Shame on you, Kemper!

  • With tube amps you're suppose to wait at least 60 seconds before flipping the standby switch off and playing through them. See here:

    I have 821 rigs (I know, I got some cleaning to do) in my KPA and mine takes 71 seconds to load. I usually turn on my PC and KPA at the same time and KPA is usually finished loading before I see the Windows desktop so, for me, it's not that bad



  • creative360, I don't think anyone is trying to fight/argue and of course there's issues that need to be discussed and improvements to be made but I think all this can be communicated differently, after all this is the User Forum. All other issues with the product should be directed via email at Kemper.

    I think we all here are trying to help each other in a positive way.

    I think the OP did have some good points and suggestion too and I hope we can all discuss and perhaps help Kemper to make this an even better product.

  • Sound is great. Load times are too long. It's not a deal-breaker but c'mon, this can be a major issue when you're sitting with a client or on a stage in front of a packed house. I don't own two of them. There are loads of other tiny bugs, blips when switching between rigs and performances etc. I say lay-off the OP ... he just spent a couple grand and he's not afraid to voice his frustration with some outdated issues in a modern, expensive product. Why do other Kemper users take it so personally? This is the first thing I read after not stopping by for a month. Wow.

    I agree. This is not some cheap toy. In reality it's criticism like this that forces fixes. He wasn't out of line at all.

    And regarding boot times the serious issue is if you have a problem mid set/song. A tube amp is good to go in 30 seconds from cold and pretty much instantly if already warm.

  • I think this happened to me before and I traced that the RE profiles are not complete downloading all the profiles yet so I waited until it completed. You may try resetting your toaster also.
    OTOH having a KPA is also a journey and I'm happy with those step changes that Kemper is making since the start. I feel that I'm also a part of the company's journey towards a better toaster.

  • And regarding boot times the serious issue is if you have a problem mid set/song. A tube amp is good to go in 30 seconds from cold and pretty much instantly if already warm.

    Well to be fair with a tube amp it takes a heck of a lot longer if you get a problem with it on stage, since you can't fix power tubes or fuses just by turning it off and on. :D

    Which is why you always need a backup, whether it's a tube amp or the Kemper. I have one of those AMT pedal preamps in my guitar case at all times just in case. :)

  • I really can't believe that we're talking about boot times of 30-90 seconds here. The real shame is that some people who call themselves a pro and who are working for ages with lots of equipment and clients are complaining about this. A real pro (no matter what profession) is someone who deals with "disadvantages" in a professional way. Dealing with it means: I make the best out of it and focus on what's really important to get the job done. And it means to be ready when expecting a client.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Yes, it would be great to reduce booting time (if possible) but I think it's not the highest priority.

    I prefer waiting 60 seconds for a great sound - to getting immediately a bad one.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with

    Great Profiles -->

  • 4. RigManager = ridicules:
    a. So limited functionality.
    b. Full of small bugs (do you wona list? Start from searching and tagging), which drives me creasy.

    It´s still in it´s beginning phase. If you find a bug or an improvement go right ahead and report it to kemper. I think they are happy about every report that helps them improve their product. Calling it "ridicules" is - in my opinion - useless. Try constructive criticism for a change and not just childish name-calling.

  • I really can't believe that we're talking about boot times of 30-90 seconds here. The real shame is that some people who call themselves a pro and who are working for ages with lots of equipment and clients are complaining about this. A real pro (no matter what profession) is someone who deals with "disadvantages" in a professional way. Dealing with it means: I make the best out of it and focus on what's really important to get the job done. And it means to be ready when expecting a client.

    Fully agree :D

  • Something must be wrong with your unit.

    I would agree. I've been working with it today and as of right now I have 12 rigs on it and it still takes 52 seconds to boot.

    I've tried the following:
    1. Backup the KPA.
    2. Deleted everything from the backup file: rigs, cabs, effects, performances, everything.
    3. Restored that empty backup.
    4. Reloaded stock rigs (426).
    5. After reboot, turned off KPA and restarted. Still a 60 second boot.
    6. Deleted all 426 rigs.
    7. Through Rig Manager, imported 12 rigs and rebooted.
    8. 52 seconds to load 12 rigs.

