LCD just died on mine I think

  • See. You were having a hissy fit. Four days have passed, mate, but the Kemper is back and working well and you seem cheerier. Glad to hear it.

    I'd be very grateful if you'd stop trying to patronize me and telling me what I was having or not. You either don't understand what has happened or you are being oblivious to consumer rights and willing to sheepishly accept inferior services. To summarize this for you:

    - I paid money for an amp
    - amp went out of order
    - I've sent the amp for repairs
    - Amp came back broken in different way after almost 4 weeks
    - I requested a replacement (I have full rights to ask for replacement in a case like that)
    - Thanks for customer support (not repair service) the amp was replaced in 8 working days instead of 13. For that I am very thankful and because of it I feel a bit more confident about Kemper post sales service.

    I still won't gig with Kemper and will ask for money back if it breaks again. Contrary to popular opinion it's not end of it all solution for guitar tone.

    Edited 2 times, last by mdeeRocks (April 29, 2014 at 2:19 PM).

  • My experience in life and understanding of mathematical probability is that shit happens in clumps. You just get good runs and bad runs.

    You have been caught in a bad run for sure. And to you it personally seems like the KPA can be a pile of shit. I've been down that road myself with Universal Audio.

    I've read how happy people are with UA and how they've NEVER had problems, and yet literally EVERY piece of hardware I've owned by them had physical problems.
    Just my dumb luck.

    It's very easy to get burned and spurn the company's product as "unreliable" and I wouldn't fault you for it, since we follow our gut feelings and personal history.

    But DO keep us informed if this unit is trouble free in a year as well. Thanks for an informative post.

  • I'll definitely come back in a year and report no faults. I truly believe there will be none!

    BTW. I've been playing my class A boutique amps for about a month day by day and my ears got used to mid heavy and loose so much that I can't stand any heavy profiles like 5150 ;). I'll need to get re-used to them.

  • Hmm this has been interesting. Im having this exact problem right now. Very annoying. I live in New Zealand so if anything has to go back or be ordered its gonna take for-frikken-ever. Customer support has been really good but again, doesn't exactly fix my amp by email.

    Was good to find out it was 36 month warranty though. My shop was trying to tell me it was only 12! I really hope this doesnt drag out for too long...

  • Hmm this has been interesting. Im having this exact problem right now. Very annoying. I live in New Zealand so if anything has to go back or be ordered its gonna take for-frikken-ever. Customer support has been really good but again, doesn't exactly fix my amp by email.

    Was good to find out it was 36 month warranty though. My shop was trying to tell me it was only 12! I really hope this doesnt drag out for too long...

    It's very unlikely that your amp will come back broken, like mine did. So keep your faith :). Turnaround time should be about 2 weeks for repair plus shipping. Make sure your dealer/shop doesn't delay things.

  • My shop which is the only dealer in the country are being absolute dicks about this. The service guy has tried to tell me that hes never even heard of them and they dont even sell Kemper. Phone calls and emails not getting returned at all either. Think I need to go there in person and start snappin necks n cashin cheques LOL.

  • My shop which is the only dealer in the country are being absolute dicks about this. The service guy has tried to tell me that hes never even heard of them and they dont even sell Kemper. Phone calls and emails not getting returned at all either. Think I need to go there in person and start snappin necks n cashin cheques LOL.

    Hmm that sucks (I am really spoiled when it comes to guitar shops, I live 0.5 mile away from one of the best in the country and it's been always the case, no matter where I lived 8) ). Definitely dealing with people in person gives much better results. Maybe ask Kemper to give them a call or explain the situation and deal with Kemper directly - all the shop will do is send it to service centre for repair anyway. Finding out who is your local distributor and giving them a call might help too.

  • Ended up getting the shop to face up and get it fixed. They're going to order a new front panel in, should take about one to two weeks. So thats cool.

    Kinda got me a bit bummed though, and also a bit cautious as to the durability of this thing. Leds were going on it as well. Never thought Id ever entertain the thought, but considering flicking it on before the warranty is up :S

  • Yeah I get what you are saying about durability. Even on my new replacement one, the pots have quite a lot of play up and down to the sides, like they were not tightened properly. I may be seeing things ;), but I am not taking it to the gigs with me anytime soon. Maybe I'll get a rack version one day and stick it in one of these anvil cases.

    Glad to hear your problem has been resolved.

  • That's great if you are the first buyer if you buy one secondhand and it goes down within the 3 year period they don't want to know and the repair company want to charge you shipping which to cover over 1500 quids worth of Kemper is going to cost a fair whack of cash what a crap warranty than isn't interchangeable