Trying to make a direct profile

  • If the line out from the loadbox is going to the KPA return then why does the signal also need to carry on and be fed to the guitar speaker cabinet (as any mic in-front of the cab won't be plugged into the Profiler anyway as the previous mentioned cable will be taking up that socket...and thus, won't be able to provide the Profiler with the pre/post cabinet picture for it to subtract the cabinet from the Profile 'chain/image')

    The cabinet needs to be connected to the poweramp to let the Profiler capture the poweramp/cabinet interaction.
    Also as repeatedly stated a loadbox is not recommended, since it will interfere with said interaction, thereby making the direct amp profile inaccurate.

    Secondly, I'm seeing mention of Direct Profiles and Direct Amp Profiles above... Is it safe/does it work to profile the pre-amp in the way described (FX send & return going to/from Kemper)? im guessing you just need to have a load connected still obviously, but does this profile the pre-amp accurately?

    yes, that's why it's described on the manual. ;)

  • The cabinet needs to be connected to the poweramp to let the Profiler capture the poweramp/cabinet interaction.
    Also as repeatedly stated a loadbox is not recommended, since it will interfere with said interaction, thereby making the direct amp profile inaccurate.

    yes, that's why it's described on the manual. ;)

    Thanks for responding... Though you slightly missed a substantial point of my first question (how can the Profiler also "capture the PowerAmp/cabinet interaction" when the Return Input of the Profiler is already, physically, in use?)

    The loadbox will interfere with the interaction, yes, anything in-between amp and speaker will at the end of the day; even the brand of speaker cable you use... However, people have said using an un-filtered, line-level output from a loadbox should provide decent results.

    (FLOOR) Kemper Remote w/ Mission exp + EB VP
    (RACK) Kemper PowerRack

  • I don't quite understand,
    the power amp is influenced just by being connected to a cabinet - the profiler gets it's signal from the speaker out, so the cabinet's influence is part of the Direct Amp Profile.
    Next, this profile is merged with a Studio Profile.

    About a loadbox, it's not recommended at all to put it lightly. The Profiler gives you the ability to get accurate direct amp sounds with it's breaktrough technology, why risk the accuracy of all that?

  • Will adding an load box AFTER the speaker out of the DI box(between the DI box and the speaker cab) influence the sound of the Direct Profile?
    My speaker can has vintage speakers which I do not want damaged from profiling with the amp turned up loud.

    The Kemper Profiling Amp is the best musical invention since the Electric Guitar and the Marshall Amp .

  • Any updates? I think studio profiles are actually the way to go, merged / DI profiles still have some points to discuss about. As many users i keep getting strange results with merged profiles and comparing them to the studio one with the exact same settings and setup.

  • Hi, i'm using a behringer ultra g, also borrowed and tried others from friends but seems that something strange happens, other users get the same. P.S. : Do you know if the radial di pro is capable of handling speaker signals?