Engl Fireball

  • Hi Kemperites,

    Flix and i have taken some profiles of an ENGL Fireball yesterday. It ran into an ENGL Pro 4x12 V30 cab. We used an SM57 and an MXL R144 ribbon for micing the cab. The SM57's level was around -8.6dB, the R144 was -3.9dB. A Multiband compressor took care of the low mid and bass boom during the profiling process, so they turned out to have quite some balls without being to boomy.

    I tweaked one rig with a pre stack EQ to accomodate my 7-String.

    Check out these profiles, we had quite some fun with them and each other. The amp was dialed in with a Schecter Hellraiser C-7 with EMGs 707s and a Yamaha Cabo Wabo with a Seymour Duncan on bridge and stock PU (i think) on neck.

    The rigs will be are available via RE soon, batch download is available via Dropbox: down. Please use RE. Thank you.

    Enjoy and let us know how you like them.
    Thanks for your attention.

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    Edited 2 times, last by HELL-G (January 27, 2014 at 9:34 PM).

  • thanks for sharing!

    I did a quick test, and was slightly surprised! All Engls, especially Fireballs and Powerballs I heard so far(real ones and profiles, the better ones...) had these aggressive high mids, this "chainsaw" sound power metal players like a lot. I myself am not a fan of amps that support higher mids that much.
    In your profiles I even miss some of those mids! An EQ boost at 2,6kHz and 4kHz, and the profiles sound more like Engls as I know them.
    On the bass side there´s too much 300Hz for my taste.
    Did you try profiling without the multiband compressor? I´d rather move the mics slighty away from the speaker to get rid of too much bass instead of using a comp. You used a R144 mic, which is very bass heavy on it´s own - how close was it to the grill?

    I hope you don´t mind my critisism - the profiles are great, especially the crunchy ones. The distorted ones need some EQ to meet my tastes, but that´s fine 8)

  • Hi Sirius,

    your opinion is highly welcome and appreciated as i like your profiles a lot, so thanks for taking the time to respond.

    It was my first attempt using the R144 and Flix and i liked the less 'chainsaw screech' we got by lowering the SM57's level.
    We did not use any fancy preamps and stuff and just gave it some shots. We did not bother to have them 'Mix-Ready', we just enjoyed hearing the Profiler sound like what we heard through the mics.
    Maybe they will be enjoyable for those who play for themselves and like some extra chug.
    I hope we will have the opportunity to improve our profiling skills soon, with more time to move mics around and check out some more combinations of mics.

    We're glad for any input on these profiles, so just hit us hard.

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  • Tried 'em. Loved 'em. Sound like a great Engl Fireball to me! Brutal! Especially love FBall Distortion and FBall Super Dist.

    Gave you 5 stars for the high gain profiles I downloaded. Didn't rate the lower gain ones as I'm pretty much high gain 90% of the time.

  • I will send a link to my tweaked profiles of this session tonight. As sirius mentioned I also took away a bit of the lows but with the bass poti. Mids a bit less and treble and presence a bit up, which makes my Cabo Wabo sound more comfortable to me. I also gave the profiles some power sagging and a little bit pick in the amp section.
    This results of comparing the profiles with other high gain profiles I use, so I could eliminate a the mumpf out of the profile.
    HELL-G: next time we should really try to move the mics a bit away, as I experienced this with the OD100 when I profiled it.


  • Haven't tested any of these yet, but thanks a lot, ENGL Fireball 60w is a very good practicing amp.
    One question thought. The Sennheiser mic, e609, is it the original or the new silver version. Tons of difference in voicing there.

  • I haven't had as much time as i thought i would today, but frankly that's not why i haven't tried your profiles.

    The real reason is that i got stuck on 'Fball distortion' for about an hour, just playing around. I don't know what you did - it certainly doesn't sound like the Engls i'm used to - but there's something magical with the pick attack there.
    I dropped the gain to 6.4, played around with the bass for a bit and it was glorious... And has amazing string separation.

    The only suggestion i'd have -
    the multiband comp is an awesome idea for profiling - but maybe @ 50% mix?
    It sounds huge and is very efficient (no volume spikes), but seems to smear the low frequencies a bit, which makes sense.
    I don't need an overly tight amp personally, but maybe 50% mix would still retain the extended low end and allow for a sharper attack.

    Great job, and i'm looking forward to trying the rest tomorrow!

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • I haven't had as much time as i thought i would today, but frankly that's not why i haven't tried your profiles.

    The real reason is that i got stuck on 'Fball distortion' for about an hour, just playing around. I don't know what you did - it certainly doesn't sound like the Engls i'm used to - but there's something magical with the pick attack there.
    I dropped the gain to 6.4, played around with the bass for a bit and it was glorious... And has amazing string separation.

    The only suggestion i'd have -
    the multiband comp is an awesome idea for profiling - but maybe @ 50% mix?
    It sounds huge and is very efficient (no volume spikes), but seems to smear the low frequencies a bit, which makes sense.
    I don't need an overly tight amp personally, but maybe 50% mix would still retain the extended low end and allow for a sharper attack.

    Great job, and i'm looking forward to trying the rest tomorrow!

    Thank you, Quitty. Good to read such a positive review. Please let us know how the other profiles work for you.

    As i said it was my first attempt ever using a ribbon mic, literally unboxed it,peeled of the plastic cover and placed it in front of the cab. Its proximity effect made the sound way too boomy and woofy, so i just recalled a preset in my DAW that i've set up for controlling woof on guitars in a mix, the amount of gain reduction was about -4 to -6dB @130Hz. I did not aim at a mixready sound, though. I think the results turned out well in regard of dynamics and distortion characteristics and are very easy to tweak into the desired direction. I applied the high mid boost suggested by R_U_Sirius and instantly got that 'chainsaw' 'circular saw' bite loved by many ENGL users.

    I think the great response to transients is due to the ribbon, i never have got them reproduced so nicely with the obvious suspects.

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