Overdrive Suggestions

  • This may be true but the question was not to use or not use it was can I produce an overdrive that is transparent like or similar to what is profiled. I understand all of the other options listed and appreciate them, but what I was looking for was a transparent overdrive to put in a slot for most all rigs so in any situation I can add a little more touch dynamics and slight saturation. I can get the saturation and have used the Greenie in the past but after buying the sweet baby I've grown fond of it so that is what drove the original post.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • The gain is much more than I typically use but you can see the slight change and addition of dynamics the pedal added without really changing the amp base tone.

    I realize 'transparency' and 'dynamics' are very popular words (buzzwords?) when people talk about overdrives, but here's the thing:
    a clean boost (like our Pure Booster) is transparent. Any additional EQ-ing - and pedals do that quite a bit, both fixed in the input and output stages and variable with an additional tone control - takes away from the original character of the guitar's signal and can therefore not really be described as transparent.

    Overdrives work by limiting/clipping the signal and/or boosting the signal's level, which would result in more saturation in the amp's preamp stage(s). A overdrive pedal set with very little or no distortion and a very low output ('starving' the input of the amp and thereby reducing it's saturation) in front of a overdriven amp
    is pretty much the only scenario I can think of where a dirt pedal would result in a more dynamic signal, compared the overdriven amp's signal without it. But this would be a rather silly use of a OD ;)

    I don't doubt the pedal does something to your tone that you like, maybe it just happens to work perfectly with your pickups (making their inherent tone more pleasant to you), but it does not improve the transparency or dynamics of the Profiler.
    If you want transparency and the best possible dynamics (= like you played it), plug straight into the Profiler - nothing is more dynamic than the signal straight from the pickups.


  • ...but what I was looking for was a transparent overdrive to put in a slot for most all rigs so in any situation I can add a little more touch dynamics and slight saturation.

    That's exactly what I'm doing with the pure boost and my beloved Morgan AC20 rig (that I use exclusively at the moment throughout the whole gig).