LCD is black with some blurry lines. Profiler works (blindly via rig manager). Anyone experienced this (before I call support..)?
LCD just died on mine I think
mdeeRocks -
March 10, 2014 at 7:54 PM -
Thread is Resolved
Hmm, it came back? I am rather disturbed by this.
Well, ok, pressing a button on to of LCD makes it black. Broken I think. -
could be firmware / software problem as well. I remember mine freaking out awhile back when all my tones sounded wrong. It went away after a reset.
could be firmware / software problem as well. I remember mine freaking out awhile back when all my tones sounded wrong. It went away after a reset.
I've tried system reset only, but it's quite obvious it's hardware problem.. Thankfully I live 10 minutes from Andertons where I bought mine from, I'll request replacement at the end of the week.
Check The Profiler hardware
Switch the main knob to off;
hold the left/top soft-key above the LCD;
switch Profiler to tuner while still holding this key; Maintenance Module will be started;
in the Maintenance menu go to Test; a lot can be tested here (buttons, knobs, led, memory…).
Note: make a complete Profiler backup before performing the check! -
in the Maintenance menu go to TestI'd if I could see anything, LCD is solid black
Oh, nothing at all? Sorry
I had the same problem. Exactly. It will die and go back sometimes. I had to sent to kemper, they replaced the whole front panel.
One different thing from my kpa was the knobs, the old ones that goes through the profiles rolled freely. The new ones has some kind of light "steps".
Just send it, it will not work properly. -
I had the same problem. Exactly. It will die and go back sometimes. I had to sent to kemper, they replaced the whole front panel.
One different thing from my kpa was the knobs, the old ones that goes through the profiles rolled freely. The new ones has some kind of light "steps".
Just send it, it will not work properly.Yeah, I've got confirmation from support (very quickly) that's indeed a hardware fault. No huge deal, things happen. Hopefully Andertons will replace it for me, I've some recording to do next week.. Can't really afford to wait weeks for repair.
Too bad it can't be fixed at home, sometimes it's just a matter of a faulty connection with the ribbon/cable
Yeah.. 4 weeks according to Andertons. Not very happy, but we'll, shit happens.
It came back after about 4 weeks of repair (about 2 weeks ago)... still broken. LCD was fine, but the pots were malfunctioning (chaning the values on their own, without touching it) and browse knob was so loose that I felt it would fall out at any moment.
I went back to the shop after a couple of days and asked for replacement (as I must assume that Kemper can't repair my amp). I was told that they have to get me a new one from Kemper (they had a couple in the shop, but apparently they have to ask Kemper for permission) and it shouldn't take long. Well, a week later I was told that it will arrive about May 5th. In my opinion this is way too long.
Frankly, I lost all my trust in the brand and product. I'll never gig with it and won't recommend it to anyone. I doubt I'll be buying version 2 if it ever happens. It feels that Kemper doesn't have infrastructure to handle post-sale repairs and replacements in timely manner. To be fair, I have to say that the shop wasn't super fast in sending it first time round (they waited 2-3 days after I delivered it to the shop, not sure why), but my real question is why Kemper doesn't instruct their dealers to replace faulty amps on the spot (Kemper can't repair them consistently) without passing all the hassle, wasted time and (potential) costs on the consumer.
At the moment I am hoping it won't break again when it comes back, and seriously considering selling it if I can't get over that feeling.
BTW: The person from consumer support was very nice and helpful but it doesn't change the fact that they sent me a broken amp after weeks of repairing it.
It came back after about 4 weeks of repair (about 2 weeks ago)... still broken. LCD was fine, but the pots were malfunctioning (chaning the values on their own, without touching it) and browse knob was so loose that I felt it would fall out at any moment.
I went back to the shop after a couple of days and asked for replacement (as I must assume that Kemper can't repair my amp). I was told that they have to get me a new one from Kemper (they had a couple in the shop, but apparently they have to ask Kemper for permission) and it shouldn't take long. Well, a week later I was told that it will arrive about May 5th. In my opinion this is way too long.
Frankly, I lost all my trust in the brand and product. I'll never gig with it and won't recommend it to anyone. I doubt I'll be buying version 2 if it ever happens. It feels that Kemper doesn't have infrastructure to handle post-sale repairs and replacements in timely manner. To be fair, I have to say that the shop wasn't super fast in sending it first time round (they waited 2-3 days after I delivered it to the shop, not sure why), but my real question is why Kemper doesn't instruct their dealers to replace faulty amps on the spot (Kemper can't repair them consistently) without passing all the hassle, wasted time and (potential) costs on the consumer.
