problem with new headphones for kemper

  • I also have the 250 ohm 880 Pros and haven't had a problem with them being too quiet. On the contrary, as the highs are slightly 'forward', I feel. As djayart said, I'd check your output settings. Don't forget too, that extended listening in headphones at too great a volume can contribute to noticeable hearing loss. Take care!


  • What are the sensitivity and impedance of your HPs?

    Also, do they sound loud enough when connected to a different source?

    Check that the HP volume is not linked with the Main volume in the Output settings.
    Also, you might try and raise the Volume knob as well as long as the Output LED doesn't clip red.

    Should you consider a different pair of HPs, I'd not go under 300 ohm with the Profiler for the best sound quality.

  • Don't know about the 880 ... but if they are anything like the 770 or 990 (got both with 250 Ohm) then you should be deaf after using max volume. Maybe some gainstaging issue? You also cranked the master of the kpa?

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • With macbook they aren't loud. I was trying to listen to some music yesterday but at maximum volume they were absolutely not loud. With the kemper, i cranked the hd volume and they sound good now but, as i told you, i have to rise it to really high level

  • Just be aware that the extremely low distortion in the DT880 Pros means that they go louder, cleaner. If you're not used to this, it can seem that they don't go loud enough, but really the SPL levels are right up there, and you're putting your hearing in danger. Maybe it's this phenomenon that's confusing you? Otherwise it must be a technical issue, either with routing or cabling. Like I said, mine go plenty loud, and I'm nowhere near maximum volume on the KPA.


  • Just be aware that the extremely low distortion in the DT880 Pros means that they go louder, cleaner. If you're not used to this, it can seem that they don't go loud enough, but really the SPL levels are right up there, and you're putting your hearing in danger. Maybe it's this phenomenon that's confusing you? Otherwise it must be a technical issue, either with routing or cabling. Like I said, mine go plenty loud, and I'm nowhere near maximum volume on the KPA.


    sorry, doidn't inderstand what you said

  • Most headphones begin to distort as you turn up the volume. The distortion characteristic is one of the triggers that tells your brain that the headphones are turned up loud. It's psycho-acoustics. Because the DT880s have very low distortion, sometimes you can end up turning the volume up, without realising that they're too loud.


  • thank you. Anyway i'm at a level/volume where i can still hear the strings/picking so the volume probably is not too loud. At present my levels are: HEADPHONES VOLUME -6.1 and FRONT PANEL VOLUME is at 60% more or less

  • It maybe just depend what you're calling "Loud". I have the DT-880 Pro (250 Ohms) since years and I find them plenty loud with most of my sources (Kemper, Torpedo, Soundcard,…).
    If I turn up the volume I can play without hearing my girlfriend watching TV or listening music.
    Or there's maybe something wrong with your model…

  • They are loud but if i compare with my previous head phones ( akg 141 studio) at the same levels/volume they are not loud and i have to crank up the volumes a little bit. Anyway i don't understand at which distorsion sambrox is referring to. I don't hear any distorsion.

  • Yeah, that's kind of the point. The DT880 Pros DON'T distort, unlike most consumer headphones. It's subtle in other models, but enough to trigger your brain into thinking "this is loud". Like I said, it's a psycho-acoustic phenomenon, much like pumping master buss compression etc.


  • I occasional use an HD800 with a Lehmann BCL, the kemper has a surprisingly good quality headphone amp built in btw.

    About loudness it can be a subjective thing if you don't have a meter. I'd say if your used to listening to music on them, find a comparable setting and go with that.

    One thing to keep note of is the kempers space setting is very useful for extended use without modifying your original profile, there's a global setting that routes only to the HP out but you can also add it in as a post effect.

    If you need more information I strongly suggest you read up at the head-fi forum for safe hearing practices.

  • Just be aware that the extremely low distortion in the DT880 Pros means that they go louder, cleaner. If you're not used to this, it can seem that they don't go loud enough, but really the SPL levels are right up there, and you're putting your hearing in danger.

    This can't be said enough. Buy a dBs meter (about $60) and check your monitors and headphones. I did after getting new tinnitus from playing the KPA way too loud in headphones. It sounds so good, but it WILL do permanent damage to your ears. This is some real shit, so do something about it.

    Kudo's to sambrox for bringing it up, and you'll notice he did so twice. Can't be said enough.