ERROR: unable to locate firmware file on USB device

  • There's always a problem with computer based equipment that makes you want to smash it and send it back to the manufacture.
    I followed the manual instruction & the instruction provided by forum users. My Kemper will not locate kaos.bin version 2.3.3. The current version factory installed is 2.2.1
    I first erased the 4G stick, formatted OSx Journaled.
    I turned on the Kemper and set it to "Profiler".
    I plugged in the USB stick to allow Kemper to format it to Phat32.
    Then plugged stick back into my Mac to drag and drop "kaos.bin" version 2.3.3. into OS Update folder.
    I turned the Kemper off and plugged in the stick.
    I pressed and held both "< PAGE >" buttons while turning Kemper on to "Tuner." (This is not mentioned in the manual. I only tried this after the manual failed to produced the desired result)
    The message I still got is: "ERROR: unable to locate firmware file on USB device"

    The creator should of followed his working updating system as with his Virus-TI: straight from the computer to the device via USB cable.
    PS: Why can't they update the thing to the latest existing version, 2.3.3 at the factory before mailing out.

    Edited 3 times, last by musaicsong (April 10, 2014 at 11:45 PM).

  • when you've copied 'kaos.bin' into the OS Update folder, you shouldn't update with PAGE<> buttons but instead just insert the stick during normal operation. The KPA should offer you a update then.

    the PAGE<> method is kind of 'last resort' and only intended to be used when the regular update procedure fails. For the PAGE<> method of updating, you'll need to put the kaos.bin file in the root-path of the USB stick.

  • Thank you. As I said, I followed the manual instructions too, for that point mentioned is not in the manual, and I get the same error message.
    What is the "root path?" Is that like drag and dropping the kaos.bin file on the stick without putting it in a folder?

    Edited once, last by musaicsong (April 10, 2014 at 11:55 PM).

  • Thanks kpahuitsing,
    Falling back on your guide helped to get it installing. I guess you have to do the same correct thing three times to get it to read. It's the same with my Motu 828X, it won't read mic signal flow in LogicX unless you cut them both off and on 2 or 3 times.

  • I tried 4 different USB sticks to update from Beta 2.8 to Beta 3.0. No go. Not even a menu for "External Device"

    Rack model without Power Amp.

    The booting the machine with both Page´buttons pressed did the trick. Kaos.bin in root directory of the stick.

    Now I can use all the four sticks for backups also.
