Kemper Reamping sounds werid

  • OK.

    I usually record to a stereo track, and then use a gain plugin on the channel when reamping, which has a balance control; I turn the balance control to the "dry" side (i.e. the DI track), and switch it to mono. That way I get a normal mono signal of the DI track which I send to the Kemper. The thing is I have to compensate around 6 dB due to the pan law.

    Come to think of it, maybe this is not the reason anyway - that should be +4.5 dB instead for my DAW, I think.


  • I tried something real quick and the analog direct out signal of the KPA is actually a lot more hot than the spdif direct out. I had to turn my input sensitivity setting down to -6dB on the interface software to prevent clipping with the analog direct out connected to a line input.

    The difference between the two on peaks is about 4.5dB, hmm.

  • Now that this topic is solved after 20+ posts in a few weeks, I might add that there is a very detailed chapter about step-by-step reamping in our reference manual. I have pasted the paragraph that is all about the output volume:

    Step two: DI output leveling:
    To adjust the DI output level: Enter the INPUT menu and select the Clean Sens parameter. You might have used this control already, as it is used to adapt the individual level of your guitar to the overall volume level of the rigs and profiles. Adjust the Clean Sens parameter to a level where clean sounds have the same perceived loudness as distorted sounds; in doing so, you have perfectly adjusted the dynamics of your instrument to the digital headroom of the Profiler. The “Git Studio” output is perfectly leveled at the same time.
    While the leveling of the amp is a convenient feature, setting the correct level when recording the DI signal is absolutely critical, as it helps to keep the noise floor down. When you reamp this signal later with a high gain setting, the noise floor of the recording will be significantly amplified. The Input LED gives you a further hint for a correct leveling: the LED should flash yellow, when you hit the strings hard, but avoid deep orange or red color.

  • Hi Guys,

    I have also finally reached the satisfactory result.

    Initially I was using the interface -> SPDIF out -> SPDIF IN my kemper. This was the DI track from my DAW to the Kemper
    The Result was a very weird signal sound. Signal was completely weak, even I have tweaked the Clean Sense.

    Tonight, I have just tried to use the via my interface out -> Kemper Input front -> SPDIF out -> Interface. I have changed to use the front input rather than the SPDIF in on the kemper.

    The result is completely different. It is rich and strong. I am not sure why SPDIF OUT -> SPIDF IN can make the ideal result. I thought it is preferable to use the SPDIF rather than the analog signal. I am not sure it is a bug, may be it will be improved when the new software release.

    However, It seems that I have got a satisfactory result now. My Signal chain for the reamp is :

    DI track -> Interface out (One of the channel out in my interface) -> Front input (Kemper) -> SPDIF out to the DAW (new track)

  • Funnily enough, I was setting my DI+ reamping chain up yesterday, using only S/PDIF. Setting the reamp sense to the opposite ("negative") value of the clean sense, and everything in the box/on the interface at unity, I got the perfect signal. I used the "constant latency" option in the output of the Kemper, and shifted the reamped track 4.9 seconds. Flipped the polarity of one of the tracks, and voila... Perfect cancellation. So it CAN be done :)

  • Funnily enough, I was setting my DI+ reamping chain up yesterday, using only S/PDIF. Setting the reamp sense to the opposite ("negative") value of the clean sense, and everything in the box/on the interface at unity, I got the perfect signal. I used the "constant latency" option in the output of the Kemper, and shifted the reamped track 4.9 seconds. Flipped the polarity of one of the tracks, and voila... Perfect cancellation. So it CAN be done :)

    I guess you wanted to say 4.9 milliseconds?!

  • It might be that you have not followed the reamping instructions.
    If your reamping signal is 'weak', then you have to adjust the incoming audio level or the 'Reamp Sens'.

  • I think I have adjusted reamp sense, when I was when I was using DI SPDIF out to SPDIF in (Kemper). I have tested last night. The clock rate was using the SPDIF. I believe it is using the kemper clock rate as master, and motu as Slave.

    However, the sound and tone just really bad.

    I have no problem using kemper SPDIF out to Motu SPDIF in.

    I may test it with other interface later on in order to find out, is it the kemper problem or the motu problem.

  • Sorry to say, but it's not a Kemper or Motu problem, but a user problem.
    If your sound is weird and bad, you simply do not get enough gain from the reamped signal, causing a lack of distortion. It might sound as if you turned down the volume pot of your guitar a bit. Right?
    You have to adjust the output volume of your motu, and the Reamp Sens kn the Profiler.

  • Hi Mr Ckemper,

    You are right. This is my stupidity. After trying every possibility, I have found out why. I feel sorry about this. I also feel very happy everyone would like to help.

    The reason was this. I have previously enable core audio volume controls. Therefore, I have no way to turn the signal high. I am very happy now.

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