Strange Tones On Upper Registers

  • Hey guys, I'm hoping someone here can help me. I got my Kemper three days ago and for the most part it's the most satisfying tonal experience I've ever had. I have noticed however on high gain settings that I seem to be getting a slight phasey/chorusy sound when playing the higher notes on my guitar. Unfortunately it's not as apparent on an MP3 as it is when you are playing the Kemper but I've uploaded a quick clip which should hopefully show you what I mean, the guitar is on the neck pickup:

    Here is the same thing played through the X50 2.0 software amp sim which doesn't show the same issue

    I've tried different guitars, all show the same issue through the Kemper. I'm plugging directly into the Kemper and the sound appears when using headphones too. I've tried erasing the flash memory but that didn't make a difference. Anyone have any idea whats happening?

    Edit: Bizarrely it all seems find above the 15th fret of the high E:

    Edited 2 times, last by vairish (April 6, 2014 at 12:15 PM).

  • Especially if you have a strat-type guitar, or other pickups with strong magnets: Is the neck pickup too close to the strings? If so, it can pull the sting out of tune, especially when you play high on the neck (because, the string is closer to the pickup than it is when you are fretting lower on the neck.

    Thanks for the reply man. I've tried multiple guitars with varying pickup types and pickup heights, all show the issue through the Kemper but not through anything else :(

    Edit: Okay, this seems to be a problem with profiles from a specific vendor which I was using exclusively. Using profiles from the Rig Exchange I don't seem to get this problem.

    Edited once, last by vairish (April 6, 2014 at 3:10 PM).

  • Did you try bypassing all the effects in those profiles?

    No effects were on.

    That's odd - you may be the first to mention something with someone else's profiles. Did you let them know?

    I haven't yet but I will send them an email. It seems more prevalent in profiles where they used a tubescreamer in the original signal chain regardless of where the gain setting is on the Kemper. I'm just happy that this was a profile issue instead of a Kemper issue :)

  • Be careful, some authors like using Modulation on their Delay settings, and you won't see it until you go into the Delay parameters.
    I dislike Modulation on Delay, first thing I do is turn it to Zero.

    I did not know about that parameter. While it doesn't seem to be the issue for these profiles, I have turned it down on other profiles that did have it applied and they sound way better now. Thanks man!

  • A system reset will not cure ut for sure :)

    Try to set Definition (Amp Section) to minimum to let the distortion ride on the fundamental frequency of your guitar, rather than on the harmonics.
    This is what happens on your X 50 and makes it sound different.

  • Hey Guys, thanks for all the replies. I have the problem solved. I bought my Kemper second hand and the profiles that were giving me issues were bought by the previous owner. He's after sending me the original files and they seem to work fine. He must have changed some parameter in the ones on the Kemper that caused the issue but it's all good now :thumbup:


    A system reset will not cure ut for sure :)

    Try to set Definition (Amp Section) to minimum to let the distortion ride on the fundamental frequency of your guitar, rather than on the harmonics.
    This is what happens on your X 50 and makes it sound different.

    I compared two profiles and found out it was the clarity section set too high that caused the weird phasing issue. Turned down everything returns to normal :)

    Edited once, last by vairish (April 9, 2014 at 5:41 PM).