Best Way to Access Downloaded Rigs

  • I've read the wiki and the Rig Manager manual, but I'm not sure the best way to access rigs I downloaded. I have Ola Englund's rigs and the bass rigs from the Kemper site in my Downloads folder. I want to put them into the Rig Manager to audition them from there with the Profiler before importing them to the actual Profiler.

    Should I drag or copy the downloaded rig folder under All Rigs or Local Library?

    I looked under Macintosh HD/User/User Name/Library/Application Support/ for Kemper Amps/Rig Manager, also in other paths to Library/Application Support, but did not find Kemper anywhere.

    And is the best way to move rigs into the Profiler to select, copy, and paste from one folder to another in Rig Manager?


  • Hey there,

    The Rig Manager is still pretty fragile, so if there are files in your folders that are not .kipr format (like readmes or PDFs) it may crash or behave weird. So what I do is rather than just drop a whole folder into RM, I create an empty folder in RM (under Local Library), give it a good name, and then copy and paste (or drag and drop) a block of .kipr files from your computer file system into it. Some have reported problems with really large transfers (hundreds at a time) so keep it under a hundred or so and you should be good.

    The above will load the profiles into the database (I think it actually gets saved to disk when you quit) but not to your KPA. If you have that hooked up, then you can just double click the profile in the local library and it will get sent to the KPA and you can play it. This is not permanent. It's just a temp copy. If you want to save it there permanently, you would drag it from the local library folder to your profiler (at the bottom of the RM list).

    Hope this helps.

    Edit: paults, beat me to it with his nice concise reply. :thumbup: