• I think just the mars 900 and 2k used humbuckers.

    Okay thanks. Unfortunately I don't have any single coil type guitars(want to buy a strat at some point), but I noticed that you like your p90s, and I do own
    an ibanez js700 which has them pre-installed :). Which amps did you profile using p90s, and more generally which ones would you recommend for a p90 type guitar? In fact, which amp packs of yours do you think would be best for those pickups? Sorry for the abundance of questions, just deciding which packs to purchase. Cheers!

  • Hi Michael.

    I've bought the Sweet Pack... before I played all rigs a big thumbs up for the fact that your profiles came with set stomps and effects AND - this is really great: set the effects to the profiler remote, so one can immediately use the effects. Very nice and I can tell after played with the first few profiles: they sound very good, very sweet. Thank you!

  • The download link doesn't load (times out) "... because the server where this page is located isn't responding."

    Anyone else had or having this issue?

    Great, now the link's tab has turned red and reads, "Download Expired".

    Help, please... anyone!

  • The download link doesn't load (times out) "... because the server where this page is located isn't responding."

    Anyone else had or having this issue?

    Great, now the link's tab has turned red and reads, "Download Expired".

    Help, please... anyone!

    Mike will come to the rescue, I guess.

    Never too old for rock'n'roll

  • I just recorded this clip and thought I would share. I have always loved this tune off of The Extremist and decided to give it a shot. I had the help of Rocco Pezzin with the backing track (drums and bass). All the guitars were recorded with my Tom Anderson Pro Am and Michael's amazing 5150 profile pack (specifically profile 5150 Lead 2.3). What an awesome and underrated 5150 pack. For me, he did a great job of making a killer set of profiles that fit rock and hard rock...not just metal tones.

    This is probably my favorite clip I've recorded. Hope you all like it. Let me know if you have any questions.

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  • Was interested in the feedback from fellow MBritt profile users...

    I have found I'm still gravitating towards the older MBritt profiles as they have a certain sound that my ears seem to like. I think I may have figured out why that is the case. Starting with the 5150 pack, it looks like Michael switched out the Cascade Fathead II for the Royer 101 in terms of the blend mic with the SM57. What I notice about the newer profiles in comparing them to the old is they have a little more treble content and a little less bass content. I think the old 57+Fathead II has more character and "swirl" to it...for my ears. Is a Fathead closer to a R121 than a R101? I'm guessing the answer to that might be yes. I've always like recordings and IRs with that blend of SM57+R121 over anything else. Anyhow, here's my wish or plug for bringing back the Fathead II for the next profile pack, or even a R121.

    What do you guys think? Do you notice the same?

  • I haven't noticed it myself but I also haven't been straying much beyond my 'standard' performances to really be able to make an educated opinion statement.

    With that said, I do know that Mike has suffered not a small amount of criticism for his profiles being 'too dark' and its possible he may have made this change to accommodate those of that opinion. (I wasn't one of them)

  • I have found I'm still gravitating towards the older MBritt profiles

    Vintage Profiles always sound better, the modern stuff has way to little soul and mojo ... ?( ! :D

    I like the newer ones better (and the Heritage Pack... if that counts as new) because of the brighter character :)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • @lonestargtr

    Hi Michael,

    I noticed that Gaul mentioned (above) thatyour Sweet 16 profile pack feature rigs that have been saved with some of your favorite effect modules. I am all thumbs, when it comes to dialing in delays and reverbs. I find myself endlessly tweaking some of the deeper parameters in these effects, until I realize I am just chasing the bunny further down the rabbit hole. I am looking for some profiles that have these effects already "dialed in", such that they sit nicely in a live mix. Or, at least, provide a nice template from which to make some minor tweaks.

    I checked on the information sheet you have for your Sweet 16 pack, but couldn't find any details in regards to utilization of the KPA's on-board effects. Obviously, I am not looking for specific FX setting information. However, could you advise what effects you have included, and maybe some general comments as to your preference and tastes, and what you were going for when you saved the effects to the specific rig/profiles.

    Thanks in advance.


  • I haven't noticed it myself but I also haven't been straying much beyond my 'standard' performances to really be able to make an educated opinion statement.

    With that said, I do know that Mike has suffered not a small amount of criticism for his profiles being 'too dark' and its possible he may have made this change to accommodate those of that opinion. (I wasn't one of them)

    I think you may be right. I think at volume though, they sound perfect (the older ones).

  • Vintage Profiles always sound better, the modern stuff has way to little soul and mojo ... ?( ! :D
    I like the newer ones better (and the Heritage Pack... if that counts as new) because of the brighter character :)

    Sorry...just to clarify. I mean the older profile packs which include vintage and modern amps. The Colonial was done with the 57+Fathead mix. But yeah, there are profiles that are brighter even with that combo and the Heritage is one of them. Actually the 65 Vox was done with the 57+Fathead too and that one is bright for sure. I think he just started using the Royer 101 beginning with the 5150 and then also on the Sweet 16

    Edited 2 times, last by mtmartin71 (June 30, 2017 at 9:17 PM).

