Live rig for church setting

  • I was just wondering what all of you guys that are playing in a church setting are using with your Kemper's? e.g. pedalboard, type of midi controller,etc.

    Right now I'm trying to figure out how all this is going to work for me and I figured the best way to do that would be to see how other people are doing it in a similar setting. With the need for multiple delay presets, tap tempo, volume pedal, multiple gain stages, and various other effects I'm interested to hear if you guys are still using your pedal boards with the Kemper or if you found a good reliable midi controller that works for you and how you have it set up? Thanks

  • I'm playing exclusively in worship settings, and all I use is the Kemper and an Uno modded FCB 1010. Depending on the location, I use inears or wedges for monitoring. MY main sound is variations of the Soundside Fender Deluxe 57. To be more flexible, I play a Strat with a Fishman Powerbridge, and through some of the Preamp profiles even the piezo sound is good enough to use it without further pedals (like Aura).


  • I play each Sunday and use the KPA with a ground control footswitch. This allows for program changes as well as CC for Wah and volume. Currently the main rigs are the Morgan AC20, Bogner Goldfinger, and a Marshall JTM50 Blackflag. I use in-ears 100% of the time now.

    Mostly staying in performance mode so this requires a slot change to add things like delay or more gain. Not a biggie right now, but my plan is to integrate a liquid foot 12+ pedal to allow real time control of all efx and stomp slots, etc.


  • Thanks for the replies, the liquid foot looks like a really nice set up. Are you using a volume pedal with the GCP? If so do you need an expression pedal or could you just use say an ernie ball jr.? Also can you set one of the switch on the GCP to be a tap tempo? How about a tuner? and what did you mean by a slot change to add more gain or delay?

  • For the ground control I have an expression pedal set to control volume. In the new software when you reduce the volume down to zero it goes into tuner mode. That way I use the tuner on the KPA as it's close enough for me to see. I find that swells still work somewhat if I put the volume control after the amp but before the efx blocks. Saves me from carrying around an external tuner.

    I have the old ground control and not the pro. The pro is supposed to let you do CC messages with some of the switches so you should be able to set that up for tap tempo. So you can have one row of switches set to do program changes and another row for CC messages. Since my version doesn't do that I run a simple footswitch to the jack inputs on back of KPA for tap tempo.

    In terms of slots, that only pertains to using the KPA in performance mode. In normal browser mode you pull up a rig via a midi PC command. That just brings up the rig as it was stored. Let's say you want the same patch but with delay turned on, then you either have a footswitch that will turn on the delay in the existing patch, or you need to make another patch with the delay on. Needless to say, the last method takes up a lot of rig space :). The GC Pro can be configured to turn on/off the efx/stomps via CC messages. Only issue is that you don't get any feedback and lights to tell you the current status of the block. Hope that makes sense.

    In performance mode, you have a performance, and each one has 5 slots. So you pull up a rig into a slot, make any changes to it like EQ, gain, efx/stomps etc. then you store that setting in that performance slot. This is all separate from your browser rigs. In theory you setup a performance for each song and it gives you 5 different tones/settings per song. This is all called up via simple midi PC messages. First performance slot 1 is midi PC 1, slot 2 is midi PC 2, etc. so with a simple midi footswitch you can jump through a lot of presets as I like to think of them as.

    Hope that helps! A lot depends on how often you change profiles during a service. If you mostly use one profile and then just add in efx or boosts, then that can all be done easily with the GC Pro or even basic foot switches connected to the back and bypass midi all together. If you change a lot and have wildly different settings, then maybe performance mode makes more sense. Both modes can be handled with the GC pro.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

  • I use the FCB with Eureka chip (not the new one) and a TC electronics Flashback X4 sitting on top of my Kemper. I have used a power amp into a speaker cabinet for a while and then a powered speaker (Alto and EV) and I'm now trying in ear monitors. I've even used an extension cable into the headphone output to try it and avoid batteries going out on me while playing. I typically use my Dr Z profiles, Orange AD30 and some Reason SM50 profiles I made. I use my Les Paul with coil split (series/parallel) and my volume controls and it gets me a wide variety. I've even gone some time without the pedal board and just switching at the Kemper since it is close. I named my rigs 1 Dr Z xx, 2 Piezo xx, 3 Reason SM50 xx etc. so I can simply arrow over fairly quickly. I get a lot of mileage out of a rig and my volume knob on the guitar. I added the flashback X4 to have 4 different delay options to choose from depending on the songs.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • I use my Kemper at church with a FCB1010 uno4 kemper. I don't care for the volume pedal on it as it's useless for swell, perhaps it need calibrating or something. I usually run it through a QSC k10 wedge pointed back at me. Although, sometimes I monitor myself through the churches Aviom system and do my own headphone mix. However, the avioms always feel fake and I lose the sense of how loud my playing is in relation to the band, so I prefer using the wedge. I have a shure wireless system on order, the foot pedal version with built in tuner. I don't have a huge need to move my presets around much, thus I'm tempted to go back to using my rocktron midi mate and forgoing performance mode altogether. I'm planning on getting the dedicated foot controller when it comes it, if that ever happens. Some folks here don't like the QSC, in my opinion it does the job pretty good, though I haven't tried it with anything else. However, if I were purchasing something again, I'd probably buy the Yamaha DX10 that everyone raves about on here as it is cheaper than the QSC as well.

  • I use my Kemper church set up with a Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro. I use mainly the famous Morgan AC 20 amp set up with different gain stages using a couple of Catalinbread RAHs, and also some Orange Amps I purchased from Andy. I have a Mission SP-2 to control my Kemper and Mobius, and a Visual Volume Pedal, but I don't use it with the GCP yet, just in my pedal line. A H9, Timeline, and Big Sky in the effects loop of the Kemper. Everything is controlled via midi.
    The GCP does have the ability to do tap tempo, but I haven't learned how to program that yet.
    I have my GCP set up like this Bank 1-Patch 1. Morgan Clean/Wet 2. Morgan Clean/Echorec 3. Morgan OD/Dry 4. Morgan OD/Wet
    5. Morgan OD/Echorec 6. Morgan Dirt/Dry 7. Morgan Dirt/Wet 8. Morgan Dirt/Echorec 9. Fuzz 10. Swell/Shimmer Pad
    The second bank is set up the same way except with Orange amps.
    Then I program the third bank with this week's set list pulling from the above two banks and adding any different effects that may be needed that week, i.e. tremolo, wah, phaser, etc. I find that I rarely, if ever, need ten different patches in Bank 3.
    Eventually I plan to have my pedalboard off stage, because the footprint is huge, and just have the GCP, a couple of expression pedals and a volume pedal at my feet.

  • I use an old Digital Music Ground Control midi controller. I personally like this one because I can Y off the output of my EB volume/Expression pedal and plug into the two 1/4" expression jacks (mono) and I can control two things at on time. So I can control expression on the Kemper, the H9, M9 and the Timeline all changeable within each patch.
    All my drives, POG and M9( for pitch - wah's and random modulation effects) go in front of the Kemper. My Timeline, Flint and H9 goes into the Kemper effects loop X slot.
    I have three to four amp sounds that I use in the Kemper, I assign these to four midi presets #'s. I set up the Ground Control in four bank preset mode, each bank is a song
    so I can have four presets for each song if I want. Each song/bank will change the Timeline bank, like this - song/bank 1 is bank 1 on the Timeline, song/bank 2 is bank 2 on the
    Timeline. Within each bank on the Timeline there are two preset switches, I set one for .1/8 note and the other is a 1/4 note delay. The reason I like this is for each song I have my four amp settings and one delay setting with my choice of .1/8 or 1/4 note delays and each song the tempo is locked in the Timeline bank. It might seem complicated but I find it much easier this way than to set up a bunch of presets in the Kemper. I used to use the Axe Fx and this is what I had to do, for each song if I had up to four presets all tempo synced for that song, I would have to have about 20 presets setup for 5 songs. Now I have just 2 to 4 amps presets in the Kemper, 5 delay presets in the Timeline. I still use the delay and reverb in the Kemper but only for heavy ambient sounds that I control and blend in with the expression pedal.

    Here is a picture of my pedal board.
    [Blocked Image:]