At the moment I am hoping it won't break again when it comes back, and seriously considering selling it if I can't get over that feeling.
BTW: The person from consumer support was very nice and helpful but it doesn't change the fact that they sent me a broken amp after weeks of repairing it.
I can undertand that you fault the delay in repair. But I seriously doubt there are many companies -- retail or otherwise -- that will trade you a brand new product for a defective one, especially on a three-year warranty. So a trade at the shop just seems highly unlikely.
In your favour, I can't understand why you received a defective piece after repair, if it was the same piece at all. No guarantee on warranty turnaround time, but I'd be heartbroken if I waited four weeks and got back something defective.
In any case, I hope you don't blame Kemper for this situation. Anything could have caused the screen to go bad. Understandably, this will prevent you from meeting your recording and gigging targets, but as you mentioned, sh*t happens. This kind of stuff is always a potential hazard with electronic equipment.
Yeah it is a hazard. That's why I need a reliable service from the company which makes the product. Shit happens first time, second time it's just a lousy customer support and wasting my time. I didn't ask for a "trade".
I had other barnds amps broken in the past, they always been replaced on the spot or repaired in timely manner (less than two weeks). And frankly, I don't give a damn why things break, all I care about is they are repaired quick or replaced. I totally blame Kemper repair service for this situation, they have no QA after repair and sent me a broken amp back, wasting a lot of my time and killing my trust in the product. -
It came back after about 4 weeks of repair (about 2 weeks ago)... still broken. LCD was fine, but the pots were malfunctioning (chaning the values on their own, without touching it) and browse knob was so loose that I felt it would fall out at any moment.
I went back to the shop after a couple of days and asked for replacement (as I must assume that Kemper can't repair my amp). I was told that they have to get me a new one from Kemper (they had a couple in the shop, but apparently they have to ask Kemper for permission) and it shouldn't take long. Well, a week later I was told that it will arrive about May 5th. In my opinion this is way too long.
Frankly, I lost all my trust in the brand and product. I'll never gig with it and won't recommend it to anyone. I doubt I'll be buying version 2 if it ever happens. It feels that Kemper doesn't have infrastructure to handle post-sale repairs and replacements in timely manner. To be fair, I have to say that the shop wasn't super fast in sending it first time round (they waited 2-3 days after I delivered it to the shop, not sure why), but my real question is why Kemper doesn't instruct their dealers to replace faulty amps on the spot (Kemper can't repair them consistently) without passing all the hassle, wasted time and (potential) costs on the consumer.
At the moment I am hoping it won't break again when it comes back, and seriously considering selling it if I can't get over that feeling.
BTW: The person from consumer support was very nice and helpful but it doesn't change the fact that they sent me a broken amp after weeks of repairing it.
My problems with kemper was bad LCD, pots malfuncining AND wrong singnal routing. When they fixed mine they replaced the whole front.
My problems with kemper was bad LCD, pots malfuncining AND wrong singnal routing. When they fixed mine they replaced the whole front
Sorry to hear that. I had no problems with pots before first repair. They must have broken them or installed a panel which was faulty and didn't bother to check . As far as I am concerned they are unable to repair these amps if there is any fault. I am giving it last chance, if it ever breaks again I'll just get my money back. That assuming it comes back to me in reasonable time, I've been told May 5th, if there is any delay longer than a couple of days I'll ask the shop for refund.
mdee I understand your frustration.
When you say the person in customer support was friendly and helpful didn't they tell you anything more constructive AD detailed as to what happened and why?
Because this is the most important information for a customer to not lose faith in the brand. -
mdee I understand your frustration.
When you say the person in customer support was friendly and helpful didn't they tell you anything more constructive AD detailed as to what happened and why?
Because this is the most important information for a customer to not lose faith in the brand.No, not really, but he did everything to solve the situation.. Doesn't matter now, frankly. I think I'll play my other amps more, which is good thing. Honeymoon is definitely over.
Well, thanks to really efficient customer support I've got my replacement today instead of a week from now, so far so good. Got a lot of trust back Thanks a lot for resolving this issue quicker than I expected.
See. You were having a hissy fit. Four days have passed, mate, but the Kemper is back and working well and you seem cheerier. Glad to hear it.