Rig switching latency? any ways to solve it?

  • Probably this has been discussed already, but this thing kinda p***es me off, when playing live. I mean, when I press my FCB1010 in order to change rig, it changes, but not immediately (it's hard to measure, but it's like a 0,3-0,5 seconds latency). At first, I was thinking this might be the problem of my MIDI footswitch, but then I noticed that there is the same rig switching latency when switching rigs on Kemper. Any solutions to that? (I have the latest firmware 2.4.2)

  • The audible gap between patches is generally less than a tenth of a second - not bad.

    However, what the OP is complaining about is the lag from pressing the button to when the new patch shows up, and that definitely could stand to be shorter. There's another thread already going about this topic, and we've established that this delay is the same whether you switch with a pedalboard or the buttons on the Kemper.

    I switch about a sixteenth-note early and it works pretty well, but I'd be thrilled if that could be trimmed down.

  • I have a delay in performance mode either. when I remote my kemper with a daw it works pretty well when I send the controll messages 200ms earlier.

    Even when switching between slots within a single performance? The reason I ask is because that's kind of a big deal, when you switch to a performance the KPA loads all its 5 slots into memory so switching between them is faster. But switching between performances is actually slower than switching rigs in browse mode.

  • I get ~200mSec. The top trace is a recording of going from a clean to a heavy rig. The bottom trace is a microphone sitting on my FCB1010 using Uno4Kemper v1.3. I cut the image a bit too soon. Just beyond the right of the screen you would have seen the sound of the switch going back up .... so the Kemper switched faster than my foot went from down to up on the pedal board.

    I would prefer it be faster, but this has not been an issue for me gigging the last couple of months.

    Note the complete lack of any glitches, spikes, or dead line between the rig change.

    [Blocked Image: http://www.mtomidnight.com/images/kemper_delay.jpg]

  • I get ~200mSec. The top trace is a recording of going from a clean to a heavy rig. The bottom trace is a microphone sitting on my FCB1010 using Uno4Kemper v1.3

    A quarter of a second is staggeringly long, actually. At 120 BPM, that's almost a whole eighth note :thumbdown:

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Maybe I should try to organise my presets in the Browser Mode Method.
    Actually I've benn writing to Kemper asking about whether the delay is normal and they admitted that this is problem they try to solve in further firmwares. So I am a little bit confused that some of you don't seem to have that problem...

  • I think everybody does, some just don't perceive this as a problem.

    Not everybody needs to switch sounds as precisely or as often. The bigger guys using the Kemper probably use a click track where you can just move the switch commands 200ms earlier.

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I am having issues with latency when switching rigs on the kemper too. I'm also having latency when using midi thru the kemper into a vocal pedal. Does anyone know if the Kpa could be causing the latency in the vocal pedal since it's going through the "midi thru" in the back of the kpa?

    I'm also trying to figure out if any of it has to do with my midi pedal sending too many messages but I'm not sure how to check this. I might have to email the manufacturer.

  • A quarter of a second is staggeringly long, actually. At 120 BPM, that's almost a whole eighth note :thumbdown:

    I would agree that less would be better, but I have had no issues with this live. I play covers and there is another guitar player in the band, so perhaps our usage models are different.

  • I get ~200mSec. The top trace is a recording of going from a clean to a heavy rig. The bottom trace is a microphone sitting on my FCB1010 using Uno4Kemper v1.3. I cut the image a bit too soon. Just beyond the right of the screen you would have seen the sound of the switch going back up .... so the Kemper switched faster than my foot went from down to up on the pedal board.

    I would prefer it be faster, but this has not been an issue for me gigging the last couple of months.

    Note the complete lack of any glitches, spikes, or dead line between the rig change.

    [Blocked Image: http://www.mtomidnight.com/images/kemper_delay.jpg]

    Exact the same here instead that I can't imagine playing shows playing guitar and singing in a metal band while need to concentrate in changing Amp Channels (in this time Rigs) 200ms before the spot.

  • isn't maybe a matter of switch? the FCB1010 has some different switches compared, for example, to mine, the Rocktron All Access, where the switches are the classic metal one.

    I don't know but to my feet they feel like very fast, I mean the metal one. in fact I never had problems with switching lag.

    have you tried a different pedalboard, maybe lent by a friend?

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  • isn't maybe a matter of switch? the FCB1010 has some different switches compared, for example, to mine, the Rocktron All Access, where the switches are the classic metal one.

    I don't know but to my feet they feel like very fast, I mean the metal one. in fact I never had problems with switching lag.

    have you tried a different pedalboard, maybe lent by a friend?

    The latency seems to be the same if you use the buttons on the Kemper.

  • I don't think the Pedal is the problem. I've tried remoting my Kemper via Midi Interface of my PC. But actually I don't use MIDI for switching. I use the Pedal Inputs. It's just a switch. I mean "No Contact" / "Contact". The Switch is totaly mechanical. I've built it myself. Also for example the "Stomp Inverter" Function works perfectly on time.

  • I don't think the Pedal is the problem.

    Agree. I see the same behaviour regardless of method used to switch between rigs. There's some caching going on that improve the switching along the way, and it seems there's room for improvements in future firmware. The KPA should at least load and prepare all slots in the currently selected performance for use, as well as groups of 5 or 10 of the numbered slots in browse-mode. I.e as a minium prep all rigs for immediate use that can be reached with a single pedal-click on a controller in either browse or performance-mode.

    Edited once, last by heldal (July 19, 2014 at 12:08 PM).

  • The KPA should at least load and prepare all slots in the currently selected performance for use

    I can't find the quote right now, but I'm 99% sure someone from Kemper previously said that this is what performance mode does. It's always possible that it does preload them and the switching latency is caused elsewhere in the box, who knows?