About to buy a Kemper and need your advice

  • I've been reading as much as I can about the Kemper and the Axe FX II over the last couple of months. I have concerns over both of them, but I think I'm learning toward the Kemper due to the fact that it APPEARS to be easier to use right out of the box.

    About 99% of what I'd want to use this unit for is for live shows in a modern rock cover band (Shinedown, Papa Roach, Stone Temple Pilots, type of stuff). So with that in mind, knowing what you all know now about your Kemper, if you were in my situation, what would you buy to get the best possible sound out of this unit?

    • Would you go with the powered or un-powered unit?
    • I don't think I can afford the $999 Atomic wedge, plus shipping to the United States, so what would you say is the next best thing to use for speakers to get the most true and transparent sound from the Kemper.
    • Would I need to get 2 monitors in order for it to be loud enough on stage? And be honest here. I'm playing with a drummer who hits VERY hard. I understand that the speakers may not push the air like a 4x12 cab would, but will I be able to crank this thing up loud and still not have it sound all harsh or brittle?
    • If I want to run the unit in stereo, what should I buy for that type of a setup (I find it COMPLETELY RETARDED that there is just a mono out on the back of the powered version).
    • What should I be looking at in terms of a footswitch? What do you all feel is the best one to use, that is also reasonably priced (the Mastermind GT stuff is stupidly expensive). I like the way the MFC controller for the Axe is set up so that you can have banks of presets, but then also be able to assign buttons to turn on and off effects within that preset.

    Like I said, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the Kemper. So I just want to make sure I'm buying the best rig possible from the beginning instead of buying a certain monitor for example, only to find that what I should have bought was an unpowered version of another monitor.
    Thanks for all the help guys!

  • I've been reading as much as I can about the Kemper and the Axe FX II over the last couple of months. I have concerns over both of them, but I think I'm learning toward the Kemper due to the fact that it APPEARS to be easier to use right out of the box.

    About 99% of what I'd want to use this unit for is for live shows in a modern rock cover band (Shinedown, Papa Roach, Stone Temple Pilots, type of stuff). So with that in mind, knowing what you all know now about your Kemper, if you were in my situation, what would you buy to get the best possible sound out of this unit?

    • Would you go with the powered or un-powered unit?
    • I don't think I can afford the $999 Atomic wedge, plus shipping to the United States, so what would you say is the next best thing to use for speakers to get the most true and transparent sound from the Kemper.
    • Would I need to get 2 monitors in order for it to be loud enough on stage? And be honest here. I'm playing with a drummer who hits VERY hard. I understand that the speakers may not push the air like a 4x12 cab would, but will I be able to crank this thing up loud and still not have it sound all harsh or brittle?
    • If I want to run the unit in stereo, what should I buy for that type of a setup (I find it COMPLETELY RETARDED that there is just a mono out on the back of the powered version).
    • What should I be looking at in terms of a footswitch? What do you all feel is the best one to use, that is also reasonably priced (the Mastermind GT stuff is stupidly expensive). I like the way the MFC controller for the Axe is set up so that you can have banks of presets, but then also be able to assign buttons to turn on and off effects within that preset.

    Like I said, I'm pretty sure I'm going to go with the Kemper. So I just want to make sure I'm buying the best rig possible from the beginning instead of buying a certain monitor for example, only to find that what I should have bought was an unpowered version of another monitor.
    Thanks for all the help guys!

    I've owned my Kemper for nearly two months. It still totally blows me away every day. I'm only running three basic amps; I purchased two from The Amp Factory and I also use the AC 30 that was profiled by Kemper. I bought my Kemper to record an album but by the first weekend I knew I'd gig with it as well. I typically mic a tube combo to FOH. I've always used my 60 watt combo in a sidewash configuration as both my stage monitor and to run to FOH. I'd already gigged with 11R for a year and so making the transition to the Kemper has been super easy.

    1. I bought the rack non-powered version. In retrospect I'd get the amp version because after buying and returning virtually every active solution (I never tried CLR) I finally settled on a QSC GX7 amp > passive JBL JRX 112M. I use the JBL as a wedge, sidewashed. Aimed up it hits my ears perfectly and the GX7 has enough power.

    2. The GX7 and JRX 112M (now discontinued I believe) are a decent combination.

    3. If you buy a powerful enough amp (assuming you're running your mains to FOH) one monitor is all you'd need. I formerly gigged with a K12 for about a year. I didn't care for it with the Kemper but it's certainly loud enough.

    4. I run mine mono.

    5. I use a Rocktron Midimate in bank mode. Very simple and works great although there is a volume dropout and lag switching between rigs.

    Good luck and all the best!

