Rig Manager Help Please

  • Hello,
    First post here.
    I have made some rigs my "favorite" in the Kemper unit.
    In Rig Manager they do not show up as a favorite and it appears that when I move rigs from local library to Kemper folder - favorites are cleared..
    Is there something I am missing here?
    It looks to me like the metadata is getting changed.....

    Any other known bugs I might wanna know about?


    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • The Rig manager enforced the name to stay the same when I first connected the Kemper: asked me if I wanted the same name and I said yes.
    It is possible that the auto rename added a bit of metadata so that the two names do not share the EXACT same name statistically..?

    Powered Rack / Windows 10

  • Rig Manager only asks if the User Name on your Profiler should be set to the same that has been entered in RM when they differ. Please check if you entered the User Name you initially had on your Profiler. You could check the initial User Name you entered in your Profiler by looking at back ups you made before using RM for the first time and changing it. The back ups are named 'User Name - date'.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • I had the author names matching unless the was a space at the end or something, the RM asked to make them match so I figured maybe this was standard for first time useage.
    It looks like the favorites I had in the unit are now unchecked and I will have to find them again. This would explain the sync issue as the favorites were overwritten somehow upon sync?
    At the moment the system is syncing properly...so my take from this is that it is possible to kill your favorites when setting up RM for the first time.
    In my case the names did match even though I got a message that said that they may not and would I like to change the RM Name to match and then my favorites were lost..not that big a deal as the favs work now but if someone spent hours searching through rigs and made them favs and lost them they would be pissed. Now I have to research what my favs were .. hmm time for coffee.

    Powered Rack / Windows 10