Expression Pedal Review Thread - please post your reviews here :)

  • Ingolf and Raoul3 say they have the DVP3 (x2). I will therefore buy the DVP3!

    In an earlier post on this thread I have said how I like an Ernie Ball Junior 250k volume pedal (EB JR250k) used as an expression pedal via a resistor modified "Y"cable. I have checked this setup via a crude measure of pedal deflection against midi values and I can see it is not as linear as It feels. So I will carry out a comparison when I get the DVP3. Meanwhile I have to confess that I love the design of the EB JR 250k with single section Ali shell and treadle. All I really need is a replacement linear potentiometer and I wIll achieve my objective. Has anyone else achieved this?


    I couldnt be happier with my DVP3's they are great pedals, I was going the mission route but Skyhighrocks has had issues with his

  • Does anyone use the mission as a wah AND volume and have it working correctly??


    I have a Mission Engineering pedal (EP1-KP) working perfectly as Vol/Wha with my KPA ...

    The following video explains the setup perfectly :)

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  • Hiya,

    I have a Mission Engineering pedal (EP1-KP) working perfectly as Vol/Wha with my KPA ...

    The following video explains the setup perfectly :)

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    Unfortunately, that didn't work for me. I contacted Kemper and Mission and the problem was that after turning off the wah in a rig with the toe switch, and then going directly to the volume, the volume would not taper would just cut off abruptly. This would only happen right after using the wah. Then the volume would behave normally. This was for one rig....if I used wah and volume in separate rigs, it was fine but I like to keep everything in one rig. I sent it back and ordered 2 DVPs.

  • Unfortunately, that didn't work for me. I contacted Kemper and Mission and the problem was that after turning off the wah in a rig with the toe switch, and then going directly to the volume, the volume would not taper would just cut off abruptly. This would only happen right after using the wah. Then the volume would behave normally. This was for one rig....if I used wah and volume in separate rigs, it was fine but I like to keep everything in one rig. I sent it back and ordered 2 DVPs.

    How bizarre ... the mission works fine for me ... maybe a rogue pedal? Did Mission comment on this? Anyways, looks like you found the working solution for you :)


  • How bizarre ... the mission works fine for me ... maybe a rogue pedal? Did Mission comment on this? Anyways, looks like you found the working solution for you :)


    Here's mission's reply: Thanks for the note. I would advise checking with Kemper to see if this is normal behavior or not. When switching a single pedal between multiple effects, the software may not be aware of the absolute position of a remote pedal, which might require moving it one time to reset. This is just speculation though as I do not have detailed knowledge of the internals of the Kemper software.

    Here's Kemper's:
    You cannot use the same pedal for volume and wah in the same rig if you engage the Volume to wah function.
    Here is an expert of the refernce manual about this subject

    Link pedals
    If you do not want to bring three pedals to a gig, but would still like to benefit from all these features, you can link the

    pedal nodes to suit your setup. You will find two simple soft buttons in the System menu on the page “MIDI Settings”.

    If you don’t use a Volume Pedal very often, press “Volume Pedal to Wah”. Now, when a Wah
    effect is active on the current Rig, the Wah Pedal will act as
    expected, and a Volume Pedal function will not be available. However, in
    any Rig without an active Wah effect, volume can now be controlled by
    the Wah Pedal. Even when a Wah effect is active, but has “Pedal Mode” set to “Off” or “Touch”, the Volume Pedal link will still be in operation.

    The Profiler automatically prevents volume dips when switching from a “Wah Pedal” Rig to a “Volume Pedal” Rig,
    so you will need to reset the pedal after the Rig change by first
    pressing it to toe position. Once you have done this, you will be able
    to smoothly fade the volume back to where you want it.

    Likewise, you can link the Pitch Pedal to the Wah effects by selecting “Pitch Pedal to Wah”. In contrast to the Volume Pedal, you must first reset the Pitch Pedal by pressing it to heel position after a Rig change.

    The link settings are global, so you don’t
    have to reprogram your Rigs individually. You can decide spontaneously,
    from gig to gig, how many pedals you want to bring with. The
    appropriate settings are done in seconds.

