Hopeful features in future firmware updates

  • First off after owning the Kemper for a while now, its a good piece of gear but it could be great with a few fixes in the Firmware. These upgrades would make the kemper an all in one recording/live solution for guitarists especially when they are competing with fractal for business it seems like upgrading the effects are a no brainer... I don't know if these will ever happen because I haven't seen a whole lot of updates to the delays and reverbs. Its frustrating that I actually need more gear when i know the kemper could do things like this. Anyways, I hope it happens soon.

    Things I see that need fixing and upgrading:

    1. Separate volumes for MONITOR AND SPEAKER. I could see linking this being useful for some people, but for some of us who play live we need a dedicated volume for the monitor out and a dedicated volume for the speaker out.

    2. Treble cut in INPUT CONTROLS under clean sense and distortion sense.

    3. Beefed up DELAY AND REVERB parameters
    A) I have to have multiple delays and reverbs. The ability to be able to route them in front of the amplifier as well is a must.
    B) It needs a pitch parameter
    C) Feedback control for Pre-delay in reverb
    D) Reverse reverb and delay..
    E) Gain control for reverb and delay for creating tube echo/ mangled verb sounds.
    F) Swell/slowgear/superego/freezegliss parameter in reverb and delay.

  • Agreed a swell parameter could be cool.

    On your first point though, when you press output you can set different monitor and main volumes? Do you mean separate poweramp and monitor volumes? I guess that could be cool, but I haven't been in many gigging situations that would require it personally.

  • I agree with all of your points about the delay and reverb. I really want a great tape echo, spring reverb, and plate reverb.

    Right now I think the delays and reverbs are usable (and great) for general ambiance, but if I want to go full on 60's drippy spring/plate reverb or Syd Barrett tape echo I have to look elsewhere.

  • Things I see that need fixing and upgrading:

    1. Separate volumes for MONITOR AND SPEAKER. I could see linking this being useful for some people, but for some of us who play live we need a dedicated volume for the monitor out and a dedicated volume for the speaker out.

    2. Treble cut in INPUT CONTROLS under clean sense and distortion sense.

    to 1
    this is already implemented.
    Set the Main Volume (the XLR signal going through the FOH) in the Output page 2 to a good level, and then remove the tick from the box 'Main Out Link'.
    Now you can quickly alter the volume of your cab on stage with the Master Volume without changing the Main Volume.

    all of this is of course described in the manual ;)

    to 2
    what would you need that for?
    and - in a way there are already three ways to accomplish this:
    1) switch the EQ in the STACK section to "Position: Pre"
    2) use a dedicated EQ before the STACK
    3) use the Tone knob on your guitar :)

    exactly what would a predelay feedback parameter do?
    predelay is the time between the initial signal and the first early reflections, it is by definition silence.
    I have trouble seeing the point of feeding silence back onto itself, since it would only result in more silence...
    what is it I'm not getting?

  • 1. About monitor out and main out. I want to use my talkbox and figured i can hook up the talkbox to another amp and use the monitor out from Kemper to this amp. I need midi assign for on off, monitor out and main out.Need to switch theme, Is this possible? or is it another way? Im using stereo speakers, so it wont work on the same amp with the talkbox.

    Edited 2 times, last by strengdal (November 18, 2014 at 8:37 AM).

  • Thanks! but I don't have the Rocktron banchee, don't like it. I have the old talkbox from the 70's much better. But anyway,the point is like silvertone talking about, is to have separate volume to the expedal for main out and monitor out. Would also like to have it for headphone out, or at list on and off feature. Maybe I should make a new request? The easiest way for my needs is just on and off. I can make a lot of cable and switches myself , but should not be necessary. I was thinking, if the exp master volume have the option to chose for one at the time( main out monitor out headphone out ) it would work. Then I just need one, on off switch for the talkbox. Thanks!

    Edited 9 times, last by strengdal (November 18, 2014 at 11:24 PM).