  • Yeah, right now I run my Mesa Roadster combo which is more than loud enough for me on stage. I mic it for the FOH. So all I really need is something that'll be plenty loud enough on stage because I'll then be sending the signal for the audience to the FOH to be sent through the main PA speakers.

    I'm also running a G-System right now. I was told I could use that as the footswitch to control the Kemper. But the problem is, I'm a TOTAL newbie when it comes to MIDI and I'd have NO clue how to set it up or program it so that it can control the Kemper and switch between rigs.

  • I went from using a 100w Marshall head and a 4x12 bottom for the last. 25 years to the Kemper and a powered CLR. I was also worried about being able to hear it and thought I might need two CLR's. I run mine out front like a wedge and was amazed to find out that I can actually hear better now than ever. The CLR has a huge spread compared to a traditional speaker cabinet plus running it as a wedge it's pointed right at your face instead of blowing at the back of your ankles. It's also got plenty of power. I've never been in a situation where I felt like it was lacking.

    Also, why do you feel you need to run stereo monitors on stage if you're going direct to the FOH?

    Edited once, last by LP_Freak (March 29, 2014 at 2:12 PM).

  • If you're going direct to FOH, then a mono monitor is the best solution IMO. There are so many alternatives out there that you can barely go wrong. I know that several members here use a very inexpensive Mustang III (via the FX return) and are very happy with that solution. I used that myself, and felt it was satisfactory. Good luck!

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Yeah, right now I run my Mesa Roadster combo which is more than loud enough for me on stage. I mic it for the FOH. So all I really need is something that'll be plenty loud enough on stage because I'll then be sending the signal for the audience to the FOH to be sent through the main PA speakers.

    I'm also running a G-System right now. I was told I could use that as the footswitch to control the Kemper. But the problem is, I'm a TOTAL newbie when it comes to MIDI and I'd have NO clue how to set it up or program it so that it can control the Kemper and switch between rigs.

    The only slightly tricky part of MIDI control of the Kemper is how you assign MIDI channels on the Kemper itself - and it's actually very simple. With a profile loaded press the System button - it will start flashing. The lower left control knob will now allow you to select MIDI PrgChg# - this is the MIDI channel number you want to match with your footswitch. Make the channel number change, 1-128 and then press the "assign" upper right button.

    I'm not familiar with the G-System but evidently it will do basic bank mode switching. The good thing about the Rocktron Midimate is that it has a customizable 8 digit LED. I can name my rigs (profiles) in the Midimate which means I can look down at the floor and see the name of a rig as a song name, or an amp name. In other words, I don't have to memorize which numbers on the footswitch are which rigs in the Kemper.

  • I'd get a Powered Rack or head if you can. It just gives you a few more options to run in one package. I recently got back to a Kemper unit and picked up a Powered Rack. Absolutely love it!

    I run mine through a Mesa 2x12 cabinet and I love the tone out of it. The CLR solution will give you a more accurate sound based on the profile but at a higher volume on stage, I prefer the cab myself. That coupled with the cost of importing one up to my area left me with using what I currently have and using that instead.

    No issues thus far!


  • Also my recommendation Kemper Powerhead + Guitar Cab. Sounds and feels as usual with the tube amp.
    The venues where I play, I have guitar cab or monitor for guitar monitoring, so usually I do not need to carry my own cab.
    Main Out goes direct to FOH.


    1. Powered
    2&3. I am fan of guitar cab sound, so I would recommend 1 or 2 Matrix NL12. Only 7kg and massive and loud tone. One is enough, two looks better :) I played it live and play it at rehearsal (we play some mixture alternative/punk/metal)
    4. I do not need stereo, so no comment
    5. Liquid Foot 12+. Small, powerful, versatile.

  • This thread is certainly relevant to my interests. I have a Digitech RP1000 that I am using with a Alto powered wedge. The Alto actually sounds pretty good for stage reference. Our drummer uses a V-Drum kit. We do corporate gigs and I needed a quick solution to 100 watt tube amps i own. The RP sounds passable for sure but I am very interested in the Kemper. Anyone else using the Ato stuff?

    Also I am in a bit of a pickle on what to use for a foot controller. I like the RJM Mastermind GT and just saw the above post mentioning the Liquid Foot. I like the ability to see the names of the effects and patches on the midi board which rules out the Behringer for me. Anyone have experience with the RJM vs. Liquid Foot? Pros/Cons?

  • The only thing we don't know about the KFC is how versatile and powerful it will be as a generic MIDI controller. For certain applications (outside controlling the Profiler) you'd want a very good one.
    Sure, any third-part controller will require two cables, and power (or some special cables).