Sagging, tube shape, etc. seem to have no effect.

  • Howdy, newbie profiler here. We just finished profiling a bunch of amps and are very happy with the results, but during the profiling process we found that tweaking the 'clarity, sagging, tube shape, etc.' section seems do absolutely nothing. Do these parameters have to be activated somehow? Can this be done after the fact or can it only be done before storing a profile (seems like that's the case).

    Other than that we're very impressed with the results. What we ended up doing is tweaking the EQ and sometimes Gain after the profile is saved to match the source amp more accurately. This has worked and we're happy with the results but it seems a waste no to be able to use the 'clarity, sagging, tube shape, etc.' parameters, which at least theoretically seem to be very useful features.

    Any help would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.

    Edited 3 times, last by raal (August 13, 2014 at 6:04 AM).

  • Ingolf, i believe you're wrong. There are several parameters available during the 'refining' stage of the profiling.

    One of the things that convinced me the Kemper was a studio tool rather than just another cool toy is that a lot of the advanced parameters are very subtle.
    Depending on the profile, guitar and audio setup you might not notice them.
    Take a high gain sound. Chug a little on the low notes and play some complex chords (a m9 works nicely).
    Now set 'clarity' to 10 and do the same. Notice how your low notes lost a lot of their 'oomph' and sound a little flat. Also notice that you can hear every single note in your m9 chord.

    Tube shape can fix slightly 'buzzsaw' types of distortion or sharpen up the ones that always sound like your guitar's tone knob is down.
    I use it to do the kind of fixes you'd normally change preamp tubes or bias for.

    Power sagging doesn't work on fully clean or fully distorted, although to get what people refer to here as 'fully distorted' you'd have to be fairly brave. Or stupid.
    It does just what it's meant to, though - but it doesn't change volume or gain - which is a fairly educating experience in its own right - and as with a tube amp, you'd have to dig in to some big chords to make the sag happen.

    Those controls are there to fine-tune, not alter the profile. They can get a profile of an amp you know intimately from being 95% there to 100%. They can fix the little things you were always bothered by. They will not make your amp different (with the exception of the 'definition' parameter).
    I'd have liked a bit more range with some of them, but Kemper believes in maintaining the original profile's nature and i can understand why.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Quitty, I know. Refining (in my book) is after profiling but before storing the rig.
    In between. :)
    Maybe I didn't understand the OP correctly.
    I thought he wanted to tweak before the actual profiling process.
    You're right in that some of the advanced parameters are more on the subtle side, others quite drastic IMO.

  • Quitty, I know. Refining (in my book) is after profiling but before storing the rig.
    In between. :)
    Maybe I didn't understand the OP correctly.
    I thought he wanted to tweak before the actual profiling process.
    You're right in that some of the advanced parameters are more on the subtle side, others quite drastic IMO.


    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • hmmm clarity and pick works just fine but you`re right sagging, tube shape, and so on would be cooler if more extreme settings would be possible ... i mean i can hear the difference but i always think "almost there... almost"

  • hmmm clarity and pick works just fine but you`re right sagging, tube shape, and so on would be cooler if more extreme settings would be possible ... i mean i can hear the difference but i always think "almost there... almost"

    You really want more extreme settings possible?
    Go ahead to the FR section. ;)
    I for one find the possibilities to alter a profile with the deep parameters quite sufficient.

  • +1 Let me add a couple of things:

    • the use of a guitar cab might reduce the perceived effect of a parameter tweak because of its limited audio band and its non-linearities;
    • some parameters act over the harmonics, so are more perceivable the higher the rig's gain\distortion is.
