• Oh thanks Mike. I just saw your post.
    Sorry but I tried. I just have no luck when Paypal has been involved. Especially since I dont want an account with them.
    I figured it wouldnt be a problem since they would allow me to use my card through them so I went ahead and ordered your #2 pack for starters.

    I received no emails from them or anybody so I called my card company to see if it went through. They said it did.
    So I kept checking for an email from somebody. Nothing happened so I called my card again and we ended up in a 3 way conversation with Paypal who had not a clue about anything yet they charged my card.
    So in the end I just told my card company to cancel it.
    I didnt want my $50 hanging in limbo in Paypals account.

    Any other way of getting your rigs?

  • I think Michael was asking what email address you used to place the order. You had to put in an email address in order to make the payment, whether it be through paypal directly or your card going through paypal.

    This. My guess is you made a typo with your email address. Even though I have a paypal account, I don't always sign in to it when ordering stuff but paying with paypal - and I have never had a problem like the one your are describing.

  • Thanks for the help guys. I drove down to Birmingham, AL last night to see Van Halen and the cell service was slow at the venue so I was having a hard time trying to respond and help. And yes, I was just asking for the email address so I could verify the order through paypal and take care of the order myself. I currently don't have any other merchant service that I can use to receive cc payment. I'll look into it, though, and see if there's something I can do. I haven't really heard many problems using cc through paypal without a paypal account, so I'm not sure how regular an occurrence this is. Thanks and let me know if I can help.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hi there, I have all of your packs, to date. I heard a rumour of a new one on the horizon. Is this true? If so, very exciting. I saw the NAMM video of the new 3rd Power Dual Citizen a couple of weeks ago. I think it may be my favourite bottle amp in the world. It sounded worthy of its own pack. I'd buy it. If you're interested, I recorded a track of my own using the Dr Z Rx, the Blackface Deluxe and the 3PAC from your various packs. I don't see enough country around here. I tried to remedy that!

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  • Hi there, I have all of your packs, to date. I heard a rumour of a new one on the horizon. Is this true? If so, very exciting. I saw the NAMM video of the new 3rd Power Dual Citizen a couple of weeks ago. I think it may be my favourite bottle amp in the world. It sounded worthy of its own pack. I'd buy it. If you're interested, I recorded a track of my own using the Dr Z Rx, the Blackface Deluxe and the 3PAC from your various packs. I don't see enough country around here. I tried to remedy that!

    External Content soundcloud.com
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    I have been working diligently all week to get the new profiles available, hopefully next week. They will be single amp smaller packs for now. I had some amps that just needed more than 6-8 profiles to do them justice so I thought I'd do some smaller packs to try something different. My website has been due for a little revamp so I figured this would be as good a time as ever.

    The Dual Citizen is great. My MB100 (MBC) amp was the first incarnation of that amp. I heard Jamie's new AC circuit and asked if he could make an amp with the new AC circuit and my blackface circuit from my DW proto amp and while he was at it, make it 100 watts so I can make sure the neighbors hear it. The Dual Citizen is very similar except that it has a tube rectifier (my 100w is ss), is lower wattage (around 50w), and he has made some additional modifications after he made mine. Jamie makes great amps. I still want to get a Wooly Coats.

    Anyway, stay tuned, hopefully Monday will be the day, but no promises… I have a lot of clips to record and we have 2 shows this weekend...

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Man, I've been meaning to let you know how much I love your profiles. I just got my Kemper about a month ago and your profiles were what sold me on it (you should really talk to ckemper about some commission :) I've deleted everything else that was on there and added all of your packs except the Dumbles.

    One of the big reasons I picked up the KPA is because I have a VERY early build of a Naylor SD60 that I should really stop gigging with and spilling beer on before Danny can't put it back together anymore. The idea was to profile it with the KPA, but your SD60 profiles are so good that I haven't bothered making my own yet. And those Betchleys! Dude. So great to see somebody giving Danny some love. He's an amazing builder and deserves so much more credit for the whole boutique amp craze than he gets. I hope folks hear those profiles and look him up.

    Would love to see a proper Dual Citizen profile. Been loving what I've heard of that one for a while now.

    Thanks so much for all you do, Michael!

    I have been working diligently all week to get the new profiles available, hopefully next week. They will be single amp smaller packs for now. I had some amps that just needed more than 6-8 profiles to do them justice so I thought I'd do some smaller packs to try something different. My website has been due for a little revamp so I figured this would be as good a time as ever.

    The Dual Citizen is great. My MB100 (MBC) amp was the first incarnation of that amp. I heard Jamie's new AC circuit and asked if he could make an amp with the new AC circuit and my blackface circuit from my DW proto amp and while he was at it, make it 100 watts so I can make sure the neighbors hear it. The Dual Citizen is very similar except that it has a tube rectifier (my 100w is ss), is lower wattage (around 50w), and he has made some additional modifications after he made mine. Jamie makes great amps. I still want to get a Wooly Coats.

