Phasing issues on 2.4 (Official release) and Atomic CLR

  • Hello,

    I have the same type of issue but with all firmware:) (netherless, i think it is the same type of issue)
    When i play a chord and let it sounds with a disto sound, soung gradually finishes in a kind of "phasing/flanging/wave" sound but this is very noticeable when i play chord at the 5th fret.
    I hace thi with my two guitars (fender strat deluxe and vigier excalibur)?

    I play in a home studio set up, front of my 2 yamaha msp5 monitors (on left and right) and at a distance of 1 metre.
    But i can hear this behavior on monitors, on soundcard headphone outpout and headphone kpa outpout.

    Is it existe a relation with monitor and the distance i play the guitar from ?

  • I have not heard about the phasing issue in previous OS versions. This one is the first time that I get a problem. And yes there is a correlations of point of listening and speaker positions but it would not result in phasing rather than changed frequency perceptions .

  • Here is a link to listen my matter

    The first clip is based on DZL rif from Soundside with effects (boost, gate, eq and reverb), the second one is the same rig without effects)
    I play chords and let them sound, fret by fret, the ffect is very noticeable at the 5th one.
    But sound cloud amplify the effect... so it is a little bit important in real.

    If you have any idea....

    Thanks !

    Edited once, last by Papoos (May 26, 2014 at 9:31 AM).

  • I'm also experiencing the phasing issue that sounds identical to Lightspeeder's and very similar to Papoos' recording. It's most prominent with distortion stomps (the Muffin in particular) and is still there with all effects off except the single stomp. It's there regardless of the cab and occurs in headphones direct from the Kemper in addition to the main outs. I'm not sure how long it's been there but I really noticed it tonight and I'm pretty sure I would have noticed it before since it's so glaring. I do tend to go through 'clean periods' though so if I was playing a strat through a clean profile for a while I may never have noticed it. It makes recording multitracking guitar parts impossible. I've tried setting the output to master mono from stereo and while slightly better it's still a problem.

    The interesting thing is that I'm on firmware 2.3.2.

    It's not background noise or multiple sound sources or interference or another effect. Inverting the phase of a second guitar track doesn't actually help so I'm not sure that calling it phasing is the right description but it sounds like it. It almost sounds like feedback but that's not quite right either. It occurs in pretty much every profile I've tried as long as I've got enough distortion. It also happens with no stomps but with high gain instead.

    Other threads suggest a reset to factory defaults but I haven't seen anything saying that worked since 2012. I'm not keen on doing that unless I'm pretty sure it will fix the problem, but I think Lightspeeder said he (she?) tried that ("a system initialization") and it did nothing. Maybe I misunderstood.

    I'm not a studio engineer sound guy so please correct anything I've said wrong.

    Unfortunately I've not found a solution but haven't done a system reset. I have tried a number of things to at least rule out the simple, stupid, and obvious but it's entirely possible I've overlooked something very basic.

  • I have sent a request to the support and it could be a normal phnomena called "beating frequencies" which appears chen thow frequencies are a little bit different. then it ceates a king of trmolo in sound with the addition of the two.
    it is very noticeable with a high gain and it is depend on the accuraty of your tuning....

  • I don't think that's it since I can hear the same phenomenon when playing a single note. Strangely I also found that playing an A on the low E string by itself will sound especially "phasey". It could still be normal dissonance but I would have noticed that before and I don't think what we're hearing is normal.

    I'll record some examples and then do a reset to factory defaults and see what happens. I'll also try a physical Big Muff in front of a clean profile to see what that does. Will report back here tomorrow.

  • OP, did you have reverb on the patch? The Kempers reverb has modulation to it, and there's no way to turn that off.

    That's how frequencies act together. Haven't you tuned the guitar with 5th a 7th fret harmonics? 8)

    This. Sounds like your guitar is not tuned / intonated correctly.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Just read some other responses and posts.

    Yes, I did have a reverb on those at about 8% mix. My guitars are always perfectly set up and intonated. I think after having been a professional musician for 20+ years I know what tone and pitch means...;)

    I did a system initialisation after the issue occurred but it did to help.

    It has not re-appeared after my recent update to 2.4.2 but I am watchful. And lastly, I am a dude...hahaha, My name is German Schauss :) Lightspeeder is my nickname.

  • I have a few patches with delay set at 6ms to try to thicken them up. When I played those patches, the guitar sounded out of tune and had some phasing. I realized that I had the delay ducking on +0.2. When I turn the delay ducking to 0, the guitar sounds in tune and the phasing is gone. So you might want to check that out.

  • Hello, I experienced the phasing issues with 2.4.2 (I think) in last two days at gig volume (Powerhead: power amp boost +4 db, master 5.5) with two different guitar cabs too (4x12 Randall, 2x12 Marshall). The same patches worked in 2.3 well. Also at home volume (power amp boost +0 db, master 0.5) with 1x12 cab I did not heard anything.

    My patches have a reverb on (with 8-10% mix). Yesterday at the sound check I turned reverb off and the issue dissapeared.
    So for my understanding:
    - something in reverb-part changed in FW 2.4.2
    - depends on the venue and the stage reverb could be to much (but I heard the issue also on master at 2, and in the same venue we played a month before and the patches with reverb worked well; but perhaps some monitor/pa bleeding etc. I do not know)

    Edited once, last by MacOSatch (June 1, 2014 at 4:47 PM).

  • Hello, I experienced the phasing issues with 2.4.2 (I think) in last two days at gig volume (Powerhead: power amp boost +4 db, master 5.5) with two different guitar cabs too (4x12 Randall, 2x12 Marshall). The same patches worked in 2.3 well. Also at home volume (power amp boost +0 db, master 0.5) with 1x12 cab I did not heard anything.

    My patches have a reverb on (with 8-10% mix). Yesterday at the sound check I turned reverb off and the issue dissapeared.
    So for my understanding:
    - something in reverb-part changed in FW 2.4.2
    - depends on the venue and the stage reverb could be to much (but I heard the issue also on master at 2, and in the same venue we played a month before and the patches with reverb worked well; but perhaps some monitor/pa bleeding etc. I do not know)

    There have been no changes in the reverb section of 2.4.2. Can you please open a support ticket and send us a backup and name the patches that showed the issue so we can try to recreate the situation?