RM 1.2.3: De-Installation destroys existing personal rig-database

  • Due to malfunctioning of RM 1.2.3 (doesn't allow any changes to data-fields of rigs) I wanted to roll back to RM 1.0.52. A re-install of RM 1.0.52 wasn't possible, only "Repair installation", "Change installation" or "De-installation". Repair and Change led to ansolute no changes, de-installation as the last option has celeaned up my personal rig-database with ca. 9.000 data-corrected rigs! :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:
    After re-installing RM 1.0.52 I imported some rigs into the (now) clean database and had to discover that all my changes made in the past were not written to the rig files (*.kipr). It seems all the changes to structrize the rigs were only hold in the database-archive, that has been completely wasted by the RM-rollback. All my work of structuring and cataloging/data-correcting etc. in the past since releasing RM has blown up in the air! Can't tell you how happy I am ... X(
    Due to the desolate installation routine of RM that doesn't allow to specify a path for the installation, the application and it's data is hidden in the labyrinth of the Windows structure. So I've got only the option to re-install a former image of the system drive to regain the database but otherwise I'd have then to restore manually my meanwhile altered system settings. So I decided to save my system and clean it from such crisis software like RM, waiting to get a simple and effective tool like Axe-Edit for the AXE-FX one day (like promised month/years ago by the KPA-team). Imo this software is absolutely unprofessional and not usable under professional studio requirements!

  • Man, I am sorry you lost your work, but I cannot believe you seriously believed you could simply roll back to an earlier version and keep changes you made to your database with a later one. That is not supposed to work with any software I know.

    And how could you not pick up that RM is based upon a database.
    And why in the world wouldn't you backup your database before you start rolling back to older versions of the software?

    Sorry if I sound harsh and I totally understand your frustration, but please don't blame this very nice piece of software or the development team for what was clearly your own shortcoming this time.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • Luckily CUBE did not lose anything :D

    To extend the discussion, I remember someone (it was Ingolf I believe) saying that reinstalling RM would not touch the db.

    I also found quite interesting the notion that editing fields is not reflected in the physical rig files.

  • To extend the discussion, I remember someone (it was Ingolf I believe) saying that reinstalling RM would not touch the db.

    yes, which is common for apps like these I suppose.

    I also found quite interesting the notion that editing fields is not reflected in the physical rig files.

    yes, indeed.

  • Luckily CUBE did not lose anything :D

    To extend the discussion, I remember someone (it was Ingolf I believe) saying that reinstalling RM would not touch the db.

    I also found quite interesting the notion that editing fields is not reflected in the physical rig files.

    What exactly do you mean by "interesting"?

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • You mean, when you export it after you changed a tag in RM? Of course it should in that case. Does it not?

    But anyway
    RM does not keep any reference to the physical file of the imported rig. I received that info from Timo, when I asked if they could at least store the name of the imported rig file, so that we would keep a reference to the unchanged original.

    90% of the game is half-mental.

  • RM does not keep any reference to the physical file of the imported rig. I received that info from Timo, when I asked if they could at least store the name of the imported rig file, so that we would keep a reference to the unchanged original.

    And this is my point if I got you right. If RM is showing my Profiler's contents I expect editing to be reflected in the installed rigs. If it is not it's definitely counter-intuitive, and the manual should stress it in bold and underlined characters IMO :)

  • Because those files are located in my Profiler, and RM is aware of this.
    While I'd agree nothing can be done as regards remote files, I'd expect files on the unit to be updatable.

    Of course, when I write "counter-intuitive" I speak for myself, I'm representing no lobby here :)