• Any one like the pack 1 Bletchley Bomber profiles as much as me? I love the almost Eric Johnson-y smoothness. It feels higher gain then it sounds if that makes sense.

    It's reassuring that not every one goes for the same tones. Nice to have some variety out there.

    Mike Britts profiles are awesome. In a couple pay checks I'll check out the Dumble sounds and look for some more Trainwrecks as well.

  • I'm running a dxr10; what tweaks would you recommend to the profile for that and/or what tweaks have you done yourself regarding this? I have several of his packs as well, but almost always activate (Britt's own) boost and compression in the stomp section then usually need to boost the presence and treble a bit, but I play at low volumes usually.

    I don't tweak Michael's profiles at all. The thing I learned about profiles is this. If I try them at low volume and they are just right, they end up being too bright when I turn my CLR cabinet up to loud gig volume and they are too bright through the PA. Others have posted the same experience. Since I use my Kemper for gigs, my main concern is how the profiles sounds live. My experience is, Michael's profiles sound just right out of the box at gigs. When I do sound checks, the sound man hardly does any eq'ing. He sets it flat. So for example, at very low bedroom volumes, Michael's 70' Marshall sounds a little too dark. But as I turn my CLR cab up, it sounds just like it should.

  • My experience is, Michael's profiles sound just right out of the box at gigs. When I do sound checks, the sound man hardly does any eq'ing. He sets it flat. So for example, at very low bedroom volumes, Michael's 70' Marshall sounds a little too dark. But as I turn my CLR cab up, it sounds just like it should.

    This is very interesting. I manly use IEM on stage and rehearsals, so I don't hear the "volumes" from the PA or any wedge monitoring.
    In my opinion the 70' Marshall is a little bit dark in my IEM, so I tend to like the 79' Marshall from pack 2 a little better. It is a little brighter and maybe a little better string separation.

    I think I will check out the 70' Marshall profile on the next gig this weekend, and spend som time in front of the PA on the sound check. Maybe I will learn something new :)

    Any other thoughts or experiences with the 70' Marshall vs. 79' Marshall from pack 2

  • New Mini Packs now available. I've been working on the website for the past few days and I'm sure there will be some slight bumps and bruises, but hopefully nothing too major. Check out the 5 new packs: Guytron, Jim Kelley, 69 Marshall, Driftwood (my first real foray into high gain), and Tweedy (56 Twin, 56 Pro, Pro Jr.). Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks guys!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hi Michael, I can see the packs on your home page but when I click on any of them I am redirected to profiles section but none of these small packs I can find there.. only the usual "old" packs.. am I missing something? or is this only some kind of "your site-bug"?

  • New Mini Packs now available. I've been working on the website for the past few days and I'm sure there will be some slight bumps and bruises, but hopefully nothing too major. Check out the 5 new packs: Guytron, Jim Kelley, 69 Marshall, Driftwood (my first real foray into high gain), and Tweedy (56 Twin, 56 Pro, Pro Jr.). Let me know if you have any other questions. Thanks guys!

    OOOh Mini-Nightmare, off to check that out :thumbup:

  • Michael,
    Thanks for the great work as always on your profiles.

    Like the mini-packs, especially the 69 Marshall w/Variac, and the Guytron. Maybe it's just my ears and being used to your profiles, but I still like the CL80 profiles most of the time :) They are easily adjusted and handle the boost/dist best to my ears...

    Thanks again, keep up the great work. Would like to see some Two Rocks if you ever get the chance !

  • Thanks for the feedback guys. I also wanted to let you know there's a key "hidden" in plain sight at the bottom of most of the pages for a quick reference to what the cryptic amp names are. The Mini Packs use the real names so far, so it'll mainly be for the previous bundle packs.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Thanks for the feedback guys. I also wanted to let you know there's a key "hidden" in plain sight at the bottom of most of the pages for a quick reference to what the cryptic amp names are. The Mini Packs use the real names so far, so it'll mainly be for the previous bundle packs.

    Thanks Mike, that´s really helpfull. Just loaded the pdf. Also a great overview of your profiling work.

    I already bought two mini packs and will test them tonight. I like the idea of having some more highgainers profiled with your CL80 cab. That way, they would blend perfectly with my other mbritt profiles.


  • Just checked them out Michael, great stuff as usual. Not sure if I should be happy or sad as I was trying to tell myself I have enough
    profiles ( I have your Packs 1, 2, 3 and Dumble) but as usual the samples sound great so my credit card may be getting another hit shortly. Especially interested in the Guytron as Graydon was one of my guitar students many years ago and had the opportunity to play one of his more recent GT100's and they are a remarkable amp

    Your new website design looks good too!


  • I love these new profiles. The tweed stuff is amazing. I use them often live. Great cut and growl. Also got a great Frank Marino lead tone from one of the Jim Kelley profiles. The '69 Marshall is stunning. I actually dropped by Mike's secret profiling hideout when he was profiling this beast. He handed me the guitar (actually my old Goldtop R7) and I played every VH riff I knew (rather poorly). I was floored by the tone. As I was staring at the Marshall head sitting on his 3P cab, he told me I was playing the profile..... I couldn't hardly believe that what I was hearing WAS NOT THE AMP. If you love Marshall tone, you gotta grab this pack.

    My name is Chris & I'm a guitar-a-holic!