Permanent wish-list topic: Buzz Feiten Tuning option, please!

  • It is. It is the plural nominative of a noun that is neutrum. ;)

    Yes, it's Latin, but not exactly a noun, and not nominative.

    There's a special construction in Latin which involves the word res,rei (thing/s). When they wanted to adjectivate that word, they took just the adjective and used it in its neutral form. So instead of saying ad majora res! ("always towards greater things", or "towards greater and greater successes"), where in this case majora is the female form as well (because res is a female word), you can omit the actual noun and use the adjective in its neutral form (which by accident in this example is the same as the female form).
    For example, difficilia would be "hard things (to do)" (instead of difficilis res).

    BTW, the required case is accusative, since it's a movement towards a place.

    Uh... Sorry for derailing the discussion, but yes, Buzz Feiten tuning option, please :D

  • Yes, it's Latin, but not exactly a noun, and not nominative.

    There's a special construction in Latin which involves the word res,rei (thing/s). When they wanted to adjectivate that word, they took just the adjective and used it in its neutral form. So instead of saying ad majora res! ("always towards greater things", or "towards greater and greater successes"), where in this case majora is the female form as well (because res is a female word), you can omit the actual noun and use the adjective in its neutral form (which by accident in this example is the same as the female form).
    For example, difficilia would be "hard things (to do)" (instead of difficilis res).

    BTW, the required case is accusative, since it's a movement towards a place.

    Uh... Sorry for derailing the discussion, but yes, Buzz Feiten tuning option, please :D

    Ah that rings a bell.
    But then you're not correct, because: If majora is linked to 'res' it should be ad majoram (rem), when in singular, or ad majoras (res), when in plural, because ad always stands with the accusative (as you already stated), my friend.
    Of course I was wrong when I said that majora is a noun, it's an adjective of course that stands WITH a noun and changes with the sex of the noun.
    In case of standing with res it wold be res majora (nominative singular) or res majorae (nominative plural). The accusatives would be (as stated) rem majoram or res majoras.
    When standing with a noun which is neutrum I am right though. Think of labia majora pudendi, which is nominative plural of labium majus pudendi.
    Maybe I was thinking of this when writing my answer. :|^^:?:
    This is fun!!

  • Sorry to reply to a Zombie thread, but I would also like to see programmable offsets in the tuner so that we can accommodate Feiten Tuning System guitars (I have a couple of Tom Andersons). To actually program it as "Buzz Feiten Tuning System" would require Kemper to pay a fairly steep licensing fee, but the offsets are well-known and can be individually programmed. I have a Sonic Research ST-200 Turbo Tuner (works great, now replaced with the ST-300) that I have programmed with the BFTS. If Kemper could incorporate this, I will be down to two pedals in front of my Kemper rack; as soon as I get the compressor stomp figured out, I'll be down to one- a Digitech Mosaic.

  • +1

    A user adjustable reference offset would be a wonderful addition, and should not raise concerns about licensing fees. I started working on a lot of different methods of adjusting temperament and nut compensation. Not needing a seperate device would be a major usability update for me

  • +1

    I have one guitar with True Temperament fretboard...
    The only unaltered notes are the "A"s ... all the other have a light detune of +-a couple of cents
    Having the possibility to set a separate tuning offser for each string would simplify things a lot...

    for info:

    Moreover, it would be possible to use the "sweetened" tunings available with Peterson tuners...

  • I know everyone is different but I have a few guitars with the Feiten setup and always felt a love hate relationship with it. For open cord stuff it is glorious but sounds wacked with bar chords etc...

    This is just food for thought, I had read that Suhr Guitars recommends for those not agreeing with the Feiten system to ignore the offsets and intonate on the 3rd fret.

    I am so very much happier with my tuning now that I have done this!

  • I'm interested in this. I have several guitars that have the BF system. I am curious how this sounds. How do I do it? Thanks!

    Me too ... I have one BF system guitar (second hand) and am not sure if the bridge has been fiddled with by the previous owner. there's little online about that part of the setup