  • Interesting about the ribbon mics. The Fathead does, to my ears, have less high end and midrange and just fills in the bottom more. The Royer seems to do more than just the bottom and I feel like I can blend a little more in smoothly without it getting boomy. And I'm sure my ears have changed as I've gotten feedback about the low end and made many more profiles. I try to be conscious of making things sound "even" (I don't ever want to use the word 'flat'). When I find a particularly nice mic placement I try to keep it set up that way for a bit and just make minor changes, which is probably why the 101 has been on many of the new ones. I just thought they sounded good to my ears.

    Now, I do notice that some of my earliest profiles have a different tonality that I like but I think they were done on an older firmware version and that was before Kemper made some changes to the profiling process that adjusted the way the low end was handled, somewhere just before v 2.5 or v 3.0 I think.

    When I try a couple of my old favorite gain rigs from Pack 1, I think they sound a bit veiled on the bottom with my current rig setup but a buddy of mine uses them and they sound fantastic on his rig and I always ask him what he's using and I'm like, "they don't sound like that on my rig." Too many variables in the world.

    As far as effects go, with the Sweet 16 Pack, I made a concerted effort to store all of the Remote on/off buttons with the rigs as well as leaving my main basic set of stomps and fx easily accessible. My main stomp section includes a wah, compressor, and a tube screamer (on high gain patches I'll add a noise gate). And I think my stock reverb and delay sounds can be turned on most all of my profiles if they're not on when you call it up.

    The compressor setting is subtle but still very usable with clean or gain patches. The screamer is just a nice solo boost for most rigs, adding a bit of gain and a mid bump. The reverb setting I use has a med-long tail (~3sec) but I keep the mix low so I feel it more than hear it. If I'm playing a faster song, I will turn the mix and the time down even further and for big, washy ballad parts, I will turn it all up more.

    I still really like the legacy delay because I'm just more familiar with it and it does most everything I need a delay to do. Our drummer plays to a click track on most every song so I have presets for each song with the exact ms of delay for a 1/4 or 1/2 note usually. This lets me turn the mix up pretty high without actually "hearing" the delay bouncing around. When the repeats are landing on the beat, they aren't sticking out or getting in the way of my right hand and just create longer trails, similar to reverb but instead of a splash of "noise" it's the actual note. That's my delay theory. When I go to solos, I usually just morph into a higher delay mix to thicken it up, kinda like Neal Schon. I also roll the frequency down a little to roll off some highs for a bit of tape delay warmth as well as a very slight bit of modulation that gives a nice stereo spread in the p.a.

    Let me know if you have any other specific questions regarding fx or if I've missed any part of your question.


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • I love it all! The new 5150 pack is great for home recording. I still stay with the original profiles from the first few packs although I have stored three profiles from the Colonial pack and have been my mainstay live profiles for the past two years. I LOVE them!!

  • Interesting about the ribbon mics. The Fathead does, to my ears, have less high end and midrange and just fills in the bottom more. The Royer seems to do more than just the bottom and I feel like I can blend a little more in smoothly without it getting boomy. And I'm sure my ears have changed as I've gotten feedback about the low end and made many more profiles. I try to be conscious of making things sound "even" (I don't ever want to use the word 'flat'). When I find a particularly nice mic placement I try to keep it set up that way for a bit and just make minor changes, which is probably why the 101 has been on many of the new ones. I just thought they sounded good to my ears.

    Now, I do notice that some of my earliest profiles have a different tonality that I like but I think they were done on an older firmware version and that was before Kemper made some changes to the profiling process that adjusted the way the low end was handled, somewhere just before v 2.5 or v 3.0 I think.

    When I try a couple of my old favorite gain rigs from Pack 1, I think they sound a bit veiled on the bottom with my current rig setup but a buddy of mine uses them and they sound fantastic on his rig and I always ask him what he's using and I'm like, "they don't sound like that on my rig." Too many variables in the world.

    Very true! Could be any number of variables. I hadn't considered that. Probably one of my favorites that might seem obscure to most is that 70 Marshall IMP combo, the amp that Peter Frampton used. It just has a swirliness to it and a tone that sits right. Right amount of bass, right amount of treble, right amount of vintage Marshall...just an awesome 2 or 3 profiles. I also really like the Silver Jubilee from the Heavy pack. I did keep the JCM900 profile so that's probably my favorite of the Sweet 16.

    Definitely dig your stuff though. It's all I use when I'm playing out...which I haven't done in too long now. :thumbdown: