Remote order status

  • Well the bottom line is i'm a professional as in I Only do music and production based endeavors for a living. We need to be able to have access to the gear we need and or easy replacement if necessary. I'm starting to doubt that those requirements will be present if needed. ..As far as the responses from Kemper I'll just say Based on years of playing in Europe and dealing with the German culture, it is in fact a cultural difference. It's fine. I'm sure they are aware of the issues and are attempting to work them out. If I stay with Kemper, I'm sure I'll be able to buy a remote next year......

    Edited once, last by Sventvkg (June 23, 2015 at 10:30 PM).

  • Quote

    As far as the responses from Kemper I'll just say Based on years of playing in Europe and dealing with the German culture, it is in fact a cultural difference. It's fine.

    Yes. I'm always hesitant to cite "cultural differences", as generalizations can veer perilously toward something like racism, or otherwise expose my own ignorance, but I hear you. I have family in Germany and have spent a bit of time there, so I'm familiar with the cultural differences - partly (though not entirely) a consequence of a language barrier. But there are other sweeping generalizations about Germany: e.g. the streets are clean, the trains always run on time, etc. In other words, if you want to be efficient and uncompromising in your words, you should also be efficient and uncompromising in your actions; that's the bargain. One without the other is a worst-of-both-worlds proposition which, in this case, places the burden squarely on the customer.

    Luckily for everyone I am not a professional, just a cranky old hobbyist - and increasingly one who questions whether it's really so important I have the greatest sounding amp in the world. Perhaps not worth my frustration, nor Kemper's.

  • I've been waiting about two months and I've been noticing lately that the only thing I really need to solve the problems I've been having is the remote. Having the tuner, pedals, and tap buttons directly in front of me is something I need. Plus I need the two expression inputs; one for wah and one for delay vol ( if they ever get that set up)
    Cant wait!

    Edited once, last by guitaromania (June 24, 2015 at 6:32 PM).

  • Mine landed yesterday. Plug and play, no issues. It's little scary cause it takes it awhile to come to life, then it updates, then all the lights swell and there it is. When I plugged my Mission pedals into it, it even knew which was volume and which was wah/whammy. I ran a cable to the back of the KPA and now the Mission EP1-KP is also my boost(slot X) on/off. It'll be nice to have a shorter cable to the Remote if they upgrade to that, but I already run cables from the floor to the KPA so 1 more ain't horrible.

    Learn to Swim

  • Here's a little Date + days calculator for your 105days estimate

    Puts my April 22nd order out to August 5th... :S A little over a month left in theory.

    105 days huh...that has me at aug 29th.......that's when my bundle gets here.
    I was ok with the waiting game, but honestly it's starting to wear a little thin.
    To spend that amount of money and not see the product for 4 months knowing that it is a piece of gear and not a custom built instrument is a little insane.
    I can definitely see Kemper losing business from this.

    I wonder how many canceled orders there have been. I mean if I was any less patient, I'd just cancel my order and either get one of the many used ones or just go buy a fractal.

  • @Corey1213 Wait. It's well worth it. Get a Behringer with an Uno4 Kemper PROM in the meantime to tide you over. You are not going to be happy with a fractal if you wanted the Kemper for the right reasons.. :)

    P.S. Their service is absolutely A+ Slight problem with the Kemper foot controller (White LED) fixed and turned around to my door within 3 days!!! :thumbup:

  • @Corey1213 Wait. It's well worth it. Get a Behringer with an Uno4 Kemper PROM in the meantime to tide you over. You are not going to be happy with a fractal if you wanted the Kemper for the right reasons.. :)

    P.S. Their service is absolutely A+ Slight problem with the Kemper foot controller (White LED) fixed and turned around to my door within 3 days!!! :thumbup:

    Don't worry I'm in too deep to get out now, and looked into both units greatly before making a decision. That being said, if I had known that i could get one the day of purchase and the other 4-5 months after cleaning out my bank account, I think the choice would have been much harder.

  • Because I purchased the bundle from Guitar Center where they promptly took my money and told me to come pick it up in a week, 2 months later here we are lol.

    Gutted for you, but you can't really blame Kemper for that. That's squarely on Guitar Center (you ought to demand some sort of compensation, too. They've totally misled you). On the positive side, I have a feeling that the bundles being sent out to dealers take precedence over non-early bird purchases from the Kemper online shop, so you might be lucky and get yours a lot sooner than the 105 days are up :)

  • On the positive side, I have a feeling that the bundles being sent out to dealers take precedence over non-early bird purchases from the Kemper online shop, so you might be lucky and get yours a lot sooner than the 105 days are up

    no, bundle or not - if a Remote is involved the infamous 105 days apply.

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  • Gutted for you, but you can't really blame Kemper for that. That's squarely on Guitar Center (you ought to demand some sort of compensation, too. They've totally misled you). On the positive side, I have a feeling that the bundles being sent out to dealers take precedence over non-early bird purchases from the Kemper online shop, so you might be lucky and get yours a lot sooner than the 105 days are up :)

    Oh no, don't get me wrong this isn't Kemper's fault, Guitar Center should have been forward with the wait time.
    The only point I was trying to make earlier is, this is a supply and demand market and if you're not making the demand, another company will take advantage of that. Now I understand the basic economic principals such as if they increase factory size, once the orders are filled the demand will drop and overhead will exceed profit. On the other hand that's the kind of conversation you have if you think your product will not continue to become popular.

    The other aspect of this is they will NOT separate the bundles, so my amp head sits in a warehouse while the remote is being built. Again, I'm committed to the Kemper and just like everyone else that had to wait, I'll be fine. Some days are worse than others lol.

    Even if you are a die hard (which I am without even playing it yet), you have to admit this product launch was a bit shaky.

  • Quote

    Guitar Center should have been forward with the wait time.

    Guitar Center will say just about anything - factual or otherwise - to ensure you don't get cold feet and put off your purchase. They've always been this way. I've been told point blank that a product was in stock, waiting for me in a store, only to drive an hour and find that they don't even carry the line in question. Bait and switch. =O