"Switchable" amp without changing patches

  • I'm not sure my subject makes sense... but here goes....

    It would be really cool to have 2 versions of a profile - for example my Two-Rock Emerald Pro on clean, and then the same settings with the bypass switch or the mid boost switch on.... or even a 2nd channel.

    Then what I'd love to be able to do is assign the switch from the clean to the bypassed version to either the switch jack on the kemper or MIDI CC#. That way, if I'm playing and I've got 3 stomps on but I want a slightly different sound underneath I can do that without going to a new complete rig and wiping out all of my current effects that are on.

    Now, granted, I use the KPA as a big pedalboard and I assign all the buttons on my GCP to send CC messages to turn FX on and off. I often find myself with a tube screamer on, the vibe on, and the delay on, and I'd love to change just the amp in an A/B fashion without changing the current FX conditions.

    I hope that makes sense... it would be nothing short of amazing for someone like me.

  • Now that I've played around with this, it appears that locking effects in performance mode locks them across all performances, not just the one I lock them down on. Is that correct?

    If so, having an option to only lock effects for the current performance would solve what I'm looking to do even better... but at the very least I'll reinstate my request for an A/B option for the "amp" part of the rig without affecting the effects (either their settings or current status.)

  • hey.

    since the functionality you ask for is already available - either by using separate rigs or by using the lock feature - I'm afraid I don't really see the need for this feature.

    Can you explain how to do this? As mentioned previously, locking effects locks them across all performances and not just one so that seems out to me.

    I use a ground control pro to access slots A-D, X, Mod, and Dly. I leave Reverb locked.

    Let's say I'm running "Slightly Dirty Rig" in either browser or performance mode and I've turned on the phaser in slot B and the Graphic EQ in Slot A...

    I now want to switch to the exact same rig but have the amp block underneath change to "slightly more dirtier rig that has slightly less bottom end and slightly more midrange" with the phaser still on and the graphic EQ still on. There's no way to do it without switching rigs entirely - thus wiping out the values of Slot A and B (turns them off) unless I just happened to have that all programmed already.

    For reference, my old Boss GT-8 does this. I don't really use it for amp models, but it does actually have an A/B switch that will switch between 2 amps models while leaving on whatever stomps you have already turned on or off.

  • I now want to switch to the exact same rig but have the amp block underneath change to "slightly more dirtier rig that has slightly less bottom end and slightly more midrange" with the phaser still on and the graphic EQ still on. There's no way to do it without switching rigs entirely - thus wiping out the values of Slot A and B (turns them off) unless I just happened to have that all programmed already.

    lock stomps.
    select the profile (stack) you want to use.
    unlock stomps and store with a modified name.

    you can also save the complete stomp chain (all four effects) as one preset, if you want to.

    all this is covered pretty well in the manual, I think. ;)

  • I'm sorry, I think I wasn't being clear about something.

    I'm well aware that I can save a profile and then alter it and save another copy - that's rarely what actually happens on a live performance.

    The problem is that I basically use the KPA as a pedalboard - I have various stomps configured and may or may not have them turned on and or have parameters changed via control pedal.

    Think of it like this - let's say I'm playing a song and I've tapped in a tempo on the delay because we're playing the song faster than we did yesterday, and I've got the delay level set with a continuous controller. And just for today I added in a little phaser vibe from stomp B.

    So from the original rig I've changed the delay time, delay level, and the fact that stomp B is on.

    Now the lead break comes and I want to change only the amp to an amp with a little more overdrive and a mid range boost without the delay turning off, the tempo changing, the level changing, or stomp B turning off... it can't be done that I know of without physically saving it all ahead of time - but I had no way of knowing what the settings would be ahead of time because I'm setting them with CC messages based on today's criteria.

    If there were a "B Amp" that I could access via CC message, I would hit an IA button on the GCP and while the delay stayed on and consistent, and the phaser vibe in slot B stayed on, the amp would change and I would not have to tap dance (bring up a new patch, turn on stomp B, turn on delay, tap in the tempo, adjust the pedal to the right delay level... all with a big gap while I figure all that stuff out.)

    Does that make sense?

    And believe me, if there's any way to do this now I'm all in. I've read the manual cover to cover several times and feel like I know this unit pretty much inside and out. I would love nothing more than for someone to tell me how this can be done currently.

  • He wants to lock his stomps across just the first bank of performance slots so that he can switch between those without affecting the pedals, but the next bank doesn't share that lock. I'll admit, it would be nice.

    Another solution, if you have a free stomp slot: Use a Pure Boost (or the graphic EQ for more control) turned all the way negative to get your clean tone and just switch it on and off as needed. Changing rigs would still reset your effects, but you'd have two "channels" on one patch this way.

    And another one still: Can you set the GCP to send the CC for Gain and somehow toggle between two different values?

  • You can set the kpa so it "remembers" the delay-tempo you're working at.
    I tap my tempo at the start of a song and whatever patch/slot I bring up the delay stays at that tempo.
    I did ask a similar request a while back to load in select stomps or parts of the chain as a more efficient way of loading in new data. I kinda see what is wanted here. I just bang in the pure boost (post-cabinet) for solos and have another one pre-amp side in case I want a bit more gain. With the number of performance slots available there's potential for a dozen rigs/patches per song for a gigs worth of songs.

  • Other option may be to adjust the gain of the amp via CC messages. This could be the clean to mean adjustment. Granted not all profiles sound great doing this, but it is an option via CC commands.


    True... and there are times when that will get close... and there are times when, depending on the "B Amp" as compared to the "A Amp" that an EQ in a slot or a boost of some sort will work.

    And... there are times when it won't.

    If I didn't say it before, I suspect this is not something everyone will find useful. I improvise all the time. I never play a song the same way 2 nights in a row and just about the only time I play guitar is in front of a crowd on a bandstand. So I like having huge flexibility on the fly. Programming tones ahead of time is just not that easy the way I work.

    That being said, I wouldn't trade my KPA at all. I love the unit and the flexibility it already has. But this is "feature requests" so I figure I'm able to aim high.

    Thanks for listening.