• I have the unpowered toaster, and so far I've always used the stagemonitors provided by the house. fortunately we've only played at places with pro gear/soundtech's so I haven't had a problem with monitoring. I have a qsc k10 at home but so far I've never used it live with the kemper. when we rehearse wiith my current band we play through our PA-system so next week I'll give your profiles a try at live-levels...I'll be back with a report.

  • Just ordered them without even listening to one of the samples, was looking for a good country/rock sound for live usage and if you can't capture that, no one can I guess! :)

    Will give some feedback once I tried them, have 2 gigs coming up this weekend and no time to tweak a lot so they will be used pretty much out of the box. I use a powered KPA and a Kool & Elfring 1*12 cab and main out stereo to FOH.

  • Thanks guys. I'm curious to get your input once you've tried them live. I've been using them live for almost 2 years and they're working great for me. Do you guys have the powered KPA's? What are you using for monitoring onstage? I use in-ear monitors (I only keep one in) and run the monitor out into the power amp in of an EVH head for pushing a little air and feeling the guitar onstage.

    I'm using the unpowered toaster. Monitor out to guitar amp+cab for stage monitoring, main out to PA. I'm the singer as well so I'm using in-ear exactly the way you are doing, one in-ear a bit out to capture the stage sound. I most say, your profiles are fantastic. Very even sounding regarding to the eq, just as you described it. Very distinct, latency free. Best profiles I've tried out. :thumbup: /Hans J

  • Hey Guys,

    Thanks for the feedback and I'll be looking forward to more reviews once you've tried them out more. I wanted to let everyone know that I'm trying to get the digital delivery system set up so people can get the profiles sooner without waiting for me to send them manually. I think I have it up and running but wanted to let you know that if you run into any glitches to just post here and I'll be checking in frequently. I'm about to go on the road for a few days and wanted to get it set up in case I'm out of LTE/wifi range for any length of time. Thanks for your patience and support so far!

    Ran into a glitch with the digital delivery system that I'm trying to work out with tech support. Until then, I'll be manually processing orders. I try to get the profiles out within an hour and am successful in most cases unless I'm sleeping.


    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

    Edited once, last by lonestargtr (September 24, 2014 at 3:37 PM).

  • My profiles were delivered half an hour after payment so that works like a charm! Will keep you posted on the results during shows but after browsing through them quickly last night I already can say that through headphones they sound really awesome so far!

  • OK, couldn't resist to try these profiles via my 112 cab this morning (low volume) and first impression was that these profiles are THE MOST well responding and dynamic profiles I have tried so far.

    They are also very well playable, meaning that they are in a good sense forgiving without being cheezy at all.

    Another thing I like about them is that they are not shoutingly loud or over-presenced - in your face - that I hear sometimes in other profiles but still they manage to be very direct. Mellow and warm, but still sounding fat.

    They feel like being created by a guitarplayer who understands engineering instead of an engineer that knows how to play guitar. No offence to anyone else by this remark BTW!

    If they have the same feel on stage, then my search for profiles is over :)

    Highly recommended!

  • Just to echo what alot of others have said - I got these profiles last night (they were delivered within 30 mins of payment) for my unpowered rack unit, and they're fantastic. The 'Princeton' profile alone is worth the price of admission, and there were multiple /13 profiles that instantly grabbed me. I also like the setup of FX added to the patches, the reverbs and delays are real nice patches, and there's some nicely dialled in boosts.
    Thanks very much, Mike, for making these available - I'd recommend them without hesitation.

  • Thanks for the feedback and I'll be looking forward to more reviews once you've tried them out more

    I got a chance to try them out at live-levels through our PA tonight...unfortunately I only had 2 profiles stored in my KPA ...I used the RigManager to try them last night and forgot to transfer the rest :cursing: ..anyway..the 2 profiles I tried (3P Plexi & Timmy and Assman SF Mod 1) sounded incredible 8o ..this is the VERY first time I have been able to use any profile (commercial or free) live without touching a knob!! I'm sure I'll be doing som finetuning later on but only because I can..I could easily play a livegig with either of these right out of the box...btw I used a les paul for this try-out...really looking forward to spending more hours with the rest of the pack...highly recommended :thumbup:

  • Can I please say (in addition to the fact that the profiles do rock!) to those of you using IEMs on one ear in a live rock setting, there are a number of studies out there that say that is extremely bad and far more likely to damage your hearing. Please, from a fellow tone lover, don't do that!

