Just got the White Toaster! Please HELP me set a rig up!

  • First off scroll through until you find a rig that you like. say for example JCM800. Now you might find you need to add some treble, remove some bass etc to suit you guitar once you have done that press STORE. and select new rig and give it a name Schaug JCM800 rhy for example. This will now be saved in you browse pole along with the original rig. Now you might like to adapt this rig you have just made to a lead sound so again tweak it to taste and press STORE and select new rig and give it a name Schaug JCM800 lead and again this will be stored in you browse pole. Repeat this process until you have all the sounds you are after.

    Hope this helps :)

  • I would suggest going through the manual to get a broad overview of how the Kemper is organized. The Kemper is in some ways quite different from a classical tube amp. Here's just a couple of pointers to get you going:

    A 'rig' in Kemper language is what is often called a 'patch' in other systems, a preset with one amp setting (profile) and optionally several effects that can be turned on or off. In the Kemper's Browse mode, you simply browse through individual rigs, typically in alphabetical order. Each amp profile, and therefore each rig, represents one state of the profiled amp (for instance, a Marshall JCM800 with gain at 4). If you want a different sound, you can browse to a different rig, or change the settings (gain, EQ, effects...) of the current rig and save it under a different name. That way, you can find or create all kinds of sounds you like, whether they be clean, crunchy or lead tones.

    The best way to organize rigs into the kind of groups you described, is by turning the big 'chicken head' knob to Performance mode. A 'performance' is a group of up to five rigs, set up with live playing in mind (for instance, all the tones you need for a specific song). You can browse through different performances by using the up/down arrows, and between individual rigs in a performance using the left/right arrows.

    In your case, you would pick a performance and put a clean rig in slot 1, a crunchy rig in slot 2 and a lead rig in slot 3. For the details (i.e., which buttons to press specifically) I'll have to refer you to the manual, but now at least you know what to look for. :)

  • Hey guys. Just got my Kemper! Can someone show me how to make my own rig using different profiles? Like how to stack them together in clean>crunch>lead settings made of different profiles and save it? Thanks! :)


    If you have a strong background in this kind of gear, it will all come to you quickly. If not, it will take a little longer.

    Either way - You just bought a deep and powerful device. It is very important that you learn the information in the manuals, to give yourself a head start on how it all works.

    Without that background, there is no quick and simple answer to your question.

    When you use the word "rig", do you mean "a number of different sounds I will be using"?

    In the Kemper world, a "rig" is "one amp profile + FX".

    What will you be using to change sounds on the Kemper? A MIDI controller or an up/down footswitch?

    IF you are using a MIDI controller to change sounds, the easiest way to arrange three different sounds (clean, crunch, lead) to switch between them is to load them into Bank One of Performance Mode, slots 1, 2, 3.

  • I load them in with a "double click" from Rig Manager (the PC/Mac software that is available from the Kemper Website), so I will let someone else confirm the procedure for doing it from a Browse Mode rig.


    Be sure to press store/save enough times for it let you know the Performance has been Saved before moving on to the next slot.

    This is great advice from Paults, I to load mine in from RM its a lot easier. just make sure you press save before the next slot this is so important as you will lose what you have done, and a couple of times when ive been rushing at a gig I've forgot to press save. Try to embed this in your brain. I know a few users have forgotten to press store several times. Enjoy the KPA

  • Welcome Shaug! Your in for a long honeymoon. As a rule I try to look for rigs that sound good to me at all gain levels and then create clean, crunch and high gain performances of that amp for shows (I use browse mode but it's pretty much the same principle). I also set up all my clean channels with either a Pedal Booster I add as a Stomp before the Amp section or I set my midi expression pedal to CC# 72 to control the amps gain. I dare you to roll the gain in all the way with a pedal and not smile lol. Hope it helps!