Front Panel's Noise Gate Setting

  • I've noticed that even though I change the noise gate setting using the KPA's Noise knob, the setting keeps going back to a pretty high setting after the next power-up. Nothing is locked, but for some reason even though I lower the noise gate value it keeps going back to where it was.

    Anyone else notice this? Is there something else I should be doing to make the new setting "stick" from power-up to power-up? ?(

  • I might be wrong, but if you don't lock the input section, the input settings that come with each rig will be active. Why don't you just lock the input settings? Alternatively, you must have a look at each rig's input settings and in case you are not content with the settings, correct and store them. But as I said, I might be wrong.

  • Thanks for the fast replies guys!

    I have my Performance banks customized for different guitars that I use, so I don't really want to lock the Input section. I'd like to set the noise gate for each slot in each Performance bank (basically what Joerch was referring to above). But it appears that the noise gate setting is not saved with each slot.

    Or is this possibly a bug?

  • is it just after power off and power on that it doesn't recall? or if you save slot 1A, load 1B, then load 1A, you don't have the same input settings?

    Are you editing the rig in browse mode, then checking it in performance mode? writing a rig to performance mode creates a separate copy that won't reflect further changes to the rig in browse mode. so If you load rig "This Rig" into slot 1A, then edit "This Rig" in browse mode, you won't see those last changes when you load performance mode slot 1A.

    I assume you use different banks for the different guitars because you are changing more items than just the input settings (noise gate, clean/dist sense)? if not, then you'd be better off locking input and creating presets for each guitar. but if you're also adjusting other things, I'd do it exactly like you are doing. Only problem is no one else seems to be able to replicate your issue.

  • is it just after power off and power on that it doesn't recall? or if you save slot 1A, load 1B, then load 1A, you don't have the same input settings?

    I'll check the various combinations later tonight when I get home and report back.

    Are you editing the rig in browse mode, then checking it in performance mode? writing a rig to performance mode creates a separate copy that won't reflect further changes to the rig in browse mode. so If you load rig "This Rig" into slot 1A, then edit "This Rig" in browse mode, you won't see those last changes when you load performance mode slot 1A.

    Correct, I'm aware of that. I'm editing the rig in performance mode.

    I assume you use different banks for the different guitars because you are changing more items than just the input settings (noise gate, clean/dist sense)? if not, then you'd be better off locking input and creating presets for each guitar. but if you're also adjusting other things, I'd do it exactly like you are doing.

    Correct again, I also adjust EQ, gain, and clean/distortion sense.

    Only problem is no one else seems to be able to replicate your issue.

    Yeah, strange...