Profiles sold on Ebay

  • No, I feel you. I was talking in general. For a seller to exist, many buyers have to exist. And to me, the disruptive power towards a raising market represented by 100 "burned" potential buyers is much higher than one illegal seller.

    Paradoxically, if the guy exclusively sold his copies to people who would never buy a profile, I'd not mind him making money. The real danger for the Kemper market to grow is the lost incomes, IMO, as the factor that takes the wind out of their sails.

    What about putting on the market fake commercial profiles from say a Bengali server? AFAIK, something similar happens within the PtP networks, where the sellers themselves inject fake copies of their software...


    ive have heard this as well

  • The digital sword swings both ways.
    While anything digital can be copied and distributed illegally, tracing can also be done to find you.

    Having registered with eBay, this makes it much easier for pursuing legal action as all you need is a probable cause to get a warrant to gain their private information. Depends on how far the profilers themselves want to take it.

    We have done all we can here by shining light on the cockroaches to scatter them.

  • This is just half of it guys. Ten-to-one, on some strange part of the internet like 4chan, but for audio sharing, you will find profiles being shared. Thanks for highlighting this, Guenter. Tip of the iceberg and we all have to make sure we don't wind up like in Titanic.

    As that guy in Jerry Maguire said (and we should all be saying it, "Help me, help me", or we'll all wind up in the drink.

    Thank God, the Kemper is never going to be released as a plugin. ^^

  • This is just half of it guys. Ten-to-one, on some strange part of the internet like 4chan, but for audio sharing, you will find profiles being shared. Thanks for highlighting this, Guenter. Tip of the iceberg and we all have to make sure we don't wind up like in Titanic.

    As that guy in Jerry Maguire said (and we should all be saying it, "Help me, help me", or we'll all wind up in the drink.

    Thank God, the Kemper is never going to be released as a plugin. ^^

    I'm with you on this, no plugin means our KPS's will hold their value so im glad its saying hardware only.

  • Plugins would take the control Kemper currently has over latency and scatter it to the mercy of people's scrambled-together digital devices.

    There is just too much algorithm crunching to leave the power that handles it to the public at large, lest the poor performing PCs and Macs of some users pollute the reviews.

    This is a case where the "Apple" method of co-developing Hardware & Software truly require each other to work seamlessly.

    I only hope to see a plugin in 2030 when I want to reminisce about the software, much like someone playing C64 emulators today!

    But then, Kemper will be a wireless hologram with custom designed "skins"!!

  • Im confused, it sounds like this thread is saying that a sound can be copy-written when in several previous threads, its the other way around especially when you mention C.K or his product in the same sentence.

    Is there an actual legal document that can be cited stating that what this dickhole did was against the law?

    Im not sure it can be looked at differently then a garage sale/thrift store. A third party making $$$ off of another persons "hard" work is kinda just how the world works.
    Sure some people (original sellers) can have their emotional reaction but most IMHO are just bitching to be on the social bandwagon.
    Not sure performing an e-witchhunt is any more legal or morally righteous then what this twat has done.

  • This isn't protecting the sound as property. It's protecting Sound Engineers for their time in making Profiles as a product you buy.

    This would be exactly like copying Swart's amps and selling them AS Swart's amps without his permission.

  • This isn't protecting the sound as property. It's protecting Sound Engineers for their time in making Profiles as a product you buy.

    This would be exactly like copying Swart's amps and selling them AS Swart's amps without his permission.

    Pretty sure you already know that trying to claim the guy in question was selling as 8k vendors is bullshit.

  • DB is right tho. He's not selling a sound, he's selling something that someone has created and sold with the explicit agreement thath is work would be never copied, sold or shared with others.
    Whomever first bought a profile and resold it infringed this agreement.

    A profile is a piece of work, a single sound of an amp is a sub-product of a piece of work, exactly like HD's engine noise.

    The intesting part of the above tho is that if you profile a Profiler, the derived profile belongs to you and not to the creator of the original profile :o

  • The intesting part of the above tho is that if you profile a Profiler, the derived profile belongs to you and not to the creator of the original profile :o

    This isn't just "interesting", viabcroce, it's genius level recursive logic!

    If you have two KPA's and profile a profiler's profile on the other KPA, that is your own profile now? Wow. My mind has been blown for the day.

    That's right up there with Kurt Gödel telling his Naturalization Judge that the U.S. Constitution had a logical flaw: You could make a new Amendment prohibiting further Amendments and forever close that document to further changes. That's you, viabcroce!

  • This isn't just "interesting", viabcroce, it's genius level recursive logic!

    If you have two KPA's and profile a profiler's profile on the other KPA, that is your own profile now? Wow. My mind has been blown for the day.

    That's right up there with Kurt Gödel telling his Naturalization Judge that the U.S. Constitution had a logical flaw: You could make a new Amendment prohibiting further Amendments and forever close that document to further changes. That's you, viabcroce!

    I think it'd be more likely that you'd have to profile the profile with a different profiler (kind of like people using the KPA to profile an Axe FX, if the Axe FX was a profiler and not a modeller). Makes more sense to me, anyway...


  • I don't see any reasons for dicussions here: excellent commercial profiles created by artists with their big amount of time, talent and money, were stolen and illegaly sold by an asshole. That's it.

    well that actually sums it up.

    Here's sth that's an interesting read and deals with the topic in a more global way…atinum-in-2014/
    And if you want to see sth really depressing please click here:

  • I believe it's always improper to try and have other stop discussing things, unless they are behaving improperly :)

    @ jasper: we don't have a law for every and each occurrence of the real world. Often laws are established in response to something that the community feels has to be regulated. Lacking an explicit set of rules for a specific matter, the judge has to apply their "family father common sense, as we say in Italy, and make decisions when asked to.

    What we know for sure till now, is that you can't copyright a sound.
    Harley Davidson tried to protect the noise their engines make, with no success.
    Consider that the Profiler is not cloning an amp, is cloning a specific setting of his. It's like tone-matching a song.

    @ sam, that's what I had in mind: profiling a Profile through a Profiler.
    If we accept that profiling an Axe-Fx or a tube amp is legal, that has to be true for profiling a Profiler as well.

    @ db: ROTFL
    I had always wished to be the cause of the fall of the US' civilization :P