FW 2.7 Bug?

  • I also have a switching problem with 2.7 (release, came from 2.5 )
    When Switching (by hand )from 'browse" 'perform 'mode it takes four seconds till the Kemper changes the window to the perform mode.
    When I'm in the performance mode, I have to wait for 4 seconds again before I can switch from the first, to the second performance ( by hand with the rig buttons.)
    If I don't wait a few seconds when I'm in performance mode, The system switches automaticly back to browse mode, when using the rig button
    When everything works, and I want to go back from performance mode to browse mode, it takes again 4 seconds time afther turning the browse knob.

    I have 300 profiles in my KPA and I have the same problem on both my Kemper power racks ( both with the same firmware and sounds/setup )

    Edited 4 times, last by Dorrus (November 14, 2014 at 9:07 AM).

  • I have just installed 2.7 and noticed some performance-slot changing delay.
    If i call up a patch and quickly change slots in rapid succession (possibly the same slot multiple times or in a random order) i experience a crackle and delay loading some slots.
    It seems that midi-selecting the same slot several times quickly will cause an issue. I must admit though this is when calling up 3 slots within 1 second, which is usually quicker than i would practically do so in a live situation, but nevertheless, i haven't noticed this before.
    I thought there might be some CC information slowing the system down but it appears no different when sending just a prog change message.
    i've done a video clip here:

    There is also a noticable delay when switching between browse and performance mode, but this is not the sort of thing that would be required in a live situation so i can live with it, and like timo said is some kind of safe guard.

  • This is intended to prevent accidental switching between BROWSER and PROFILER or PERFORM and TUNER.

    Following up the "browse to performance" mode delay change concerns,Yes it takes about 3-4 seconds but if you change mode then back again within 1.5-2 seconds it still changes mode but after that 3-4 second delay, so the "accidental changing protection" (if this was the intention) is not apparent. What you end up with here is a change of mode that you didnt intend on and then another delayed mode change back to the original mode. My guess here is that there is some heavy-processing being done in the KPA that takes time and once initiated can not be escaped.
    Not a problem unless you do accidentally change mode or if you are aware of this, annoying as it may be to some.

  • I have just installed 2.7 and noticed some performance-slot changing delay.
    If i call up a patch and quickly change slots in rapid succession (possibly the same slot multiple times or in a random order) i experience a crackle and delay loading some slots.
    It seems that midi-selecting the same slot several times quickly will cause an issue. I must admit though this is when calling up 3 slots within 1 second, which is usually quicker than i would practically do so in a live situation, but nevertheless, i haven't noticed this before.
    I thought there might be some CC information slowing the system down but it appears no different when sending just a prog change message.
    i've done a video clip here:

    There is also a noticable delay when switching between browse and performance mode, but this is not the sort of thing that would be required in a live situation so i can live with it, and like timo said is some kind of safe guard.

    This is the Pop/click/crackle ive talked about from day 1 i think. Do you have quite a few stomps active on the patches that you are changing to and from. CK has improved this a bit but if you have 3-4 stomps active/passive you will still get this issue. Is the pop exactly as you press the pedal/change slot??

  • Hi Raoul, i've followed your issue that you have raised over the past few weeks and i read and seen what others have to say. I have experienced the little pops between patch changes, as you did, but it didn't bother me enough to make a fuss. Not that i think you are making a fuss, i think you are right and I appreciate your situation and that for many users it is a problem.
    I installed 2.7 yesterday and although the small pops/clicks between patch changes seemed less apparent there were horrible big drop outs and nasty crackles, as i mentioned, when i change patches more than 3 times per second. This was unacceptable and i have just gone back to v2.5 as there is nothing "extra" that i feel can gain with this update. I just hope loading in an older firmware doesn't cause any problems. ?(

    To answer your question, the snap/crackle/pop drop out is as i press the prog change button via midi. Something is still not right here.