• As of yet, I haven't heard any profiles of one of Howard's amps that have the switches and knob tweaks that achieve the "Dumble tone" that many are after.

    His amps were not "unobtainium" years ago so I was fortunate enough to play a few. I'm excited to hear your idea of a well dialled Dumble. :thumbup:

    Edited once, last by 1fastdog (October 3, 2014 at 10:23 PM).

  • Hey Michael, first I gotta say, as others have, these are some of the most usable profiles out there. I am really enjoying several of them and they are awesome sounding without any futzing.

    I am confused about one thing though - Marshall Rock/Marshall Rock alt/Marshall Solo/Marshall Solo++ - these profiles I would think should be the same type amp but the first one, Marshall Rock, has amp name Marshall Rock, but all the rest say 3rd power as the amp. I believe this is incorrect and all 4 of those should say Marshall Rock as the amp - am I correct on this? If so I am going to edit those to be correct. Also 3 of the 4 mention that you used the 'Timmy Overdrive' in front of it - is that correct that only the 'alt' profile was done without the Timmy?

    Thanks again for the awesome work - really lovin it!!

    Edited once, last by mwinter77 (October 5, 2014 at 6:19 PM).

  • I just watched your rig rundown, very cool.
    Are the patches with whammy, harmony, wah, that sort of thing included in the profile pack?

    I didn't include the whammy or the harmony in the first one. The string/ducking effect one from the gear vid is included. I wasn't sure how many people would be interested in the effected tones, but I'll probably work up a wacky pack at some point. Ha. I need to play around with the way settings because that's one of the few things I haven't had a need for yet.

    Thanks guys for all the feedback and input!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hey guys,

    I've been working on the next batch of profiles and I think there are some really special ones. I'm trying to figure out the best way to organize and arrange them into groups so it's not just one big collection… still working on that part.

    In the meantime, for those who haven't purchased the Profile Pack 1, you can download a free sample of my '72 Marshall if you just sign up for the mailing list on my website: http://www.mbrittprofiles.com If you have purchased the first Profile Pack, you can still sign up for the mailing list to find out when the next group will be released.

    Commercial over, resume your Thursday/Friday...


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

    Edited once, last by lonestargtr (October 9, 2014 at 4:41 AM).

  • Michael,

    love the profiles I purchased. You certainly have not wasted any time getting to an elite level of profiling and I look forward to future offerings. I watched your rig run down video and saw that you often use a gcp on stage. I use a gcp with eleven rack live but have been hesitant to use the kemper live without a foot controller. Certainly, if it is good enough for you it will work in my applications. How did you program the gcp to use it live? Do you use 10 patches with no IA switches or 4 patches with IA switches? Any advice and references would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, how do you manage your presets? Do you use rig manager or something similar? I have mac products.

    Edited 2 times, last by drsts (October 9, 2014 at 11:19 PM).

  • Michael,

    love the profiles I purchased. You certainly have not wasted any time getting to an elite level of profiling and I look forward to future offerings. I watched your rig run down video and saw that you often use a gcp on stage. I use a gcp with eleven rack live but have been hesitant to use the kemper live without a foot controller. Certainly, if it is good enough for you it will work in my applications. How did you program the gcp to use it live? Do you use 10 patches with no IA switches or 4 patches with IA switches? Any advice and references would be greatly appreciated.

    Also, how do you manage your presets? Do you use rig manager or something similar? I have mac products.

    Thanks so much for the kind feedback. I use the Ground Control Pro in the 10-preset mode with no IA switches. Our set list is pretty consistent from night to night so I don't have to change too much. I program it when we work up a new show and it stays that way for a few months with minor changes here and there. I also leave bank "0" as my "basic" profiles. I start with the cleanest sound on the upper left and just work down and to the right as I go with profiles of increasing gain, effects, etc. Those rigs use tap tempo if the delay is on in the rig. That way, if we do a song that I don't have a specific preset for, I can just go down to that bank and use one of my basic tones. Most people shouldn't need more than 10 of those (i.e. clean, clean with delay, slight crunch, slight crunch with delay, leslie sound, long delay preset, solo tone, solo with delay, etc.). It's kinda just whatever works with the music you're playing. I do the programming directly into the Ground Control Pro once I assign the Kemper Rigs that I need with program change numbers. I write those corresponding numbers down and then sit in front of my GCP for about an hour pushing buttons and storing presets, program changes, cc changes (if I need something other than volume pedal - cc007). The GCP is a sturdy box and I have yet to have a problem with it onstage. Once you learn the layout of the programming it goes pretty quickly.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Hey guys,

    I've been working on the next batch of profiles and I think there are some really special ones.

    Thanks for the update lonestargtr. I really won't know what to think about them though till guenterhaas confirms how county they are at which point I will immediately buy them! :) Just kidding - really love the ones you have already done and will be looking out for the new ones! And viabcroce - you don't have to call in the guns for breakfast cavalry to shoot hot lead in my arse defending him!

  • Whoa! Michael...
    I just got home from rehearsal and I gotta say thanks again!! Went for it tonight and strictly used your profiles all night. Amazing, they had such a feel and tone for everything we played I'm flushing all my others out and going Britt for my complete set list from here on!! Everyone commented on them with positive words. Only suggestion I got was to mellow out my big constant grins!!