DI Amp Profile - Cab "Merge" Funciton - what does it do?

  • hi,

    i profiled some DI amp profiles with the latest beta firmware. of course the profile was saved without a cab active. after that i choosed a random stock cab to apply to the DI profile. so far so good.

    but after i applied the cab i saw this "merge" button. when engaged, the sound changes again. but my question is: what exactly does this do? what is it for?


  • It's for live use mainly. In merged profiles, the DI profile with the cab engaged is sent via the Main Outs to FOH or PA, while the original DI profile is preserved and is sent via the Monitor out to an onstage guitar cabinet (basically, taking the CabDriver part of the KPA out of the equation).


  • very strange...i run my kemper through my studio monitors (main outs)

    when i just have the DI profile loaded, the sound is obviously harsh. when i have the cab enabled the sound is what it used to be. but then again - i can press the merge button an the sound changes again, its sound like i choose another cab.

  • I've just spent most of the morning profiling my Randall RM100 using the "Merge Cab" approach. I've also found that the sound is muffled when using Monitor out with the "Cab Off" with Merged profiles. It's OK with the direct profile and original studio profiles. Has anyone raised a ticket about this?