Redwire Impulses .... worth buying ?

  • I used Redwirez some when I had an Axe Fx. They're ok, guess it just depends on what you're looking for. They're fairly raw and work best when you can mix 2 or more together (for example a SM57 + Royer 121).

    I've never actually tried using IRs with the Kemper and I'm glad I don't need to. I've found tons of profiles I love as is.

  • I have the Redwirez bundle. It was what I used before I got the Kemper...... Basically, home made dummy load gave me a line out from my real amp. Redwirez on the PC gave me a virtual cab.

    IMO they're great but I have never bothered using them since I got the Kemper..... Dial and go for me.

    If you want to play, he has a free Marshall cab on his site with all the mics so you can try that and see how you like it :)

  • An IR is much like anything else. It depends on the quality of the capture. I have tried very few IR's that were converted with cab maker.

    I can't say with any authority that cabmaker "isn't that good". The few cabs I tried are still on my KPA. I found use for them. In some instances I have found them valuable, but my caveat is tempered with saying I have not heard the cab/speaker/mic which was used to shoot the IR.

    I know the strong suit for KPA is a profile done with cab/amp/mic and setting preferred on the rig to be profiled.

    I try to avoid a preconceived attitude without actually listening to the deal with my own ears. If it's good it's gonna find a home with what I can use. If it doesn't "sing my song", the delete button will soon be pressed.

  • I've fiddled with IRs in my Profiler a little, and they always sounded pretty close to the original .wav through kefir or LeCab. That said, they also felt a lot less real, fuzzier in the high end, not as dynamic, etc compared to profiled cabinets. The Character knob helped a bit, but never enough for me to be happy with the sound.

    That said, if you have an impulse, or maybe a particular combination, that really works for you with software amps, I imagine you'll be reasonably happy running Kemper rigs through them.

  • you can get a free demo of one of their IR collections from their website.

    personally, before I came to Kemper, I used Redwirez IRs with an Ultra pretty much on every patch.
    I had a list of IR mixes I kept working on and trying suggestions of other Redwirez users.

    I converted these mixes into .kiprs with the Cabmaker, loaded them into the Profiler and, yes, they sound just like I remember.
    (and older recordings confirmed this).

    Did I keep them?
    i much prefer the 'real world' cab and mic combinations of profiles to the somewhat academic approach to mic every cab with every mic in every position. (even the demo cab has 777 IRs)

  • That's one of the things I like best about the Kemper- fussing with IRs is simply not necessary!

    I can't begin to tell you how many hours I put in with the Axe II auditioning IRs, searching for IRs, buying IRs, mixing was enough to make me sick.

    The way it is with the Kemper just makes so much more sense to me- the cab (or IR) is basically "baked in" to the rig. Cab choice and mic placement was specifically chosen by the creator of the rig in order to achieve the desired tone. So much easier than trying to find a "generic" IR that will work with your amp of choice and amp settings with the Axe or software modeller.

  • I have, and love, the Redwirez IR's. One of the first things I did with the Kemper was convert them so I could use them, but IMO they didn't do anything the Kemper cabs couldn't do better. I'd highly recommend them with VST amps, and when I was using the PodHD I'd bypass their cabs and use them, but with Kemper they are a no go...

  • I've owned these for years. They are a good set to have but with a Kemper, I'd think you would not have a need for them. That being said, if I was to use some kind of IR, I'd go with the Two-Notes WOS III plug-in instead. I have found their cab sims to be higher quality in the comparisons that I have done of them. Again, though, everyone has their sense and judgement of what they like with regards to tone.