Best Speakers for Kemper?

  • I've recently bought a Kemper Rack (non power amp version) and I'm looking for a decent system to play it through live.

    I'm thinking of the Alto Truesonic TS112A.

    Maybe two of those so I can use one as a monitor and one to point towards the rest of the band in practice or use both live.

    Can anyone recommend or suggest any other speakers/set ups.

    I'm also thinking of buying the Behringer MIDI Foot Controller FCB1010. Has anyone had any experience of these. (Uno for Kemper chip as well)

  • From what I've read, the TS112s should be decent for the price. There are definitely better options if you're willing to pay more - I think the Atomic CLR is "the king" for most people on here - but if you're on a budget I don't think you'll have any complaints. I imagine it's the sort of thing where you might have a cheaper speaker like the 112, and it sounds really good to you, but then one day a buddy lets you play with his crazy-expensive monitors and when you go home your speakers sound like crap.

    The FCB + U4K is a pretty solid choice as well. Like with speakers, spending more for something like a Liquid Foot will get you a lot more control and flexibility for fancier stuff, but if you just want basic switching and a couple of pedals a 1010 does the job perfectly.

  • Thanks for the replies.Would the following be any good?…6zAMxoCJUDw_wcB

    I'm hoping this would be much better/clearer sound quality.

    AFAIK nobody's tested the DBR series yet.
    The higher priced DXR series is great though.

  • If cost is no issue and you don't intend to use the speaker(s) for other purposes: A pair of Atomic CLRs

    If you play loud and want a cab that can double as a FOH-top: Yamaha DSR112, JBL PRX712, QSC KW122,HK Audio L5 112 XA
    There are minor differences, but just about any high-end 12" FR-cab from a reputable maker will do. You may even want to consider a 15" cab if you play a lot with drop-tuning or baritone guitars. Cabs in this class are not cheap. Do not expect to save more than about 10% per unit over the CLR, but there is OTOH a lot more of these on the 2nd-hand market than there are CLRs.

    For most people a less powerful 10" or 12" FR-cab is adequate. As with the above you pay for good quality. Among the more reasonably priced speakers endorsed by the KPA community are Yamaha's DXR10 and DXR12. There's a lot of speakers in this class on the market. Many of them are decent.

    For home use a pair of decent near-field studio-monitors are fine.

    For practise you may also get by with other types of amps that either are full-range or at least cover the guitar's frequency-spectrum well such as a keyboard-amp or an acoustic-guitar/vocal amp.

    Just today I got the opportunity to A/B-test Yamaha's new DBR series against their DXRs. I had no 15", but both 10" and 12" were present. I didn't have my KPA at hand, but tested through a L6-pod and with music. Quite impressive. The DBRs are a bit less powerful than the DXRs, but sounded otherwise pretty much the same. I have DSR's (12" and woofers) when I need big punch, but I'm now getting a few of the DBR10s to use as stage monitors, for mains at smaller acoustic gigs and for practise with my KPA. At only 10.5kg my back is going to love them ;)

    Edited once, last by heldal (November 14, 2014 at 10:41 PM).

  • Thanks for this!

    How do the DSR compare to the DXR and DBR in sound quality?

  • How do the DSR compare to the DXR and DBR in sound quality?

    There was no DSR in the shop today so I couldn't compare it directly to the DBR.

    I have previously compared the DSR112 to a DXR12. At moderate/comparable volume and short distance it is splitting hairs almost. The DSR is probably a bit more linear than the DXR. At greater distance and higher volumes the DSR blows the other out of the water.

    Edited once, last by heldal (November 15, 2014 at 3:13 AM).

  • I give a big thumbs up to the Line 6 L3t's great sounding FRFR's and amazing versatile speakers which can also be used as FoH sound as well as monitors. They accept both 110 and 220 which for me was a bonus and the customer service has been very responsive to my questions before and after purchase. They are also widely available and incredibly expandable from one monitor to whole sound systems with remote wireless configuration. Loving my 2 L3t's so far!

  • There was no DSR in the shop today so I couldn't compare.

    I have previously compared the DSR12 to a DXR12. At moderate/comparable volume and short distance it is splitting hairs almost. The DSR is probably a bit more linear than the DXR. At greater distance and higher volumes the DSR blows the other out of the water.

    Thank you sir!

  • Fwiw, I have tried QSC K10, Yamaha DXR10, DBR10, line 6, RCF ART310a. To my ears, the K10 and DXR10 have th others by a mile. the DBR10 was not even close to the DXR...sounded scooped and unrealistic in the mids. Between the k10 and DXR 10 is say I prefer the way the QSC voiced in the midrange and I think the DXR nails the "cabinet thump" a bit better. One of each in stereo would be my preference.

  • Interesting thread, despite being 1 year old. I'm in the market for a new monitor and need a bit of advice.
    I have been using this monitor for some time now and it gives me a headache when volume goes up. Not very pleasant.

    I have been looking closer upon the ElectroVoice ZLX 12P and the Yamaha DXR 12. Both can double as
    FOH speakers and both have two inputs.
    These two are roughly equal specs-wise and both are medium priced. EV weighs about 4 Kg less than Yamaha which is a bit
    louder on the other hand. The EV speaker is 390 € and the Yamaha is nearly twice as much. I hear nice things about both models.
    I know its a very hypothetical question, but anyway: Wich one should you have chosen and why?

  • ElectroVoice ZLX 12P and the Yamaha DXR 12...
    I know its a very hypothetical question, but anyway: Wich one should you have chosen and why?

    I have owned the EV side by side with a Yamaha DXR 10 and an Atomic CLR.
    The EV cannot compete with the DXR.
    It loses its fundament when turned up.
    EV is long sold.

  • I have the DXR10 and are very satisfied. I have personally not tried the DXR12, but others here have and I think the consensus is that it's not as good as the 8",10" and even the 15" due to a slightly boxy sound character.

  • The intended use is with the band in a rehearsalroom and will replace the above mentioned wedge monitor. This room is about 20 m3 and have wooden walls and ceiling which have been covered with ecophon type tiles. I also route vocals to this monitor and this is perhaps not a good idea. Maybe I should keep the Wedge for vocal foldback only.

    It would seem that I would go with the Yamaha DXR and not the 12" but rather the 10" ?
    I read somewhere that the plastic case of the 12" tends to resonate. I'm curious to know why the 10"
    is not prone to the same problem.

  • Well, a 20 cubic meter room is a disaster for audio, the more the higher the volume... Are you sure about the size you supplied? It would be like 2x3x3... Maybe you meant square meters? A band would hardly fit!

    it's impossible to tweak at stage volume in such a small environment w/o exciting the room's modes... And I am afraid the tiles have no effect over the medium-low and low resonances. Also, keep the cabs away from walls and corners!