multiple assignment of one effect in one rig

  • Yes, you are Right.

    It would be great to multi assign the Effekts.
    so you would have the opertunity to assign for Exemple Delay on One Button and Delay, booster and reverb on a Second Button

    At the Moment when you assign an Effekt to one Button it will be deleted on the previous Button

    Maybe in the futur updaten

  • using the same effect in more than one Effekt-Block in one rig is not possible !

    Am I right ?

    If I indetstand right you could do this. Chorus in stomp A and assign that to I on the remote, then put chorus again in stomp B and assign that to I in the remote. Set it so stomp A is on and B is off then when you press I on the remote they will swap round so A is off and B is on. Is that what you mean

  • For chorus you are Right, that is possible to put One chorus in A and assign to Button I and put another chorus in B and assign to Button II.
    But Delay you only have once. You can not put a Delay in Stomp A or B. So you can use it only on One button

  • <p>&nbsp;</p>



    For chorus you are Right, that is possible to put One chorus in A and assign to Button I and put another chorus in B and assign to Button II.&nbsp;<br />
    But Delay you only have once. You can not put a Delay in Stomp A or B. So you can use it only on One button

    you can only have one delay per rig anyway just like it's been before the remote was released&nbsp;</p>



  • Agreed :)

    I'm hoping that in a future revision, NRPN numbers can be used to access various stomps and effects and recall them to a slot when programmed through the Remote. That would make the Remote like an awesome pedalboard.

    I'm not particularly familiar on the workflow with the Remote as yet, not having one. For example, I would like to be able to assign a pair of slots A and B on the Kemper for a couple of effects with Stomp I on the Remote and slots C and D on Stomp II. If I step on I, it would call up A and B and if I step on II, I would like it to disable whatever is in slots A and B simultaneously. Can I do this? Or would I have to stomp on I again to disable A&B?

    Also, if you can assign up to four effects to buttons I through IV, isn't it a bit of an overkill if you can't assign a slot to a stomp more than once?

  • I'm not particularly familiar on the workflow with the Remote as yet, not having one. For example, I would like to be able to assign a pair of slots A and B on the Kemper for a couple of effects with Stomp I on the Remote and slots C and D on Stomp II. If I step on I, it would call up A and B and if I step on II, I would like it to disable whatever is in slots A and B simultaneously. Can I do this? Or would I have to stomp on I again to disable A&B?

    Yes you will be forced to do so. And that's even logical. F.e. if you have a chorus on Section I and a few seconds later want to add delay stored in Section II, you only have to push the Section-II-switch additionally. To switch Chorus off, needs to push Section-I-switch again.

    The only alternative to this could be, to store the same rig twice, one with chorus and one with delay. When you now switch between these rigs (or performance-slots) the chorus or the delay is automatically shut off.

  • Yes you will be forced to do so. And that's even logical. F.e. if you have a chorus on Section I and a few seconds later want to add delay stored in Section II, you only have to push the Section-II-switch additionally. To switch Chorus off, needs to push Section-I-switch.

    An alternative could be, to store the same rig with only delay. When you now switch to this rig (or performance-slot) the chorus automatically is shut off.

    That's interesting, thank you.

    On my current board, I programme a little differently. When I assign more than one effect to a button, I have to press it once to activate, but if I step on another button, I have it programmed so that all the earlier effects are deactivated by sending a CC message on the correct channel to the stomp. Step on the same button twice and it toggles the state of all the effects that were on.

    Just seems like better workflow to me, but then again, I totally understand the benefits of a patch-based approach, even though I think the Kemper Amplifier would be better served by an approach that sees the Remote as a pedalboard and allows the swapping in and out of effects irrespective of the existing slot limitations.

    This way just seems more confusing.

  • Agreed.
    A necessary feature for further releases would be the ability to use the same effect more than once in the four sections. It then would be possible to switch effects off by changing the sections (though it depends on the sequence of switching ;( ). It is not that easy.

    BTW: Maybe in the future there will be completely different and isolated OS-Versions (KPA in studio applications vs. KPA in live situations). The gigging musician has different demands than the studio-guitarist.

    Maybe you could change to a Midi-controlled setup (with your external stomps). The new OS3.0 allows sending Midi-information on two channels, when changing Effect-sections. (For me this seems too complicated).
    But be sure, besides all this, you will be happy with the remote, it's really nice <3

  • What you are asking for, interferes with the present concept.
    The present concept allows for assigning multiple effects to a single button and toggle them from where they are. One effect could be on, the other off. Pressing the effect button will then swap the effects.
    Your concept is about an effect scene. A certain state of effects is realized with the strike of a button. A different scene would be assigned to a second button.

    If we realized both at the same time, a first button would alter a dedicated "toggle scene" of a second button.

    I hope I could describe the problem in short words. Please consider it.
    If you like, I give you an example.

  • As I understand the problem, it would be necessary to send automatically a command "all effects off" and then "programmed effects on" when pushing a button. Then it would be easy to allow the assignement of one effect-slot to several buttons under one rig/performance-slot.

    Maybe an example could clarify.

  • As I understand the problem, it would be necessary to send automatically a command "all effects off" and then "programmed effects on" when pushing a button. Then it would be easy to allow the assignement of one effect-slot to several buttons under one rig/performance-slot.

    Maybe an example could clarify.

    I think what CK is describing is two fundamentally different ways of approaching the way effects are used as a whole. A lot of people are used to the concept of effects 'scenes' as he states. Something like a POD or Boss GT series multi-effects would allow multiple effects (no matter if they were previously assigned to another button or not) to be turned on or off by pressing one switch or another eg: Button 1 has a tubescreamer, a boost and a delay assigned to it for a lead tone, button 2 has just a delay assigned to it. When you press button 1, you have a boost, tubescreamer and delay turn on all at once, then when you press button 2, which has only a delay on it (maybe even a different type), it turns off the boost and tubescreamer, but leaves the delay (or changes it to the other type). That requires button 2 being able to alter button 1's status whenever you press it, which is contrary to the way the profiler operates fundamentally.

    The way the Kemper is set up now, you can assign multiple effects to each footswitch and turn them off/on or toggle one off and another one on by pressing one switch, however, you can't have an effect assigned to more than one button at a time (if I understand correctly). This (as CK stated in his post) is a fundamentally different concept that they have applied to the remote (actually the profiler as a whole). The way to change all those effects states, types, etc. on the profiler is to load a different rig with all different effects already on. You probably already know this, but I just thought I would expound on the concept, hopefully I am explaining it correctly and clearly as well.

  • For those guitarists who had been used to a looper-system (the stomp-boxes are organized in loops, controlled by a programmable loop-switching-system), there maybe had been expectations that the effect-buttons could be organized in the same way, i.e. storing effect-scenes.
    The current concept of the profiler doesn't fit to this concept, but maybe could be changed to this, simply by sending automatically two commands when pushing an effect-button (1.command: all stomps/effects off, 2. command: switch on the programmed effect-scene).
    To switch all effect-scenes off, just press the rig/performance-slot button again.
    Taking into consideration, to realize this in an alternative remote-application-software, this would be a huge improvement of the KPA's versatility.
    For me, as a mostly live-gigging user, it would be worth even to pay for this alternative software (though I wouldn't like to take development-costs)

    Edited once, last by Hurricane (March 3, 2015 at 8:57 AM).