TAF-Pack8 Coming soon!

  • yeah!. although not sure he was having a go at me, or was just being humerus :)

    Hey Andy. It was intended as a tongue in cheek poke at some of the comments in another thread. Having watched my neighbor spend more than a year pouring his time, money and soul into developing and putting out a product I have nothing but respect for people who work to create products. I have purchased rigs and/or profiles from you, SoundSide and TopJimi and been very happy with them all. If I were to have a dig at all three of you though, none of them have got me laid even once which has been a bit disappointing! I am looking forward to checking out your pack out this weekend (if it is ready)!

  • Had Swart. Good amp.

    I did do my best to profile it, but it was my first. Andy helped me get it out of total suck-ass-ness.

    But one done by a pro aught to be sweet indeed!

    My other, the Tungsten Crema Wheat is an even better sounding Boutique. Of all the boutiques I played at Fat Sounds, that was my favorite, using anything, but an LP tore that thing up!

  • 18 year customer.

    I go past Carr every week on the way to soccer!

    To me, the worst Boutique amps I've played are the Top Hat ones. Just boring as hell to me, nothing "signature" about them. Bleh. That said, the Military wiring is crazy good. Probably throw it off an airplane and it'd still be playable.

    The Tungsten Crema Wheat to me is the Boutique of Boutique amps. There is literally no setting that isn't a great setting.

    Swart. Tone-wise, just the younger brother of Tungsten. My issues: Don't like the metallic ringing of the Spring Reverb. The Cab is just a bit too small for my taste. Boxy compared to other boutiques, and also a bit bass boomy because of it.

  • 18 year customer.

    I go past Carr every week on the way to soccer!

    To me, the worst Boutique amps I've played are the Top Hat ones. Just boring as hell to me, nothing "signature" about them. Bleh. That said, the Military wiring is crazy good. Probably throw it off an airplane and it'd still be playable.

    The Tungsten Crema Wheat to me is the Boutique of Boutique amps. There is literally no setting that isn't a great setting.

    Swart. Tone-wise, just the younger brother of Tungsten. My issues: Don't like the metallic ringing of the Spring Reverb. The Cab is just a bit too small for my taste. Boxy compared to other boutiques, and also a bit bass boomy because of it.

    I was going through the RE a couple of weeks ago, and ran across your Crema Wheat profiles. I D/L them immediately, as they have a very unique sound. I haven't sync'd them to my midi board yet to see how they'll fare in a live situation...but I will and am very hopeful.

    They really sounded cool during the brief audition (I was actually looking for another type of rig entirely, but these stopped me in my tracks). :thumbup:

  • I was going through the RE a couple of weeks ago, and ran across your Crema Wheat profiles. I D/L them immediately, as they have a very unique sound. I haven't sync'd them to my midi board yet to see how they'll fare in a live situation...but I will and am very hopeful.

    They really sounded cool during the brief audition (I was actually looking for another type of rig entirely, but these stopped me in my tracks). :thumbup:

    I figured I would never sell that amp. It was going to the grave with me. But I had profiles and I had other amps in the Kemper I loved.

    So I had friend play the Kemper and the Crema Wheat and I left the room. I couldn't tell which amp I liked better. I came IN the room. Had no preference. By that I mean the Tungsten and the Kemper sounded both awesome to me.

    I had the guy who was the better player get on the Tungsten and the Kid who had some good chops get on the Kemper, so I wasn't judging the Kemper by ability of the player.


    I figure, If I had no preference, and the Kemper had so many possible amps in it, why keep the Tunsten around to gather dust? If the Tungsten was 0.5% better, I'd have kept it. I just literally heard 2 awesome amps in the room.

  • Possible Pack 9's I can dream of:

    1) Small 5-15w Small and Microtube "recording" Amps (i.e. Vox Night Train, H&K Tubemeister, Jet City Picovalve, Laney Club 8, etc)

    2) Amps not recorded yet by TAF, perhaps emphasis on Manufacturers not done (Fender Blues Jr, Peavey Classic 30, Traynor, Vox Beatles, Supro Thunderbolt, Dumble)

    3) COSM Amps, like Line6, Roland, Fender

    4) Axe FX II (Armin did this when the FXII was v6, I have some from fremen's from v12 and they are very good in comparison, so I think it would be quite a popular set, those presets that can be done, since the ones using effects will be tougher to replicated exactly) but now that Andy is doing IR's maybe he's shy about it now too, ha ha!

    5) The Jimi Page Smorgasborg (amps he's reportedly used, whether true or not, that TAF hasn't done yet)

    6) One amp profiled with differing cabinets using an intentional variety of speakers, Bluedog, Celestions, Jenson, etc. since I think a lot of amp flavor comes from their speaker.

  • "COSM Amps, like Line6, Roland, Fender"

    Here are my ALL INCLUSIVE suggestions for making a Kemper rig sound like a COSM amp:
    Take a rig, add a little too much compression before the amp, AND a little too much compression after the amp,remove a little low end, remove a little high end. Add bit shaper, turn it down to taste. Done! ;)

    Yes, works ;)

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • I recently profiled my Roland Micro Cube for shits & giggles and let me tell you, one of those profiles is friggin awesome.

    Do NOT underestimate the Kemper's ability to profile a COSM and sound BETTER because you are using that through your very good FRFR solution and not the original COSM's crappy speakers, often enough.

    I was only half-joking, I bet Andy could make a Roland's COSM fringing SING through a NEVE board! His analog gear is certainly a part of his profile goodness.