Shipping date for the first remotes

  • And for those who did everything as instructed the day we got the release email ......within hours. Who still have no confirmation of....frankly ...well...nothing......sorry to bind your time but seriously....what happened here??? Again looking as I write at a friends confo email who yes....ordered after I did and has a date with a remote. Trying to understand the rhyme or reason how this transpired and before ya'll start whippin my ass for askin...just walk in my shoes wondering how people got inline.....or worrying I got dropped in the craziness. thanks for taking the time to answer my Consumer concern.

    sorry, you lost me here. are you talking about an order or having an "early bird" status?

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • G-string, you stated early birds who bought a Remote before Feb-20 have received an update by email stating in which week we will probably ship. if you don't have this email, check your spam filters etc. if you don't find something and your online store account indicates you as an early bird, get in touch by email:

    i placed my order on Feb 19th and did not get any confirmation about a ship date. All I received was a sales order number. I did not sign up for a store account, I just purchased as guest with the email that I used for the early bird special.

    Please let me know your thoughts about this. Thanks

  • I received my invoice at 6:24am EST today in Michigan. I placed my order on Jan 12 and was #20027. Sounds like there were a lot of orders between Jan 12 & 14 based on Danne69's order number

    Yea, it appears to be. I ordered @ US store as soon as I got email 14 Jan 2015 19:20:00 order # 246948 and It still has not been processed. I guess I'll contact Kemper again . I can't find a shipping date email in my spam. I am also in Michigan

    I could use some help here as well. Thanks Paul

  • Sorry, my frustration has consumes me....i signed up and ordered before others that have received their email with a ship date for their remote: here is my information you requested. Can you please drop a remote in the mail in the morning..LMAO!! Of course I'm making light to entertain the masses with my southern hillbilly humor. But aide note I am of 100% German decent if that helps!! Seriously...LoL

    My number says 246956 on January 14, 2015 at 19:46
    (7:46pm). There is also a number 20000010. In store online order still shows NOT PROCESSED!!
    Now can you please tell why I'm being delayed????? I would love to pay with PayPal but if not credit card will be ok....

  • I'm sure it will all work out guys,... Seems like we all ordered as soon as we got that email. I would have ordered 45 minutes earlier but wasn't home, and iPad wouldn't take order, so headed home and set up store account on Mac.

    I have order #246920 placed at 6:22pm and mine is still Not processed, but I did receive shipping time of week 12 March 16th onward, so I'll be patient and chill.

    My shipping date email came to the email address I used for Early Bird Status, and for setting up the Kemper On Line US store account, as specified.

    Edited once, last by merman9393 (February 24, 2015 at 11:53 PM).

  • G-string, you stated early birds who bought a Remote before Feb-20 have received an update by email stating in which week we will probably ship. if you don't have this email, check your spam filters etc. if you don't find something and your online store account indicates you as an early bird, get in touch by email:

    i placed my order on Feb 19th and did not get any confirmation about a ship date. All I received was a sales order number. I did not sign up for a store account, I just purchased as guest with the email that I used for the early bird special.

    Please let me know your thoughts about this. Thanks

    exactly the same thing here, but orderet 6th of february, also no email replys!

  • i placed my order on Feb 19th and did not get any confirmation about a ship date. All I received was a sales order number. I did not sign up for a store account, I just purchased as guest with the email that I used for the early bird special.

    Please let me know your thoughts about this. Thanks

    if you haven't signed up for a store account, you account cannot be marked as "early bird" because there is no account as such. admittedly, this is a loophole we need to deal with and create an account for you. could you please write into support, they'll deal with it.
    thanks, gs

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • Gs, I keep checking back after you asked for my info and after sending the emails all again per your instructions, but I don't see a comment or communication about my situation,,others have received a comment here from you though. Is there something wrong with my order or am I getting ignored? I really don't understand now.....????.

  • Gs, I keep checking back after you asked for my info and after sending the emails all again per your instructions, but I don't see a comment or communication about my situation,,others have received a comment here from you though. Is there something wrong with my order or am I getting ignored? I really don't understand now.....????.

    no, nobody gets ignored (at least by intension). from what i can see, your order is not marked as an early bird order. please provide the email address you registered for the "early bird" promotion by contacting us and we see what we can do:

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here

  • if you haven't signed up for a store account, you account cannot be marked as "early bird" because there is no account as such. admittedly, this is a loophole we need to deal with and create an account for you. could you please write into support, they'll deal with it.
    thanks, gs

    G String, Should I set the account up even though I already placed my order? Please let me know what I can do to correct this issue and be on the early bird status as there was no mention when placing the order on the kemper store site stating WE HAD TO SET UP AN ACCOUNT. I HAVE WROTE TO SUPPORT ON THREE OCCASIONS WITH NO REPLYS!


  • If somebody could Tell me how to Post a picture from an iPad mini, I would gladly show you, that the remote fits into the namba bag...oh, And yes: my remote just arrived!!! :thumbup:

    That's great. I don't have the bag (I'm using a case), and i would have thought the Remote is too wide.

  • G String, Should I set the account up even though I already placed my order? Please let me know what I can do to correct this issue and be on the early bird status as there was no mention when placing the order on the kemper store site stating WE HAD TO SET UP AN ACCOUNT. I HAVE WROTE TO SUPPORT ON THREE OCCASIONS WITH NO REPLYS!

    john, please post the three ticket numbers, i'll have a look.

    Get in touch with Profiler online support team here