Focusrite 6i6 Headphone vs Kemper Headphone output

  • Hi all,

    I'm currently on vacation and took my kemper with me :)
    I didnt bother to setup my Focusrite 6i6 and laptop (my home setup) and instead directly connected my headphones (AKG 271) directly into the kemper headphone output - and i was blown away by the sound.

    I then setup the my usual setup Guitar -> Kemper -> SPDIF Out -> Focusrite 6i6 SPDIF IN -> Headphones plugged into the Focusrite and the guitar sounds like "far away" (really "thin" - dont know how to describe it better).
    The sample rate of the Focusrite is 44.1 kHz, SPDIF is set as Sync Source, Kemper SPDIF Out is set to Master Stereo.

    I own the MW - RokPak and I love the tones when connected to the Kemper directly but when the signal is routed over the Focusrite it sounds just ok.

    Is there anything I do wrong ? Any help is highly appreciated !


  • Hi Joachim,

    are you using a DAW when monitoring the Profiler via SPDIF? I'm using the 6i6 myself with a 271 and the only difference i notice is that the Profiler provides a higher output via headphones. You should disable Software Monitoring when using a DAW use the direct monitoring feature of the Mix Control software so you don't run into phasing issues.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Hi HELL-G,

    thanks for the quick response. At the moment I dont use any DAW (Reaper in my case - but when I use Reaper it actually sounds different).
    I'm really new to all the components Kemper,Focusrite and Reaper so it's more then likely that I cause the problem.
    Regarding higher output of the kemper - could that be what i interpret as "thinner" or should it be really the same just not as loud ?


  • I only have a difference in volume. I mainly use the Profilers Headphone Output because it is louder and has more punch than the Focusrite. What you describe as thin may be some kind of phase cancellation occuring when 'double' monitoring the source, but as you are connected via SPDIF only this seems unlikely. You could do a comparison when back home and post your full signal chain and settings.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Thanks again :)

    what information whould you exactly need ? Basically the only difference at home is that I have some Monitors connected to the focusrite aswell - so i think i should have everything with me to provide any additional information.


  • Headphones are like cabs. Different HPs means a different sound, and may well mean different levels as well.

    Please supply FR's headphones output impedance and level, and your HPs' impedance and sensitivity. This may help detecting any issue with HPs.

    If you want to learn more about preamps and headphones, feel free to visit this post.


  • I understand the Kemper also has some sort of "technology" behind its headphone output that allows it to drive headphones of various impedance without any difference. Could be that your Focusrite does not have the same kind of "driver" or whatever you would call it, which could result in a different experience when monitoring through the Focusrite.

  • Hi all,

    I tried to get the information for the Focusrite 6i6 but I was not able to find anything (…/specifications) but I'm no expert so maybe the information is hidden on the page.
    The Headphones AKG 271 have an impedance of 55 ohms and a sensitivity of 91 db SPL/mW.

    I really like the space parameter and thought it would be automatically enabled for SPDIF (when disabled for Headphones) or is there a setting I miss ?

    thanks for all the help !!!


  • Hi Carsten,

    it really sounds like we experience the same "problem" - could you please elaborate on the routing settings of Mix Control.
    It could very well be that I messed up routing.

    What I forgot to mention - the Kemper runs on the latest 2.6 Beta Firmware !

    thanks in advance

  • Here is a screenshot of my Mix Control setting :

    [Blocked Image:]

    In my case I had set the Routing Preset wrong for the headphones. (middle one on the screenshot).
    As you can see I have it selected to Mix 1.
    I normally don't have the sync sorce set to "Internal" as it creates "pops". When playing it is set to S/PDIF


    See this thread Help with Focusrite/KPA about your internal sync source setting

  • Hi Carsten,

    sorry for the late response - currently I have limited Internet access.

    Thanks for the screenshot - I have basically the same settings in mix control - I use the "Zero Latency Tracking" preset.

    I was also able to create the 'cancellation' (as mentioned by HELL-G) by enabling monitoring of the guitar track in my DAW so this is not cause for the difference I hear.

    After adjusting the volume levels of the kemper and the focusrite the difference is not as noticeable as before but the
    focusrite still seems "brighter" to me and I prefer the sound I get via the Kemper (which HELL-G refers to with "punch" I guess).

    I think there is nothing wrong with my setup and the missing punch can be dialed in with the EQ.

    I want to thank all of you for your help and support - I really enjoy the kemper community !!!

    sunny greetings from italy