    Anyway, stay tuned, hopefully Monday will be the day, but no promises… I have a lot of clips to record and we have 2 shows this weeken

    Edited once, last by braleigh (September 19, 2015 at 3:12 AM).

  • Hey Michael,
    Still hoping for a Hiwatt, maybe an old DR103? I just love this tone.

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    Anyway, thanks for all the great packs. Love 'em

  • Oh thanks Mike. I just saw your post.
    Sorry but I tried. I just have no luck when Paypal has been involved. Especially since I dont want an account with them.
    I figured it wouldnt be a problem since they would allow me to use my card through them so I went ahead and ordered your #2 pack for starters.

    I received no emails from them or anybody so I called my card company to see if it went through. They said it did.
    So I kept checking for an email from somebody. Nothing happened so I called my card again and we ended up in a 3 way conversation with Paypal who had not a clue about anything yet they charged my card.
    So in the end I just told my card company to cancel it.
    I didnt want my $50 hanging in limbo in Paypals account.

    Any other way of getting your rigs?


    Did you check your "Spam" folder?? Your email client might have automatically filtered the incoming email, and sent it directly to your Spam folder.

  • I would love to see some new M Britt Profiles that include the original speakers that are included in the amps. For example, Marshall with Greenbacks, Vox with Celestion Blues or Silvers. Are you planning on selling the Matchless profiles that you made for your friend?

  • I do not hear any difference. Purecab on 3.2

    I use MB's profiles exclusively and run 3.1.4 with Pure Cab on " 5 " across the board - I've been running Pure Cab [beta] from 3.0.2 onwards [in Artist Mode]

    I can hear the difference - it is subtle - but it is there.

    FWIW when I try out other [ non-MB ] profiles I find that the Pure Cab "effect" is much more obvious.

    Why ?

    Michaels profiles are mic'd and eq'd in such a way that - to my ears - most if not all of the nasty ice-pick in the ear, fuzzy hi freq tone harshness is simply just not there in the first place.

    I can only assume its a combination of his mic's, mic placments, mic combo's used, room reflections, eq'ing etc........ and most importantly his ears.

    Again, -to my ears- it was obvious the very first time I heard his profiles on his website .... they struck me instantly as they sounded nothing like anyone else's profiles ....... they sounded like a correctly and properly recorded guitar amp sound.


  • If I guy was to get only one pack, which one would you get? I saw that asian guy on youtube said he uses pack 2 exclusively.

    I also see that after pack 2 it seems like the profiles are now separated between amp and cabinet. Does this help the sound in any way or does it just allow us to have the ability to remove the cabinet and just have the pure amp sound?

    I recently received the remote about 3-4 weeks ago and haven't had much time to mess with it. This is my day to do that :)

  • If I guy was to get only one pack, which one would you get? I saw that asian guy on youtube said he uses pack 2 exclusively.

    I also see that after pack 2 it seems like the profiles are now separated between amp and cabinet. Does this help the sound in any way or does it just allow us to have the ability to remove the cabinet and just have the pure amp sound?

    I recently received the remote about 3-4 weeks ago and haven't had much time to mess with it. This is my day to do that :)

    I have all of Michael's packs and there are profiles in each pack that I absolutely love, but if I was only allowed to get 1 pack, for me it would be Pack 2. The main reason being the 70' 100 watt Marshall. That is my main live profile and for me, by far the best marshall profile live by far. It kills through front of house. Second, the /13 profiles in back 2 are fantasic. Sound great with single coils and humbuckers.

  • I have all of Michael's packs and there are profiles in each pack that I absolutely love, but if I was only allowed to get 1 pack, for me it would be Pack 2. The main reason being the 70' 100 watt Marshall. That is my main live profile and for me, by far the best marshall profile live by far. It kills through front of house. Second, the /13 profiles in back 2 are fantasic. Sound great with single coils and humbuckers.

    Thanks brother! Much appreciated. I've heard great things about his packs. I'm going to bite the bullet.

  • Quote from wedewer

    I have all of Michael's packs and there are profiles in each pack that I absolutely love, but if I was only allowed to get 1 pack, for me it would be Pack 2. The main reason being the 70' 100 watt Marshall. That is my main live profile and for me, by far the best marshall profile live by far. It kills through front of house. Second, the /13 profiles in back 2 are fantasic. Sound great with single coils and humbuckers.

    I'm running a dxr10; what tweaks would you recommend to the profile for that and/or what tweaks have you done yourself regarding this? I have several of his packs as well, but almost always activate (Britt's own) boost and compression in the stomp section then usually need to boost the presence and treble a bit, but I play at low volumes usually.