May anyone has a solution for me. I just installed the latest version of the Rig-Manager ... klick on the icon ... nothing happens ... I can not open the manager-software anymore... anbody an idea?

    Thx Matthias

  • I'm having the same issues, except with Windows 7. I've tried rebooting several times, removing the program through the program itself and from the control panel (including several prior versions), and removing .RigExchange.db from the program file. Nothing has worked thus far. Thanks.

  • Same problem as MaidenDetriot, Windows 7 64 bit, rebooted a number of times, uninstalled/reinstalled, nothing appears to improve situation, all help appreciated.


  • win 8.,1 here; I've had issues with the latest release as well, namely RM freezes when syncing if I click on a rig other than the rig I just edited before the (*slow) sync is complete plus also and a slow boot time for RM. However, more or less, things are better after a few reinstalls. Make sure to check control panel and make sure no previous versions exist. If that doesn't work navigate to that folder and delete everything (back up first, you can restore later) and install. Hope that helps.

  • Does it start up if Kemper is disconnected to the computer? You have to fix this, I can't imagine life without RM; what a pain.

    Also, I would suggest regressing to the last firmware and installing the old rig manager if you can't get 3.0 to work with it.

  • Oozish, When the Kemper is disconnected from the computer and I run RM it does exactly the same, computer thinks about it and then nothing.. might have to downgrade to the earlier firmware and RM, not sure what else I can do :(

    big HF, thanks for chipping in but no AV active.

    Tiggi, did you manage to get a work around?


  • Solved the Problem

    1. Delete all db Files from RM (use the exploter search function)
    2. Uninstall the rig Manager
    3. Reboot the PC
    4. Install RM
    5. Ready

    The problems seems to be in the RigExchange.db - I deleted all files ... and I mean all except the one who was in use by RM ... this one was deleted within the uninstall process.

    Hope this will help :)

  • Thanks Tiggi! Followed your instructions and it finally worked for me. I think the you are right. The key is to search and delete all the RigExchange.db files, not just the one in the main program folder.

  • No luck for me in getting Rig Manager to work as of today. Win 7 64 bit

    My system was not shut down in the past 2 days with RE running.

    Installed latest version after deleting as suggested... No change.

    I'm open to new suggestions. Never had any concerns until today.

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (March 7, 2015 at 12:07 AM).

  • While Im at it........... I have spoken about this to the powers before but haven't resolved it. When ( and it does happen regardless of whether I drag and drop profiles into Rig Manager or load them via USB into the Kemper ) I switch on and open the Rig Manager and get the splab that some rigs are corrupted, I do what is said and hold the Rig button and Browse button when switching on.
    Problem which is freaking me out is that my "locked " Stomps and "locked" effects are gone and unless I have saved them as a whole under some name or other I have to redo them. Is this correct? thank you.

  • While Im at it........... I have spoken about this to the powers before but haven't resolved it. When ( and it does happen regardless of whether I drag and drop profiles into Rig Manager or load them via USB into the Kemper ) I switch on and open the Rig Manager and get the splab that some rigs are corrupted, I do what is said and hold the Rig button and Browse button when switching on.
    Problem which is freaking me out is that my "locked " Stomps and "locked" effects are gone and unless I have saved them as a whole under some name or other I have to redo them. Is this correct? thank you.

    That would suggest maybe it's one or more of the stomps and effects that are corrupt?


  • Hi. I have cured the missing stomp and effects bit but still have the question about regularly having to reboot when the message "something went wrong" appears and asks to repair some damaged rigs.
    I havent done anything sinister but it still appears now an again when I switch on. Is there an answer to this or am I in the desert? Thanks

  • Hi. I have cured the missing stomp and effects bit but still have the question about regularly having to reboot when the message "something went wrong" appears and asks to repair some damaged rigs.
    I havent done anything sinister but it still appears now an again when I switch on. Is there an answer to this or am I in the desert? Thanks

    Have you tried rebooting and holding down rig button? That should rebuild the rigs database.
