How would you hook up a Marshall Stanmore

  • I've been after a small portable speaker for my Kemper that would allow me to quickly move from room to room and play without headphones and came across the Marshall Stanmore. If I got this it'd save me from being tied to where my studio monitors are and it looks like it'd give a half way decent sound for practice. Downside is that it only has either a toslink optical in, 2 RCA sockets or a 3.5mm jack. Does anyone think this would do what I want and if so, how would you go about getting the Kemper's output to it?

    Marshall Stanmore

    Stanmore's rear…lack-786011.jpg

    Edited once, last by DavyC (February 5, 2015 at 5:19 PM).

  • Thanks for the answers so far everyone. I'd like to avoid using the headphone out (could be great but on my old Yamaha THR it wasn't great when I tried it) so the adapters for the main outs might be the way forward. I looked at SPDIF to Toslink adapters but that seems to need another power socket and seems to start defeating the minimal grab and go idea I'm after.

    As far as monitors go, I've already got a set of Dynaudio BM6As I use but they're too much hassle to move from room to room easily so I'm just looking for something that'll turn the Kemper into a sort of hotrodded Yamaha THR type of set up. I figured I could just grab the Stanmore and Kepmer and shift them to another room for practicing in 2 mins.

    I didn't even know about the Hanwell Allen, I just found out about the Stanmore when I searched for a smallish, portable stereo powered speaker. I'll definitely check your review of it. If it's a lot bigger then the Stanmore though I may go with the smaller option as outright fidelity isn't my main target. Having said that, if it's still portable enough I'd consider it for any additional sound quality. Haven't had a chance to read up on it or check your review which I'll do right now :)

  • Just a quick update after watching Allenhuish' video review of the Hanwell. First off thanks for doing that review Allen, it's great that people like yourself take the time to do things like this. It's also convinced me that this idea is the way to go for a portable solution. It looks like we were both looking for a similar thing here and we both have/had THRs.

    I'm still thinking I'll get the Stanmore though as it's smaller (so can sit on a shelf if needed) and has more input options. The rear inputs would let me stack the Kemper on top and I see in your video you were thinking the same as me again as far as stacking them goes. No doubt the Hanwell would have more bottom end and more output but I'm only after something portsable for quietish practice.

    p.s. the 2 x Mono Jack To 2 x RCA cable option is perfect. Found loads online so thanks for that suggestion Paul.

    Edited once, last by DavyC (February 5, 2015 at 10:23 PM).

  • @DavyC Did you ever end up buying the Stanmore? Looking at it myself...

    I'm just trying to be as truthful to my experience and personal opinion that I'm clearly presenting only as a personal opinion no more no less in an honest and truthful discussion about equipment.

  • @DavyC Did you ever end up buying the Stanmore? Looking at it myself...

    Hi @MuddyFox I did buy the Stanmore and, while it's great for music, it adds too much of it's own character to the sound. I was initially pretty happy with it but, while some profiles sounded great, overall, I just wasn't getting what I was hearing in my headphones translated to the Stanmore and some profiles were terrible. The Stanmore has too much of a midrange and low end hump in the E.Q. You can dial some of it out but when I tried the Kemper with monitors the difference was stark. Monitors are definitely the way to go for me as profiles needed almost no tweaking to reproduce what I was hearing in my headphones.

    I have a set of Dynaudio BM6As I use for music playback in my living room and the Kemper sounds fantastic through them but I'm also now looking at a set of little JBL LSR305s for my gear room. There's a recent thread here about this. I'd definitely look at monitors as I'm now not convinced that any home music system like the Stanmore is going to be true FRFR.

    Edited once, last by DavyC (February 29, 2016 at 8:09 PM).