MW RokPak - Profiles for Kemper Profiling Amplifiers

  • A note about "cleans", your Kemper has this button called "Gain" which if you turn it down magically makes the profiled amp "clean".

    At that point, there is a huge amount of character from your own guitar, so with a great guitar, cleaning up distorted profiles often works well.

    It's going the other way that doesn't always work as well. A few profiles require a bit more bright end when "cleaning" them up this way, but let your ears be the guide.

    It's long been known to me that it's better to have a distorted profile to adjust down, than to take a clean profile and try and dirty it up.

  • Here's a cue I did with the MW RokPak on bass and most of the guitars. Really liking the mids in these profiles.

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    Sounds amazing as usual Scott.

  • A note about "cleans", your Kemper has this button called "Gain" which if you turn it down magically makes the profiled amp "clean".

    For sure, that's how the most of my clean profiles came into existance. ;)

    Nevertheless I love that nice Fender "sparkle" and compared to the millions of crunch and high gain-profiles there aren't many good ones around.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • Thank you guys for all the nice comments, I am glad you like the Paks.

    It seems that not everybody is as honest as you guys here:

    Here is a conversation I'd like to share (from a public facebook page, so no privacy laws broken).

    Nice people, openly sharing how they could steal Software (talking about the MW RokPak):

    Paul Britton Anyway, I want to know if you can buy this, rename each file, and share with you mates?
    Yesterday at 8:58am · Edited
    Neil Wilkinson thats a good point
    23 hrs
    Paul Britton The existing "rigs" you just I don't see why you cant...
    23 hrs · 1
    Liam Thompson You could do it without renaming. .. Not that I'd condone that
    21 hrs
    Paul Britton Liam Thompson.....when you buy a pack, what is it? File, disc? Download? how does it work?
    17 hrs
    Liam Thompson Usually they get sent multiple .kpr files in a compressed .zip folder
    15 hrs
    Paul Britton Have you bought a pack Liam?
    7 hrs
    Liam Thompson Let's say I acquired a one someone sent me
    6 hrs
    Liam Thompson But I would do there are a couple of Amp Factory ones in really interested in for live
    6 hrs
    Paul Britton So can I give you a "bung" to send em to me?
    6 hrs
    Paul Britton Could we buy em between us and share them?
    6 hrs
    Liam Thompson Actually I bought a 5150 3 pack from Stimphalian Studio or however is spelled
    6 hrs
    Liam Thompson All I'm saying is in theory that could be done
    6 hrs

    Paul Britton How do we test it?.....send me one perhaps.....if it
    works, send me the whole pack and I'll buy a pack, maybe the Wagner one
    and i'll send it to you?????........


  • This is right out of order!!!! And I bet your p!?sed off MW. I know there has been talk about people buying TAF profiles and sharing them before. :cursing: All the time and effort these guys put in to making these profiles they should be rewarded with a little cash :) if you can't afford it don't steal it, just save up and be proud when you do own it!!!!!

    I'm very interested in the MW pack but haven't pulled the trigger yet, but all the good reviews are getting me closer to doing it. A friend of mine has it and I'm just waiting for a spare min when I can head over to his and try it out, then if I like it I'll drop the cash. :)

    If people who are sharing profiles are reading this, don't do it because it will stop MW and any other great producers thinking of ever releasing any more profiles. MW time, knowledge and expertise is worth every penny for that pack so give the man what's due and buy them don't steal them!!! :cursing:

  • It's a shame... in the end all this stealing of software and the huge amount of illegal downloads will kill music and artists, in fact it is already killing a lot of us.....

    I would earn MUCH more money with my own music, if 99% wouldn't get it from illegal file-sharing sites, my album "Tales Of A Broken Planet" is available on Russian and Chinese servers and a lot of other illegal file-sharing sites. So I have to earn most of my money with playing studio-sessions. live-shows ect. If everybody would buy my music legally on iTunes, Google-Play, Amazon ect. I easily could live from it alone and I would have much more time for composing and producing my own music.

    But there's no awareness about that, stealing software and music has become a standard behaviour.... :thumbdown:

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • It's a shame... in the end all this stealing of software and the huge amount of illegal downloads will kill music and artists, in fact it is already killing a lot of us.....

    I would earn MUCH more money with my own music, if 99% wouldn't get it from illegal file-sharing sites, my album "Tales Of A Broken Planet" is available on Russian and Chinese servers and a lot of other illegal file-sharing sites. So I have to earn most of my money with playing studio-sessions. live-shows ect. If everybody would buy my music legally on iTunes, Google-Play, Amazon ect. I easily could live from it alone and I would have much more time for composing and producing my own music.

    But there's no awareness about that, stealing software and music has become a standard behaviour.... :thumbdown:

    "But mp3s don't cost anything to produce, you just copy it!"

    "But it's only the record companies that are losing money, not the artists!"


  • "But mp3s don't cost anything to produce, you just copy it!"

    "But it's only the record companies that are losing money, not the artists!"


    You're right, there are a thousand excuses existing for a destructive and illegal behaviour, in the end it's all bullshit. Everything an artist produces (It doesn't matter if it's profiles or music) will cost him a certain amount of his life-time and very often money, too (I've spent a whole lot of money just for my studio-equipment). All these arguments are just for the toilet....

    It's like going to the supermarket, take everything for free and then argueing in the same manner: "it's so cheap anyway", "just the big companies get all the money" ect.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas /

  • "But mp3s don't cost anything to produce, you just copy it!"

    "But it's only the record companies that are losing money, not the artists!"

    You're right, there are a thousand excuses existing for a destructive and illegal behaviour, in the end it's all bullshit.

    Guenterhaas, you're absolutely correct sir! It's terrible how people care so little about the hard work of artists and pirate... sorry excuses if you ask me..

    Gettin' funky up in here..

  • Ouch!. I feel for you really.. its bang out of order to see things get shared, not right, sure I accept that we all vary on the money we can spend, and the "want" variable can be too much. but steeling is simply not an option.

    Ive had to spent a fortune on security, as my site trys to get hacked daily. and the main reason I don't store valuable information on my website.

    Sorry for your hassle really. but least you have named and shamed!