  • Can I please say (in addition to the fact that the profiles do rock!) to those of you using IEMs on one ear in a live rock setting, there are a number of studies out there that say that is extremely bad and far more likely to damage your hearing. Please, from a fellow tone lover, don't do that!

    I am definitely not condoning the practice of using just 1 iem. I have read some of the things about the dangers of it and I try to mitigate the damage as best I can by running them at lower levels than I would if I were using both. To me, there are inherent dangers of using iem's in the first place and they seem to be inversely proportionate to the skill level of the monitor engineer. If you have a great one, the danger goes down, but if you have a an inexperienced one, the danger to your ear drums is very real. When an assortment of speaker drivers are literally millimeters from your ear drum and you get a monitor engineer that keeps turning up what you are asking for and nothing is happening and then he realizes his mistake and unmutes the input without first backing the levels down, you are in for a world of hurt. And I get more tinnitis from wireless signal hits than just from simple monitor levels. I also make sure the ear closest to the drums is the one with the mold in to cut down cymbal->eardrum abuse. I have tried using two many times and just cannot get the feel and sound right. If you are going to buck the system and use 1 iem then be aware of the issues and try to save your ears.

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Michael, that Anderson Cobra with 3 P90's sounds outstanding.
    I want one bad now!
    Where did you get yours?

    I've had mine since '02. I called the Anderson shop and told him what I was looking for and he found one up at Manny's in NYC and I called and ordered it over the phone. Best guitar I've ever purchased sight unseen. There happens to be one almost identical to mine, but newer on eBay right now somewhere around San Francisco if you're really looking.

    Thanks and glad you're liking the profiles!

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar

  • Couldn't resist, just purchased!
    Just a tip, put your website link in your sig, lonestar!

    I'll report back when I get them and test them- I use my Kemper via monitor out to an Atomic CLR, and stereo outs to FOH.

    I have been searching for live tones, as I don't use mine in the studio, and have never been 100% happy so I am eagerly anticipating these!

  • Ok, so I got the profiles within 10 minutes of ordering.

    I just quickly ran through all of them - they are nearly all usable for me, and sensational!

    I had them only running through 1 Atmomic CLR at home, but cranked it as loud as I could.

    Amazing and exactly what I as a guitarist who only uses the Kemper for live purpose was looking for!

    I play in a cover band that spans multiple genres and I need a variety of tones, and your profiles have everything I need.

    I am going to clear out all of my current profiles after I get all of my presets with my effects synced up.

    I especially love the Blethchley - man, that is some of the thickest, smoothly saturated tone I have ever heard!

    I cannot wait to crank these in true stereo at band volumes through the PA, thank you so much and everyone who plays live truly needs this pack!

  • Quick question if you can help, Michael:

    I listened to your rock encore on youtube- Can you tell me if you know off-hand what tones you're using for those?
    Just one, or are you changing it up on the different tunes?
    Sounds great, just wondering if I can use those same tones you are (even though the fingers won't sound the same)! lol

  • Quick question if you can help, Michael:

    I listened to your rock encore on youtube- Can you tell me if you know off-hand what tones you're using for those?
    Just one, or are you changing it up on the different tunes?
    Sounds great, just wondering if I can use those same tones you are (even though the fingers won't sound the same)! lol

    Let me see if I can remember what all I'm using without it in front of me… The Brick in the Wall delay patch is my 3rd Power Blackface with a heavy delay on it. The clean Wall sound is pretty much the same profile but without the delay. The 3rd Power Crunch is the sound during the "All in all it's just a…" part. On the Thin Lizzy song, I'm using the 72 Marshall profile with a slight bump in gain for the solo section. It may in fact be the Marshall Solo profile. The KISS song is usually the EVH 5153 Ch 2+ setting usually. I have a few different options that I can use… the EVH and a Marshall Solo setting with even more gain dialed in as well as the 3rd Power Klon profile. I can pick which one I want for any of those songs depending on what I feel like.

    Hope this helps

    M Britt Profiles - mbritt.com
    Guitarist for Lonestar