    At this point, I think I'm going to init the flash, re-load 2.4 and see what happens. Eveything works fine but I don't understand why some KPAs can load 600 rigs in 30 seconds and others just don't.


  • Off topic but within context.

    Its great to see a community of knowledgeable and experienced users gather round a piece of gear discussing said gear with passion and virility.

    Problem is the forum isnt the right place for worship or defense of the product. Any good product will stand its own ground in the hands of the user and needs no defense.

    Each paying customer investing into any company ( all of us here because the KPA ISNT complete and has non functioning parts so it is an investment and not a purchase ) should have a right to make claim to technical issues of any magnitude and receive support.

    Gear forums are supposed to be places where people can discuss and review the product with freedom of judgement and find answers to their problems.

    Why would any of you think its okay to verbally break down someone publicly because of their valid points like teenagers in high school is beyond me.

    Each point the Op. made is nothing but valid and accurate statements. I agree with the findings of the original comment. The sound is wonderful, the hardware and update frequency is lacking. Yup.

    So why all the hate if its accurate information?

  • People are defending the product because the OP is saying things like RM takes ages to load etc where obviously this is not the case as other users including me have no issues at all with RM :)

    As for updates lacking I personally think they have been coming quite fast and I'm sure alot of other people will agree with me.

    I think people here are trying to say to the OP that instead of bashing the product because of a faulty unit or user error he should contact support and file a ticket.

    His unit is obviously defected :)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  • JasperEads: Any issue or complaint a user might have is valid of course and I didn't deny any of this.
    But the tone was quite inappropriate as well as the wild speculations about motherboard flaws etc.
    This is plainly rude, bad manners and in no way constructive.
    It doesn't help for any issue to be solved at all.

    I didn't see any worshipping here at all.

  • again, no one here is giving him a hard time but obviously there's a problem with his unit or set up.

    I just timed my start up time. It's 65 seconds for 714 rigs. I would have let my Bogner amp sit and warm up for 4 minutes at least also...

    yes, it is true, some other products have a faster start-up time

    as for USB speeds, well, that is a set standard and if his speeds don't match, something must be wrong either with the USB port on the KPA, Computer or USB Stick...

    I am not sure what he means by "no sound via USB" but if he means that the KPA can't be used as an Audio I/O than CK made already a in depth explanation as to why....

    since I work on Macs I haven't tried the RigManager but here I have to say that this is a valid and important point; why is there no rig manager and editor. Again, other companies have it on multiple platforms. It would help workflow in the studio and live situation as well as speed things up so much more.

  • For the record, I too think the OP's "tone" in his original post was out of line. I don't understand what anyone thinks they'll gain by being so confrontational. That said, I'm also put off by people who belittle the issues someone else may be having just because not everyone is experiencing it.

    It usually goes like this:

    OP - My KPA takes too long to load. I'm frustrated by this and would like to get it fixed.
    Some Other Guy - Well my KPA loads 45,000 rigs in 8 seconds so I don't know what you want.
    OP - Uh, I want my KPA to load faster. My KPA takes 2 minutes to load 4 rigs.
    Some Other Guy - Yeah well there must be something wrong with yours.

    Yeah, thanks. That's what I was implying.


  • It usually goes like this:

    OP - My KPA takes too long to load. I'm frustrated by this and would like to get it fixed.
    Some Other Guy - Well my KPA loads 45,000 rigs in 8 seconds so I don't know what you want.
    OP - Uh, I want my KPA to load faster. My KPA takes 2 minutes to load 4 rigs.
    Some Other Guy - Yeah well there must be something wrong with yours.

    Yeah, thanks. That's what I was implying.


    I don´t actually see whats wrong with that? In that case the OP thought his very long load-up time was normal - until someone told him that something has to be wrong with his unit and that he should therefore have it checked.