How much does the KPA color signal path?

  • The "blue" signal is recorded from the "MAIN OUTPUT" of the Kemper, because i was interested, how "colorful" is electronic circuit and AD-DA converters of the Kemper. That was target of my test.

    But then that test is irrelevant! The KPA is specifically designed to colour the signal, by emulating tube amps. What goes on when that main purpose is bypassed doesn't matter one bit, as long as when it's engaged it sounds like a tube amp!
    A much more relevant test (at least as far as the OP is concerned) would've been to test the direct out, to see if why his profile was so far away from the original amps sound had anything to do with the dry guitar signal and any effects of the KPAs internal electronics.


  • About usefulness such a test - I think it's good to know, how neutral is the electronic path of the KPA. To use KPA like a FX-device only, for example. We all want, that our cherished guitar sound is as pure as possible, Is not that true?

  • About usefulness such a test - I think it's good to know, how neutral is the electronic path of the KPA. To use KPA like a FX-device only, for example. We all want, that our cherished guitar sound is as pure as possible, Is not that true?

    Kind of crazy to send a signal into a device and expect that it'll remain the same when it comes out the other side. Especially when the said device is intended to colour your sound. While it might apply in a situation where you wanted to test a stompbox, it has little relevance, if any, to a device like the Kemper, which is likely to remain "on" in all possible situations other than tests like this ^^

  • Great info, thanks guys! I ended up tweaking some stuff, and got what I was looking for. I was going for a Dave Edmunds/Scotty Moore Tele tone for a track I was doing for a client, and I was really pleased with what I ended up with. It's a profile of my Egnater Mod 50's Deluxe channel with a little grit on it. I added some compression, and a little bit of direct signal from the Amplifier section on the Kemper, since Dave Edmunds would occasionally use some direct tones to get an up front attack.

    In the mix, I panned the original guitar hard right and used a bit of slap back from the UAD Roland Space Echo...I could have dialed that in with the Kemper delay, but I didn't want to commit to an effect until after the fact. The UAD Oceanway Studio plug in was used panned hard left to simulate a room sound. The "room" effect is really subtle, but it defintely adds some space to the tone. Again, I could have probably gotten a similar effect in the KPA, but I wanted to have keep options open for the mix. Here's a short clip of the soloed guitars:

    Mod 50/Kemper Excerpt

    Time to profile some more sounds!

  • Kind of crazy to send a signal into a device and expect that it'll remain the same when it comes out the other side. Especially when the said device is intended to colour your sound. While it might apply in a situation where you wanted to test a stompbox, it has little relevance, if any, to a device like the Kemper, which is likely to remain "on" in all possible situations other than tests like this ^^

    Yes, none of the electronic device is 100% transparent. But Kemper is a digital device and the important "colouring" will be done in the digital domain. As less colouring in the analog domain and during the ADA conversion, at least in a bad way, then the better.

    I hope that was understandable - the English is not my strongest side :)

    Edited 2 times, last by raen (September 7, 2014 at 8:15 PM).