• Hi Kemper,
    looks like here is the place to put feature requests... I have one:
    what I would really really need, is a Plugin for DAWs...
    I do NOT want a VST, that generates sound and makes the Kemper useless, but something like the RigManager inside the DAW. Something, that communictaes with the Kemper and is able to save the Kemper settings and the profile on the current track, so that I can recall this setting by the press of a button.
    1. I record a track in my DAW using the Kemper
    2. Some days later, I want to add something on this track - but I dont know, which profile I used to record this track and if I did, I pobably dont now, If I "quickchanged" some minor parammeters and how...
    So, on ths point, I would like to be able to click on a Plugin of the track - and it loads the profile and settings to the Kemper...

    Would be great...
    Best Regards

  • What you suggest sounds interesting, and it will probably see the light... one day :)
    Meanwhile, what you can do is

    • define the sound you need for your track(s);
    • save the used rig with a meaningful name;
    • if you do not want the rig in your device any longer, just export it or drag and drop from within RM in a meaningfully-named folder.


  • Sure, that would work - but that is far from a reasonable workflow...
    I dont say its difficult - the "interface" I would like to have should just make exactly this: If I click "save Sound" on the current track, it should download the current kipr file from the kemper and save it wherever it wants. If I click load saved sound, it should copy it back to the kemper. Nothing more.
    Might be simple - but would be extremly helpful.
    Of course I could do it myself - bus thats again would be chaotic, I would have to deal with to many different programs (file manager, rig manager, DAW (at least), I would have to pay attention to what I am doing in which of these programs.

    How is anyone else dealing with this "problem"? I cant imagine, anyone is satisfied with manually copying files from here to there...

  • Sure, that would work - but that is far from a reasonable workflow...
    I dont say its difficult - the "interface" I would like to have should just make exactly this: If I click "save Sound" on the current track, it should download the current kipr file from the kemper and save it wherever it wants. If I click load saved sound, it should copy it back to the kemper. Nothing more.
    Might be simple - but would be extremly helpful.
    Of course I could do it myself - bus thats again would be chaotic, I would have to deal with to many different programs (file manager, rig manager, DAW (at least), I would have to pay attention to what I am doing in which of these programs.

    How is anyone else dealing with this "problem"? I cant imagine, anyone is satisfied with manually copying files from here to there...

    What would you do if you were recording a real amp?

    Save profiles as copies with appropriate names, write stuff down, there's plenty of ways to approach this.

  • How is anyone else dealing with this "problem"? I cant imagine, anyone is satisfied with manually copying files from here to there...

    TBH I don't fine "unreasonable" to just save a copy of the profile on the machine itself. Also, in my studio the Profiler is always connected to the computer and online, and RM is always on.
    Also, no need to deal with "file manager" and "rig manager" as two separate entities, RM alone will do the trick, for example the way Paul was suggesting.

    Note:in terms of pure ecology, the "effort" required to achieve what you ask is way lesser than what it would take to develop a specific software interface ^^

  • I completley got this point...
    You are right, I might not need a fil manager for this.
    How do you "remember" which rig was used on which track in which project than?

    invent meaningful names in rig manager. One folder per song, sub- folder for track description (like verse guitar 1, chorus guitar 2).

  • There are as many ways as you can invent, forumites here already gave you good hints :)
    You might also use performances to store the sounds per-song if they are not a ton. Performance room in the Profiler uses a separate memory area, and it wouldn't affect room availability for your rigs.

  • Alright, I see, I am nearly alone with my wish to simplify the rig management in the DAW ;)
    No problem, thanks a lot for the input! In my opinion, the midi solution is not practical at all (at least not or projects taking several weeks / month), but of course a manual rig management does work.
    All the best!

  • <p>



    I think this is a great idea.

  • sorry for my ignorance: but isn't it achievable with reamping?

    I recorded my entire album with the kemper using main outs directly in the sound board (in 1 and 2). in addition I used the direct out into a third sound board in. so I got a stereo wet track and a totaly pure clean track for later use.

    isn't it the deal?

    but i might be missing something here. so sorry, my bad


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • sorry for my ignorance: but isn't it achievable with reamping?

    I recorded my entire album with the kemper using main outs directly in the sound board (in 1 and 2). in addition I used the direct out into a third sound board in. so I got a stereo wet track and a totaly pure clean track for later use.

    isn't it the deal?

    but i might be missing something here. so sorry, my bad


    Thanks for your input!
    But that is indeed something different... With reamping, you dont get the sound back, you once choosed for your song... You "only" can change it easily.
    But I am no big friend of reamping - i prefer to play it again with a different amp, as it "Feels" different...

  • why is that? I mean "you don't get the sound back".......with the way I hook the kpa to the sound board you get your sound by exiting with the master output to two input of the board. this way you record your favourite sound.
    I really did record all my guitar part using a wet sound, even recording the delay of the kemper directly into the daw. I know this is considered as a crime to standard recording procedure. but the kpa FX sounded so good with the rig used. check some of my signature sounds

    if later you want to achieve a different sound you have a new mono track, clean and pure to be used with a slightly or strongly different rig. of course I can admit reamping isn't an easy feature to do.

    neverttheless it is used by great producer like Wagener for a reason, I guess...


    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • +1

    I think that's the same like the Eleven Rack work together with ProTools. The used Sound and settings will be stored within the track. That's a great idea for me. I know there are many ways to solve this "problem" but i prefer to work with one program and one interface. It would be great to get the sounds and settings back with just one simple click within the DAW. It could be stored within the RM but automatically without open the RM and make a special folder. :thumbup: