• Quote


    I am computer savvy, however, I do not use Twitter. Would I be correct in understanding that the Periscope application will only run on iOS and Android smart phones? In other words, you have to download and install the Periscope app on your phone. I take it there is no plug-in / extension which allows Periscope to run within a browser on a PC (e.g. Google Chrome)?

    I will check into that and get back to you. I am hoping there is a way to download the sessions too.

    My name is Chris & I'm a guitar-a-holic!

  • If you get the share link from the Periscope session you can view from PC.


    Thank you so much, Chris!!

    That was what we needed (the full URL link to the hosted video). I was flummoxed when I tried accessing Periscope's main website from my PC (http://www.periscope.tv). LOL, the only thing you can do from the main / welcome screen is download the App for either iOS or Android.

    Again, much appreciated.


  • Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to share some info on the Driftwood Nightmare. This is my personal amp that I sent to Mike. As many of you know, The Driftwoods are kind of rare to begin with (especially in the states). Well mine is even more rare ;) . This Nightmare has a special MOD by driftwood, and only the company's owner and mine have it. I was asked by Driftwood to try the MOD (as an endorsed artist) and see what I liked better. I choose the MOD. It has more low-end, aggressiveness, and IMO control.

    I sent it to Mike because, I believed that he could nail the "in the room" and "natural/true" sound and feel of this amp in a profile.

    Well.....He DID IT. If you want a true representation of this amp compared to other profile makers, trust me this IS it. Being that I own the amp and compared the profiles to the amp myself, these are perfect profiles of it.

  • Yes! Thank Crgtr for his invaluable help and for posting the link. I've been traveling since we shot it and just got to checking back. Thanks for all the great questions and I'll be doing more of these in the future, hopefully with Chris's help. We'll work out the bugs along the way. If you ever have any questions, etc. just post here or email at mike@mbrittprofiles.com

    Thanks for the support!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hi everyone,

    I just wanted to share some info on the Driftwood Nightmare. This is my personal amp that I sent to Mike. As many of you know, The Driftwoods are kind of rare to begin with (especially in the states). Well mine is even more rare ;) . This Nightmare has a special MOD by driftwood, and only the company's owner and mine have it. I was asked by Driftwood to try the MOD (as an endorsed artist) and see what I liked better. I choose the MOD. It has more low-end, aggressiveness, and IMO control.

    I sent it to Mike because, I believed that he could nail the "in the room" and "natural/true" sound and feel of this amp in a profile.

    Well.....He DID IT. If you want a true representation of this amp compared to other profile makers, trust me this IS it. Being that I own the amp and compared the profiles to the amp myself, these are perfect profiles of it.

    I picked these up and I like them a lot. Really thick distortion and you can really hear how the cabs change the character up. Thanks for sharing the amp Paul.

    I also emailed Driftwood about the amp and so far the owner has been super cool to deal with. Great customer service so far!

  • I picked these up and I like them a lot. Really thick distortion and you can really hear how the cabs change the character up. Thanks for sharing the amp Paul.

    I also emailed Driftwood about the amp and so far the owner has been super cool to deal with. Great customer service so far!

    Awesome!! Yes best customer service for sure. BTW the DI and the Merged profiles sound great swapping the cabs out to some of the tonehammer stuff.


  • Yeah it was a very cool event yesterday. Nice to see more guys using the Fryette Power Station as well. I ditched my ISP Stealth for one about 3 months ago and I could;t be happier. i'll be putting that Tweed pack through the paces tonight for sure.

  • I was able to watch a few minutes of the Periscope movie and then came home this afternoon to discover they have a limited shelf life:-( Too bad as it was very informative from what I was able to see. Anyway, picked up the new Marshall and used it on a client's tune yesterday in the studio. Sounded great!

    music producer/guitarist
    4 room facility running Logic, PT and DP-
    Current amps-Kemper, Peavy C30, Fender Blues Deville- lots of pedals
    DBW Studio | YouTube | Facebook
    come and profile your amp at my studio!

  • Wow, the 69 Marshall mini pack is brilliant! Thanks for putting this out! As others mentioned it, I really enjoy the cab variety. Loving the greenback and the H30 at the moment.

    Mike, that Z-Wreck you mention in the periscope vid, is this something you intend to release? In the multi cab format? Eagerly expecting this here! :D

    Thanks again


  • I was able to watch a few minutes of the Periscope movie and then came home this afternoon to discover they have a limited shelf life:-( Too bad as it was very informative from what I was able to see. Anyway, picked up the new Marshall and used it on a client's tune yesterday in the studio. Sounded great!

    Same happened to me. It was rather interesting what I was able to see. Would be great if you could upload the vid e.g. to some Youtube account. Anyway, the Marshall and Tweeds are rockin'..

  • Can someone talk more about the tweeds or review a different pack
    that owns them? I have the Marshall already. I'm on the fence as to what to get next. I have a lot of fender amps from amp factory and I love their character. But britt really gets that in the room sound. Any suggestions are welcome.

  • Man I LOVE this clip! My wife just ordered me a G&L Asat Classic Bluesy with Seth Lover hum bucker in the neck. These are the tones I am looking to get out of that guitar. Just got the Kelley, Tweedy, Guytron and Marshall mini packs but my darn Kemper is at the rehearsal house until tomorrow!!! I will be sure to post clips this weekend!

    Very cool Tones and very nice playing