Remote order status

  • Hey G-stringI have the remote ordered on 01.13.2015, paid for and receive an email that was set in the status processing. My questions by mail to Kemper sales regarding delivery date remained completely unanswered. Even with a current telephone call with the sales Kemper any further information about my order was not even discussed it more completely rejected. I have the nice woman very well understood, as I also am from Germany, so it was no trouble understanding.Well, I hope and pray to you, you me maybe you can get additional information on my order and give surrender schedule. My order number is 246739 from 13-01-2015, Artikelnummer: 20000010 (Ticket # KD00089856).It surprised me very much, the other orders after 13:01. have already been delivered. The confusion with the "Early Bird's" orders is not a great situation for all concerned. So I hope that you can beantworsten my questions. Thank you for your effort. Greetings from Bochum

  • G String - sorry to be a pain, I know you're busy and being bombarded by requests like this, but I'm not getting a response from support. I changed payment method to paypal also for similar reasons to the other guys on here, old order number is 3447000, new order number is 3447366, please could you confirm that the old order gets cancelled and the new order is treated as early bird? I'm going to be away from computers for a while and didn't want the old order to be processed and miss out on the early bird reservation for the new order while I'm away. Very much appreciated if you do get a chance, I promise I'll never feature request anything else as long as I own a Kemper :D

  • I placed my order on 23/Jan (nr 003447163). At the time delivery was 7-8 weeks. Recent response I received from the support indicates that now I need to wait over 100 days. I do not understand if it is extra 100 days or it is just the only answer by the support guys.

  • I placed my order on 23/Jan (nr 003447163). At the time delivery was 7-8 weeks. Recent response I received from the support indicates that now I need to wait over 100 days. I do not understand if it is extra 100 days or it is just the only answer by the support guys.

    i don't think it is unrealistic that it will take till May. we are producing as fast as we can. and we have a priority list to fulfill ("Early Birds") and you order is not on this list. it is not like we're pushing your order right at the end of the cue but it is not our top priority either. i know this must sounds frustrating and i'd like to ask you to not take it personal.
    best, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • GS, it is fine.

    Just wanted to make sure that I will not be getting the 100 day response each time I chase the support for a status. On the other hand it would be great to see some sort of tracking.


  • 7-8 weeks was the window for the Early Bird program, which was opened for taking orders on 14th January. Did you sign up for that?


    This is the announcement on13/Jan.

    Profiler Remote is now available in our Online Store and the Early Bird program has been closed.

    "Early birds" should keep still at the moment! Please expect to receive an e-mail with instructions and link later this week. Following this lane will ensure priority for people who have applied to the Early Bird Program.

    All others are free to order their Remote in our Online Store selecting "Kemper" followed by "Accessories". Please be aware, that PayPal might deduct immediately from your bank account. Delivery time is currently between 6 and 8 weeks. Therefor we suggest to pay either by credit card or advance payment.

  • I ordered about 10 minutes after it was released on the 13th and I'm not getting mine until the end of April apparently. I'd love it sooner of course but we've waited for the Remote for enough years to not let a few weeks taint our experience of what CK and co. do. I have no idea why I'm down the line but I know I'm going to get a quality product, and for that I will wait.

    Ps. I'm an early bird too

  • I ordered about 10 minutes after it was released on the 13th and I'm not getting mine until the end of April apparently. I'd love it sooner of course but we've waited for the Remote for enough years to not let a few weeks taint our experience of what CK and co. do. I have no idea why I'm down the line but I know I'm going to get a quality product, and for that I will wait.

    Ps. I'm an early bird too

    You're not alone, exactly same situation here! But it's not so bad because we will receive our remote exactly when all the bugs will be resolved! ;)

  • I ordered about 10 minutes after it was released on the 13th and I'm not getting mine until the end of April apparently. I'd love it sooner of course but we've waited for the Remote for enough years to not let a few weeks taint our experience of what CK and co. do. I have no idea why I'm down the line but I know I'm going to get a quality product, and for that I will wait.

    Ps. I'm an early bird too

    I am in the same boat as you. No worries will get here when it gets here.

  • You're not alone, exactly same situation here! But it's not so bad because we will receive our remote exactly when all the bugs will be resolved! ;)

    And I'm in the exact same boat too. I registered for the early bird list within moments of the original post and then ordered as soon as I got the email indicating the item was available to order. As others experienced I had numerous issues with the online store accepting my USA order but eventually got it to work. Next thing I know I am not getting mine until after the first week of April.

    As far as I can tell the early bird registration didn't seem to count for very much. I think they re-prioritized orders based on the desire to get the unit to certain individuals first at the expense of others. Funny how 'certain' individuals had no trouble getting theirs right away even though I know for a fact that they registered later than I did.

    Indeed, I think they handled this early bird registration and fulfillment prioritization very poorly. I sure don't feel as though I am getting any benefit whatsoever for having registered immediately for the early bird program (what a joke) and see no rhyme or reason in the fulfillment process versus the early bird registration. Clearly I am at the end of the early list at best or really more like the beginning of the non-early bird list.

  • And I'm in the exact same boat too. I registered for the early bird list within moments of the original post and then ordered as soon as I got the email indicating the item was available to order. As others experienced I had numerous issues with the online store accepting my USA order but eventually got it to work. Next thing I know I am not getting mine until after the first week of April.

    As far as I can tell the early bird registration didn't seem to count for very much. I think they re-prioritized orders based on the desire to get the unit to certain individuals first at the expense of others. Funny how 'certain' individuals had no trouble getting theirs right away even though I know for a fact that they registered later than I did.

    Indeed, I think they handled this early bird registration and fulfillment prioritization very poorly. I sure don't feel as though I am getting any benefit whatsoever for having registered immediately for the early bird program (what a joke) and see no rhyme or reason in the fulfillment process versus the early bird registration. Clearly I am at the end of the early list at best or really more like the beginning of the non-early bird list.

    You are not at the end of the list, mine will be ship april 20. But, as I said, I see it as an advantage because they will most probably have time to deliver a bullet proof software when I'll get my unit! :)

  • I think there was either confusing into, or misunderstanding about how the Early Bird Status worked. I seriously doubt that , (other than Beta Testers), any priority was given to specific individuals receiving Remotes before others in the purchase queu.

    From what I know about manufacturing, distribution, and sales, and what I see from forum posts, It seems the order of registering for Early Bird status had less impact than the order of placing a correct order at the On-Line store. The only impact I notice from the order of registering is the order of receiving the email regarding "Profiler Remote early bird ordering is open" email from Kemper.

    I received that email, on January 14 at 10:26 am U.S. Eastern time. I see posts from members saying they ordered on January 12, 13, and 14th. I'm assuming that some of that discrepancy could be due to international time zones, but could be because the emails were staggered in order of when customers registered for Early Bird Status, or maybe they ordered before they received any email, as I understand the product appeared in the store before the instructions for how to order using Early Bird Status were posted.

    It took me a few hours after I got the notice to get home, and use my iMac to setup an account with the U.S. Store and place my order, as I was trying with my iPhone, and IPad but it didn't work.

    At 12:15 I received email that my U.S. Store account was setup, and 12:22 I received confirmation of my completed sale. Following the directions in the email, I used a credit card instead of PayPal. The email stated PayPal transactions were not advised, and there are many posts about delays caused by trying to use PayPal. My order # was 246920 completed on January 14 at 18:22 I assume German time zone, 12:22 U.S Eastern time zone.

    The original estimated ship date was March 16th onward. It is at local UPS warehouse and will be delivered
    tomorrow by End of Day, one week earlier than the projected SHIP date. It seems they are ahead of schedule.

    I think any confusion may be because of different time zones, as I have seen posts showing how orders
    placed at nearly same time have order numbers varying by 100 or so.

    Im sure in the end this entire issue will be forgotten, as the Remotes are received, Firmware updated, and we return to playing with our gear.

    best wishes to all.