    It is even possible to link both pedals functions to the Wah
    Pedal. In this case, the Volume Pedal has the lowest priority: active
    Wah or Pitch Pedal beat the Volume Pedal.

    Once the Volume Pedal or Pitch Pedal is linked to
    the Wah Pedal, they cannot be accessed by their respective midi
    controllers or pedal input destinations.

    We do not support the swapping of pedal functions by switching a Wah effect on and off, as this would cause problems. Besides, you’ll get a better result by selecting one of the dedicated “Pedal Modes” that automatically activate the Wah effect as soon as you move the Wah Pedal.
    If you need a volume and a wah pedal in the same rig you have to buy a second pedal.

  • Great Mission Control tutorial above. I follow this set up using the Kemper's (rear) switch inputs directly, but I'll be soon looking to leverage my expression pedals directly off the Remote.

    Both the Mission EP1 & Dunlop DVP3 pedals appear to be the best candidates. I also had great experiences with Ernie Ball pedals for volume too.

    I suspect I'll be going with twin DVP3's. One dedicated to WAH, the other dedicated to Volume.
    The basic criteria of any pedal I use would be it must be a passive (non-battery) pedal for each purpose.

    I'm pretty sure the stomp function of the Remote would handle the on/off for the WAH, Volume will always be on.
    I'm just trying to get my head around whether one or two TRS cables would be needed off the Remote? If any.

    Happy Kemper

  • I use the mission with - as explained in the video - 2 leads connected between KPA & the mission (takes up both TRS connections at the rear of the KPA- well, one TRS, one TS) ... with Vol-to-Wha linked & toe switching between Wha & vol seems to work smoothly as expected (in addition I'm using the Pedal mode set to have the wha coming on automatically when moving it as well - may be able to free a connection that way - might do that in the future ...).
    But, of course, if you need wha & vol at the same time in one rig you may need another pedal ... I'm controlling vol & clean-up using the vol knob a lot lately (check out the M Britt profiles for that - sonic bliss!) :)

  • I'm pretty sure the stomp function of the Remote would handle the on/off for the WAH, Volume will always be on.
    I'm just trying to get my head around whether one or two TRS cables would be needed off the Remote? If any.

    Two TRS cables are needed - one for each expression pedal.

    You can turn wah on/off with a stomp button, or have it automatically turn on/off when you move the pedal, using "off at stop".

    Still dont get it...
    If I had the Mission pedal - and if I want to have it normaly active as a volume pedal, but sometimes as a Wah.
    What do I do?
    I configure the knob at toe position in such a way, that it switches my wah on (or off).
    But now, when I want to activate Wah, I would have to move my volume pedal to full toe position, which makes it max volume. Right? Now, I press the button, wah is activated, volume deactivated. What happens with my volume now?
    Will it just stay at max volme or drop back to normal?

  • Thanks Paul. I thought as much.
    As said, I think twin DVP3's will do the trick for me (and I know you have first hand experience with them)

    Once the Remote is received, I'll figure the right TRS cable spacing's for each.
    I'm guessing they'll be (1) 3" & (1) 6" right angle extensions.

    Happy Kemper

  • @CPHfx - you are not stupid.

    The Kemper manual says "We do not support the swapping of pedal functions by switching a Wah effect on and off, as this would cause problems. Besides, you’ll get a better result by selecting one of the dedicated “Pedal Modes” that automatically activate the Wah effect as soon as you move the Wah Pedal."

    If you want to be able to set a volume level of a Rig with a volume pedal, and use a wah in that same Rig, you need two expression pedals.

  • Hi CPHfx,

    If you use 2 TRS leads connected to the KPA to use TRS connection 1 for wha expression & the TR (this connection requires a TR only - though takes a TRS as well) as a stomp on/off, you engage the wha with the toe switch - the volume is at 100% at that point ... disengage the wha with the toe switch - the volume is at 100% ... vol at 0% will automatically switch to tuner mode :)

    You can save the 2. connection (if you engage pedal mode - switch wha via moving the pedal) to automatically switch to vol mode once the pedal wasn't moved for a second or 2 ...

    Hope that helps :)
